Why did the abrahamic religions become the biggest and most sucessfull?
Abrahamic religions
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Arab conquest, forcefull conversion like all the Abrahamic faiths, conversions for power and protection and retards
Because they're the closest to truth
No, but they had the best geographic starting points, able to spread between the ancient superpowers whose descendants rule the modern world.
This meme again
In north africa, islam spread through the berbers easily because of nomad trade and mainly because the berbers were irreligious.
In central asia and the caucasus, the mongols converted to islam because they were tired of the old shaman religions
In Balkans, asia minor and the middle east barring arabian peninsula everyone converted to islam because that was the royalty's religion
you illiterate
Islam is a abrahamic religion?
Yes, obviously, jeez.
Obviously there are numerous readons, too many to list here, but some of the bigger ones are:
Cyrus The Great funding the second Jewish Temple
Rome becoming christian
Charlamegne conquring major parts of Europe and standarizing christianity as the household religon
Etc etc
Because God wills it.
Because deep down everyone hates the homos
T. Muhammad
You are just spouting shit.
>In north africa, islam spread through the berbers easily because of nomad trade and mainly because the berbers were irreligious.
You mean through war. And no, the Berbers had plenty of religious people. They had pagans, Christians, and Jews.
>In central asia and the caucasus, the mongols converted to islam because they were tired of the old shaman religions.
Central Asia was mainly through conquest. Mongol conversions were mainly Buddhist anyways. Even the Mongols in the Mongol empire were mainly Buddhist. Mongolia today is 50% Buddhist, 3% Islam. Many are non-religious.
>In Balkans, asia minor and the middle east barring arabian peninsula everyone converted to islam because that was the royalty's religion
Only muslims could own and inherit and in their system. That's why people wanted to convert.
>you illiterate
Clearly he's the illiterate here, huh?
Rome chose Christianity over Mithraism even though the latter was popular too, especially amongst the military. That's the only reason.
uhh yeah, duh.
>the Berbers had plenty of religious people. They had pagans, Christians, and Jews.
No, not any amount that matters
>Central Asia was mainly through conquest. Mongol conversions were mainly Buddhist anyways. Even the Mongols in the Mongol empire were mainly Buddhist. Mongolia today is 50% Buddhist, 3% Islam. Many are non-religious
>ancient mongols are only today's mongolia according to this retard
you fucking illiterate; ancient mongols were all over central asia, Khazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and all those countries are currently majority muslims
>Only muslims could own and inherit and in their system. That's why people wanted to convert.
false, just like every fucking point in history where the ruing class has a different religion, the people converted to that religion, happened it india, happened in fuedalism happened in africa.
now quit being so fucking arrogant and research it for yourself
> research it for yourself
>Musa bin Nusair, a successful Yemeni general in the campaign, was made governor of Ifriqiya and given the responsibility of putting down a renewed Berber rebellion and converting the population to Islam. Musa and his two sons prevailed over the rebels, slaughtered the civilians and enslaved 300,000 captives. The caliph's portion was 60,000 of the captives. These the caliph sold into slavery, the proceeds from their sale going into the public treasury. Another 30,000 captives were pressed into military service
Local Catholicism came under pressure when the Muslim fundamentalist regimes of the Almohads and Almoravids came into power, and the record shows persecutions and demands made that the local Christians of Tunis to convert to Islam. We still have reports of Christian inhabitants and a bishop in the city of Kairouan around 1150 – a significant report, since this city was founded by Arab Muslims around 680 as their administrative center after their conquest. A letter from the 14th century shows that there were still four bishoprics left in North Africa, admittedly a sharp decline from the over four hundred bishoprics in existence at the time of the Arab conquest.[6] Berber Christians continued to live in Tunis and Nefzaoua in the south of Tunisia until the early 15th century, and "[i]n the first quarter of the fifteenth century, we even read that the native Christians of Tunis, though much assimilated, extended their church, perhaps because the last of the persecuted Christians from all over the Maghreb had gathered there
When on a history board provide sauce for your claims
The page you're citing does not give any sources
>No, not any amount that matters
And what bullshit metric are you using?
