Do Northern Europeans even have a culture worth of that name?
Northern European "culture"
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Looks comfy
say that to my face
who is this
In a sense, Europeans in general and especially Northern ones are less civilised when not in a modernist context. Only three European cities (Rome, London, Constantinople) were the biggest of the world at a time.
So basically yes that have a good and interesting culture, but I'm sorry dude, the "muh bricks" arguments isn't worth much for a culture that is supposed to be kind of barbaric and rural. Cities are for Semites and Chineses. Probably a bit for ancient central Americans as well.
lol no
People who keep perpetuating the snownigger meme are more obnoxious than actual scandinavian wewuzzers.
Well maybe you're right, I'm not a specialist and I had this info from a stupid chart
That still proves even more my point though
t. actual scandinavian wewuzzer
London was the biggest city in the world in the 19th century. Not in the middle ages, it had a grand total of 20 000 people in 1000 AD, there were cities even in Ukraine, Germany and Bulgaria that were bigger at the time.
>Be a Roman soldier guarding the northern frontier
>suddenly pic related approaches you
What do?
Ooga booga where the Roman wimmen at
give 'im a taste of gud roman steel
>lel Europe was so uncivilized they only had the Italic tribes and the Greeks
>Central America on the other hand... They had the Aztecs and the Mayans! Truly a civilized part of the world!
fucking retard
>fucking entire continent of Europe was on a whole much less civilized than this one civilization in east Asia
really made me think
He's just an anti-white. And the "great" Aztec empire were still a stone age civilization when the Spaniards met them.
If you think civilisation is what makes a culture better I think I am not the mentally deficient here. I only said they were less civilised as in urbanized and that it was a characteristic of that cultural ensemble. No need to be such a passive agressive cunt.
>Highlighting that Europeans are not made to be decadent kikes is anti-white
Can you go back to 6th grade and sacrifice yourself on the shrine of history please?
>If you think civilisation is what makes a culture better
Who gives a shit whether or not I believe that
> I only said they were less civilised as in urbanized and that it was a characteristic of that cultural ensemble.
yeah and you're wrong and you're making retarded comparisons
>No need to be such a passive agressive cunt.
wasn't anything passive about it
You're just making the typical anti-european comparisons
>africa was civilized and we wuz kangz and shiet while this one part of Europe above the alps were uncivilized
>therefore Africa > Europe
Northern European culture is just a part of Western culture.
Niels Henrik Abel
You could count the British Isles. Anglos and the Nordic tend to be more practical than artistic, though.
Oh well I wasn't implying it tho, to me if you put 100 10th century Northern Europeans in the same region as 100 whatever century Africans or said uncivilised or fallen civilisation members like anything native of America for one or two century, the Europeans are not the ones who are going to end up in slavery.
So basically we do agree dude
this may look like a winter version of african mudhut society but it looks comfy