Are there any past UFOs cases that can be considered as reliable or at least head-scratching?
I deliberately don't post this at /x/ cause they believe in literally everything without scrutiny.
Are there any past UFOs cases that can be considered as reliable or at least head-scratching?
I deliberately don't post this at /x/ cause they believe in literally everything without scrutiny.
Yeah how did Hitler escape
Any testimony made by a millitary or a scientist, because they usually have nothing to win by testifying
Most military are not trained to be critical observers and thinkers. In fact it's the opposite. The are trained to follow orders.
Most scientists are very well educated in a very narrow and specialized field. Usually a field that gives them no special authority over ufo sightings.
So no, these reports are no more reliable than those from ordinary people.
What about all the reports from Astronauts?
>I deliberately don't post this at /x/ cause they believe in literally everything without scrutiny.
You are aware this board has a large number of posters from /pol/, right?
Wasn't there a medieval/renaissance account of what looked like a space battle going on above a city in Germany or something?
There are no reference objects for speed or distance in space. An object that zips past your window could be a hundred meters across going hundreds of meters per second, 1000m away, or it could be 10cm across going ~1m/s 2 meters away. And without anything to compare it to, you have no idea.
Try it yourself. Go outside at night and wait for a plane to fly by. Try to guess how big it is, how far away it is, and how fast its moving.
>reliable or at least head-scratching?
Yes. But UFO doesn't have to mean aliens.
Just because you see something odd in the air doesn't mean its E.T. There's probably strange weather phenomena we know nothing about, and also secret government test flights.
There's plenty of unexplainable cases that invoke "head-scratching", even in Project Blue Book, a few of which are famous mass sightings, such as the The Kecksburg Incident (praise be), but obviously no solid open and shut cases, or /x/ would probably be talking about aliens a lot less, and Veeky Forums a lot more.
Such cases always exactly what the acronym suggests. There's no shortage of unidentified flying objects, just a shortage of alien contact.
Knowing some people who serve in the military, I would never trust their word. Those are people conditioned to say what is expected from them. Back in the day the military actually actively spread rumors about aliens in order to divert attention from their own weapon testing/spying/whatever.
But on topic, I believe that Flight 1628 incident and Valentich disappearance could be considered as something more than just some retard wanting attention.
>something more than just some retard wanting attention.
Yeah it was a retard with not enough flying experience (hence the crash) and an interest in UFO's (hence reporting anything out of the ordinary as aliums)
I am not saying that Valentich met ayy lmaos. Still, his case is far more interesting and creepy than your average anal probing.
I like the theory that he disappeared on purpose, though it can't really explain why a cowl flap matching the kind his plane would have used was found washed up a few years later.
explain please
Far as I know, there are some few cases here and there, that are truly strange and didn't have any good explanation. So, for good resource on UFO stuff, just search airplane pilots and astronauts speak about UFO, some cases are truly strange, so my bet that there are something out there that we don't know or at least don't have any good explanation.
Italian security guard became a sort of ambassador for 7 ft tall green humanoids. Claimed that they were wishing to occupy earth, since their home world in the "Third Galaxy," Teetonia, was on the verge of annihilation. That's only a rough approximation of the whole story, which spans almost a decade.
Local fishermen were abducted by metallic "lobster-mummies." On the craft, they were given some form of exam with a device which resembled an eye. After said exam, they placed back on the peer where they had been sitting. People went wild with the story, with a local pastor doing a sermon on them.
They sound like regular anal probings, nothing particularly reliable.
I probed ur mum's anus with my dick
I've read a theory than Valentich got disorientated and flew upside down. I am not an aviator, so I don't know whether it is possible to fly in such way and not notice that.
aviation without working instruments or training to use them can most definitely result in some seriously fucked shit due to various types of spatial disorientation and sensory illusions
That's interesting. Thanks
Zanfretta case sounds like utter BS. Hypnosis is completely unreliable as a method of extracting memories.
And how possibly Aliens' planet is named exactly like a character from Greco-Roman mythology?