Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums,

I have $10,000 that I want to invest into crypto. Thinking of putting most into ETH, maybe buy some Bitcoin Cash. Looking for other opinions on what to buy. Any opinions are appreciated, just give me a reason why with your opinions. No shills please

Also side note, I'm not new to Crypto Investing. I bought into ETH a bit when it hit $100 and a long time ago bought into BC at around $12 a piece and sold when it hit around $40.


IOTA. great idea with good backing. gone up a bit though recently but still good buy

I saw IOTA on here recently. Someone posted about it and I looked into it. I like the idea as well.

NEO, thank me later

>invest in crypt
>invest in bitcoin
might as well give it to me lad

NEO has a lot of speculation in both directions right now. Do you have any reasoning behind your claim or are you just trying to sell me on it because you're in it?

Yeah but if i give it to you I have a 0% chance of profit. Better chance with crypto

u have 0% chance with bitcoin, i would have put it into something useful

ETH is an excellent coin and will likely go up to $350 or more within the month. Seriously.

It's the only coin I trust to go up in the mid to long term. The only one. NEO is likely going to crash.