So what's the deal with Alibaba? Is it an actual good site to do business or is it just some shitty Chinese site made for Chinese? Anyone here do any buying or selling on it?
are you kidding? its one of the largest wholesale distributer in the world.
i tried it
for some reason i couldnt even enter any credit card information so i couldnt buy anything
lol small minded amerifat.
>biggest commerce site in the world.
>more revenue/profit then ebay + amazon.
Is there like, a waiting period or something before you can buy on Alibaba? Everything I try to purchase, whether it be Visa or literally any other payment method, I get "credit card payment is not supported for this order."
What does this even mean, I can't find anything on Google about it. I've been looking for several hours now.
tried buying some shit on there before, was pure chinese garbage. tried buying the same item twice from two different sellers before i gave up. products were completely misrepresented and the sellers were a nightmare to deal with.
first one came in the wrong color, seller immediately started swearing at me and accusing me of being a liar and a thief when i asked for a refund. it was supposed to be black, was light tan. i took pictures in multiple different lighting conditions and sent them to him and the alibaba resolution team. he stole those images and began using them on his listing which he's still using last time i checked. after a few weeks of back and forth dealing with this miserable prick alibaba granted me a refund which caused the seller to resort to more petty insults andeven death if i remember correctly.
second one was of ridiculously inferior quality, and thats putting it nicely. was obviously spray painted and made of a hard plastic (was supposed to be soft, flexible rubber). again started the resolution process and was again blasted with personal insults and blatant lies. i just cut my losses at this point and vowed never to do business there again.
they can probably get away with this overseas, but their marketplace would not be in the least bit acceptable in any civilized country.
that being said, i have swing traded them on a few occasions and they are one of the holdings in a few ETFs i invest in. im getting my money back one way or another.
Alibaba is legit. Also dhgate is the same sorta shit. Used to order bongs off there for like 1/10th the price they'd be at the smoke shop. Vape shit as well
Some mixed signals here.
Alibaba is for big bulk orders. Try AliExpress first.
aliexpress is actually the site i () used. one thing he said to me, ive always wondered what it meant. 'da ni ma le ge tou de bai chi, da pian zi'. anybody speak chinese?
I am interested in bulk orders, though. I just can't buy anything for some reason.
You can still get big orders on AliExpress. Alibaba is like giant bulk orders for manufacturers and warehouses and shieeet. And you gotta directly contact the chinks too whereas AliExpress is a bit more similar to eBay/anazon
You can bulk order on AliExpress?
Yeah but you don't get bulk pricing and shipping can be expensive
On AliBaba you need an agent to handle shipping and taxes (who might chink you out), but you can save due to bulk pricing
Most of the time margins are basically nonexistent for sellers on AliExpress, so you hardly ever save anything and only waste time by buying on AliBaba
AliBaba and others like TaoBao sometimes have things that AliExpress doesn't though
For more info check and the dropshipping general we used to have here
pretty much fuck your mom, liar
Huh, thanks. So I guess Alibaba is great for people looking to do it all on their own then?
I speak chinese so I try to go through them offten. ashit will take 3 weeks min to get there. The same headphones that are 30 are 6 on alibabaexpress.
Alibaba is meant for wholesale, not for buying units.
I have the same fucking problem. Whenever I try to pay for something I get this stupid bullshit, on every payment plan. I just want to use my fucking credit card. WHAT MORE DO I HAVE TO DO?
Chinese businesses cannot into credit cards, hopefully they adopt crypto payments for alibaba and aliexpress in the future. China doesn't Visa and Mastercard controlling their financial transactions.
Pure garbadge but pretty useful to find specific technical product