What went wrong?
What could have been?
What went wrong?
You could have had nicer uniforms, that's for sure.
I mean they're not terrible...
Shown support for Pedro II's daughters so he can feel like he has a legit heir. That might have prevented the coup that made him abdicate.
This is what went wrong
The people loved Princess Isabel, it was her husband that was disliked, and it was thought that he would be the actual ruler behind the scenes.
He had a nice moustache.
Idk, I kinda like the first two
corruption and impunity claim another victim
Corruption. You can track that way back to the days of the Portuguese. Now we are trying to change that. Hopefully in a century or two we will get rid of that infection.
Damn those are nice- Where are they from?
Brazilian Integralist movement. Basically a fascist movement in Brazil but with less racism and desire to conquer others.
Must be hard to be a racist brazilian, thanks mate
Yeah, it was quite the interesting movement, I often wonder how Brazil would have turned out differently had it taken over.
>tfw if it wasn´t for slavery Brazil would be close to 90% white.
Feels bad man.
if it wasn't for slavery there would be no brazil
Because Australia needed slaves too right? No. Slavery was only profitable for slave merchants.
australia and brazil are hardly comparable
Brasil should be this if anything
Fuck the eternal luso
t. Jamal
How about South and Northeast USA?
This. Liberals and niggers always peddle the SLAVES BUILT AMERICA meme, but the most developed places in America never needed slavery to get ahead. In fact the entire west (think everything west of the Mississippi) developed long after slavery was abolished. Meanwhile the south, where all the black slaves were, was a complete shithole and remains a shithole to this day.
Nope. I´m Brazilian and I´ve read the classics of Brazilian history and sociology (Freyre, Buarque de Holanda, Faoro) and the general consensus is that slavery didn´t help to develop Brazil at all. And to this day the Brazilian black population is one that is non-assimilated, empoverished, dependent on the state, largely responsible for violent crime, and serves uniquely as canon fodder for demagogue politicians and organized crime.
Brazil would be better off without slavery.
What that fuck dude? Are you dumb? We live in a hot country, that shit is horrible to wear in hot country. Fucking fascist uniform fetishists.
Fucking stupid Portuguese colony policy, and also slavery
You'd have another underclass though (not saying blacks are the only Brazilian underclass)
If i see another nigger blaming the portuguese for the shithole that is Brazil today i'm going nuke u.
The last brazillian emperor, Pedro II (lliterally the son of a portuguese king) was in the preocess of dragging brazil to the first world whe he was deposed. Everything aferwards is not ours to blame.
You've had almost 2 centuries
It makes me sad tho because I just love brazil so much
You´re correct. Blaming others is nigger behavior, and democracy was a mistake.
Widespread miscegenation with Negro slaves dropped IQ too much. They would have been better off without the slaves in the long run desu senpai
An underclass of Indians living in remote jungle reserves and mixed race persons is much preferable to millions of negroes in terms of national IQ, crime, etc.. Can you imagine if the Europeans had never imported millions of Negroids to the New World? Or if Southern Africa south of the Zambezi had been cleared of Bantu peoples? South Africa or Brazil with a 90%+ unmixed white majority?
We would be building Mars colonies by now.
Christianity made us weak.
>hurr durr we must feed Africans, give them free stuff. Surely they won´t become dependent on us
Perhaps China will finish the job.