How much of your historical knowledge is derived from video games or wikipedia?
be honest Veeky Forums
How much of your historical knowledge is derived from video games or wikipedia?
be honest Veeky Forums
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25% of it is from Veeky Forums
20% Veeky Forums
15% real sources
>15% real sources
Which breaks down to 10% pol and 5% int
I get most of my history knowledge from /pol/ and YouTube.
desu a lot of my geographical knowledge came from Paradox games. Before I started playing them I frequently had to look up maps when reading a book, now I now where pretty much everything is. And I also know a shitload of country flags from six hundred years ago.
Thanks, Paradox
1% School
4% Books
10% Youtube
10% Wikipedia
75% Mount&Blade with various mods
wikipedia did nothing wrong desu
books that do large overarching summaries like wikipedia does abundantly don't really exist any more...everything seems too academic or narrow
Depends on the historical period/event.
As far as broad, big pictures go, wikipedia is responsible for a lot, but in areas I 'specialize' in (Spanish Civil War and French Revolution mostly) I get most of my info from books.
I'm old, and I'd say 90% school... But I've since been having about 90% of that education turn out to be wrong after exploring largely online sources.
10% luck
20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
100% reason to remember the name
50% from books
10% from Wikipedia
35% from YouTube
5% from vidya
0.000% from my terrible history teacher
almost none, i tend to aactually read books.
Although I will say that Rome Toal War 1 helped me learn basic European geography back in the day.
Having been churned through almost all education my parents could get there hands on, I found out on the other side that most of it is useless or downright incorrect.
I never said it did me any good.
>Rome Toal War 1 helped me learn basic European geography
This is something I will never be able to comprehend, needing videogames to learn basic geography. I talked to an American some time ago who told me he needed CK2 to realize where fucking Norway was located, do your geography classes in school just suck this fucking much? It's like needing a videogame to explain the concept of gravity to you.
7% vidya
7% wiki
30% undergrad
56% reading on esoterica (Brill, peer reviewed journals, uni presses, reputable names in the field)
Fucking this. People look at me like some autistic freak when I can start pointing out flags and naming their respective country.
Then again, they may not be entirely wrong.
People tend to think it's kind of neat in my experience.
Our emphasis on geography is pretty minimal, usually just crammed in within a larger Social Studies class.
Yeah, it depends on context. They're usually impressed whenever we're doing trivia and I nail all the geographic questions.
Most American's usually don't care to learn basic geography. I took the time to study a map and learn where the countries of Europe were located, but CK2/Victoria helped me learn more specific geography like provinces and cities.
60% Wiki
10% Books
23.8% Youtube
5.2% Vidya
1% Memes
60% Wikipedia
20% Veeky Forums
10% Vidya
10 % Books
It's mental! I'm from bloody Honduras and I know my geography rather thoroughly. As long as you know most of the major players i the western world- And yet those memelords can't do it
>tfw American
>can point out any country in the world (except for Africa where I fuck up sometimes)
>terrible with pointing out states
I've given up learning African countries because the borders change every decade or so. I can name all the Northern countries and most of the South and Southeast, but the West and Central countries are all a blur to me.
For things I care about, mostly books and academic papers.
For stuff I just want a basic understanding of, Wikipedia and Veeky Forums
Video games are for helping you get interested in something
Age of Empires and Rome total war gave me the inspiration to be the Carthagoboo I am today.
Age of Empires 2 and Age of Mythology gave me to inspiration to be the Norseboo I am today.
>Til Orrustuslag
Loving that guy who sucks at Geography like everyone else but knows that Hamlet was Danish.
>tfw I know 1444 European borders than current ones
When I was a yougin in school and we had just started doing history I was already ahead of everyone in knowledge because of Age of Empires 2 and Empire Earth
underrated post lmao