>ancient mongols are only today's mongolia according to this retard
>you fucking illiterate; ancient mongols were all over central asia, Khazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and all those countries are currently majority muslims
You mean these areas had and have Kazaks, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, and Turkmen. None of these are Mongolian. Kyrgyzstan has the highest Mongolian population out of those areas at 12,000.
>false, just like every fucking point in history where the ruing class has a different religion, the people converted to that religion, happened it india, happened in fuedalism happened in africa.
"Under the feudal system imposed by the Ottomans, only those who converted to Islam could acquire and inherit land and property, which accorded them political rights, a status usually denied to non-Muslims."
"At a lower socioeconomic level, most new converts to Islam were able to turn their holdings into freehold farms. At the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder were the serfs, who constituted the majority of the population and were predominantly Christians."
"Muslims also enjoyed legal privileges: Christians could not sue Muslims and their testimony could not be used against Muslims in court"
"Conversion to Islam was also used as a way to escape thedevşirmetribute."
>now quit being so fucking arrogant and research it for yourself
Says the one spewing bullshit.
Most people on Veeky Forums just make shit up anyways. No reason to single that guy out.
>And what bullshit metric are you using?
compared to the roaming twareg tribes the religious population was smol
>You mean these areas had and have Kazaks, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, and Turkmen. None of these are Mongolian. Kyrgyzstan has the highest Mongolian population out of those areas at 12,000.
Well let me alter it for you to understand then
>"Under the feudal system imposed by the Ottomans, only those who converted to Islam could acquire and inherit land and property, which accorded them political rights, a status usually denied to non-Muslims."
>"At a lower socioeconomic level, most new converts to Islam were able to turn their holdings into freehold farms. At the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder were the serfs, who constituted the majority of the population and were predominantly Christians."
>"Muslims also enjoyed legal privileges: Christians could not sue Muslims and their testimony could not be used against Muslims in court"
>"Conversion to Islam was also used as a way to escape thedevşirmetribute."
You're right on this one, the extorting Ottoman empiren like the greedy bastards they were, secured their subjects by religion to prevent peasant revolutions and so on. greedy cunts.
The Numidian and Mauri populations weren't that small from my understanding
>Well let me alter it for you so you can understand
You mean completely change you statement because you were wrong. Your claim was the Mongols converted these people.
Kill yourself Retard.
Most sources point to popularism
>Most Pagan religions
>the king and nobles descended from gods and thus they can do whatever they want
>"blessed are the meek, camel through the eye of needle, etc."
>it's mandatory to donate to the poor
You're full of shit. There would be no Islam today without the initial Arab imperialist colonization of Middle Eastern land.
>implying the children of YHWH would ever work with moon-worshipping goat-fuckers
The teachings of Jesus is pretty applicable to many different people's. Don't sin, treat neighbors well all that jazz sounds nice so it becomes an ideology easily adapted
Why do Arabs think anyone takes their fan fiction version of Christianity seriously? You worship stones and made up stories of Abraham being in Mecca. It's like someone writes a Harry Potter sequel then talks shit about JK Rowling.
Define the middle east you're talking about.
It's true though
google the desert of paran
Friendly reminder that the Dark Ages are a myth perpetuated by gaytheists.
because they are the true religions of the scripture, you're all blasphemers and will get a severe punishment in the hereafter if god wills it.
>In Muslim Cordoba, scribes produced 60,000 books a year, while the largest library in Europe boasted just 600
>In Arabic tradition it has often been equated with an area of the Hejaz
>In Arabic tradition
Keep reading about it, not just the wikipedia page
In Mormon tradition the Garden of Eden is in Missouri
In Nation of Islam tradition Yakub (Jacob) created white people on a Greek island
Why do so many college students know about the tao te ching?