Valuable stuff you'll never sell

I got a picasso plate from my aunt appraised at $15k to $25k. Last time i looked into it,it was worth $4000 (that was maybe 6 years ago)
Should i sell it or be the thing my great grand children show off as part of the family dynasty.

The Picasso bubble popped in the 80's. I doubt it will ever recover.

Buy Rembrandt.


I'd buy durer.

why do you have this image saved?

be honest

im one of those evil nigs who fucks blondes

keep it m8. Your life will not be changed for 15k

ps. do you have a pic of this?

now why , for real ?

>things you'll never sell
My wife'e engagement ring. My wedding ring. My wife.

I'll fucking die and give my wife my life insurance before I sell those things regardless of how valuable they are.

They mean a lot to me not only because of my marriage but because I was genuinely poor when I somehow scraped together enough to put the last $4000 or so that I had into that ring.

A ticket for the first game of the first world cup valued at 10k

i offer you 10 million for the ring.

I offer you 200 SIGT for your wife

I dont know about "valuable," but i got some ww2 funz from my grandads that I wont sell. Also a kabar that saw action. they'll probably go to my son when i die and guns and knives are illegal like in britbongistan.
I have a really old chevy pickup truck that i'll never sell bc it's reliable as fuck and still gets like 15/18 mpg city/hwy.
my ass virginity

We don't blame you, black women are gross. We blame the women, for being attracted to niggers, and their fathers... and the white men who inevitably come along to raise your illegitimate, half-retard spawn.

The first gun I bought. Springfield 1911 mil-spec. I know, I know. Not worth very much, and the /k/ community will tell you it's not even a very good weapon.

But it's mine, I got it when I was 20 and I love it very much.

you have it framed and not exposed to oxygen? theres acid in paper and ink
i hear there are services that fill a glass with inert gas to prevent it from corroding

I have harvest moon 64.

my soul

My green MAGA hat

not a pic, i kinda remember how it looks though
sorta like this picture

My bitbeans

>valuable stuff you'll never sell

My MTG collection, have over 20,000 cards all sorted by expansion, colour, rarity, mana cost.
Almost all of them are in folders like pic related.
I'm not autistic, but i do sometimes feel like it...


does it have an $$ value

Black men seek out white women because they hate their mothers. And who could blame them.


Last time I calculated its value was when I had around 3000 cards, So I really don't know, but a good estimation would prolly be around $30,000 - $35,000.

Spending most of what you had on a kike trinket.

Stay poor.


nah i just have a thing for platinum blonde chicks especially if they are eastern european. Dont really care about race actually but i do think the left should stop fucking with white people and white guilting them

how much costs a black lotus nowadays ?

cool awesome, i just looked on a site, i see they go and down in value, is there consistent appreciation?

Keep it, unless hurting for cash. It'll raise up in value eventually

thanx, honestly i like art if i had the money id collect more. The reason i got it is because ive always admired it as a child

Same here m8. Sitting on 4 glimpse the unthinkables. $30 card right there. I'd prob put my collection around $1.5-$2k though. Glad I was autistic enough to save all my shit back from nemesis.

Depends a lot on the condition of the card and which block it was in, if it was from alpha and in great condition it's like 25-30 grand, if its from beta and in good condition then about 3-5 grand.

I honestly don't really know, the older cards if kept in great condition will most likely do nothing but slowly go up in value.

Sorry about the late reply, stubbed my toe really bad and just spent 2 and a half hours cleaning up the blood on my carpet....

My shitty old mazda

You'll probably gonna brake it while eating