Are turks pretty much arabs? Literally every turk i see looks like an arab. Why dont they look more asian like kazakh people?
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Turks are mostly descendants of neolithic Anatolian farmers with a bit of admixture from all other peoples that at some point passed through or conquered that piece of land.
The level of Turkic admixture among the Turks is miniscule. Turks however are LARPers who somehow believe their direct ancestors came from Altai and chased away those smelly Byzantines.
Linguistically they are completely different, but genetically it's a really weird story.
"Several studies have concluded that the genetic haplogroups indigenous to Western Asia have the largest share in the gene pool of the present-day Turkish population.[2][2][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] "
Turks are descendant of Trojans
>Are turks pretty much arabs?
I doubt it considering no Arab empire/state have had any significant rule over Anatolia outside the Eastern most part.
And even that lasted for more or less 2 centuries before the Seljuk Turks moved in.
Funnily enough they actually found that guy in your pic.
>Despite being nicknamed a “boy,” Shakeel Ahmad Bhat is a 31 year-old bachelor living with his family in Kashmir, India. As a child, he grew up amidst the bloody turmoil of territorial conflict between India and Pakistan in the late 1980s. At age of thirteen, Bhat joined a local anti-Indian insurgency after witnessing his sister’s death during a raid conducted by the Indian police forces. Eventually, he was captured by the Indian military and spent three years in prison. Though Bhat claims to have put his militant years behind him, he remains dedicated to political activism; he has demonstrated against the Pope’s comments about Islam, against the sexual exploitation of Kashmiri girls, against police violence and against the controversial Danish cartoons depicting Muhammed. When he was shown the “photoshopped images”: of Islamic Rage Boy, he responded:
>“I surely get hurt when I see these pictures. This is terrorism for me. The people who do this are showing their own culture, so why do they tell us that we are uncivilised?”
I bet he gets gibs from the indian state as well.
I think I would actually have some respect for the Turks if they embraced their Greek/Anatolian heritage and didn't just LARP as a pack of slant eyed horsefuckers.
Read a book Christcuck
Those are Kurds. Most Turks I know have a slightly sickly complexion.
Turks are the same racial color as Italians and Spanish. Olive/White/Bronze
Arabs are different. They are towards the Brown spectrum with Gulf arabs being darkest.
Funnily enough greeks are darker than Turks by FAR in my experience we go to Corfu for holiday from Texas every year.
>J1=9%[7] – Typical amongst people from the Arabian peninsula and Dagestan (ranging from 3% from Turks around Konya to 12% in Kurds).
Who knew Kurds were more subhuman than Turks.
Arab isn't a race. Arab is a cultural term. Levantines are similar to other Mediterraneans.
Pic related is the Uzbek national team.
They look no different than the average Turkey Turk.
Turks are central asian, simple as that.
Sure thing, Mehmet. You totally didn't rape the balkan slavs and brought the semi-white babies to anatolia.
>Are turks pretty much arabs?
No you fucking idiot. Turks are just Greeks who practice Islam.
Thats because uzbeks are pretty much half persian themselves
keep dreaming ajam
keep snoozin panjo
Not like it matters. Most Middle Eastern guys are hot anyway.
Sardinians look nothing like Turks on average.
Also Turks are not mostly Anatolian farmers, they mixed a lot with people from Mesopotamia and the Caucasus during the calcolithic and early bronze age so now they're something completely different
He's right though. Why do you also think so many Central Asians still follow several significant Iranian/Persian cultural holidays like Nowrooz?
As man who see how uzbek goverment give to russians/ukranians/tajiks pasports where in graph nationality was written uzbek, i can say GTFO paturkic scum
No, they're very close to the peoples of the Caucasus, and much closer to even Europeans than they are to Arabs.
>The study indicated that the Turkish genetic structure is unique, and admixture of Turkish people reflects the population migration patterns.[2] Among all sampled groups, the Adygei population (Circassians) from the Caucasus was closest to the Turkish samples.[2]
>Other studies revealed that the peoples of the Caucasus (Georgians, Circassians, Armenians) are the closest to the Turkish population among sampled European (French, Italian), Middle Eastern (Druze, Palestinian), and Central (Kyrgyz, Hazara, Uygur), South (Pakistani), and East Asian (Mongolian, Han) populations.[2][32][33][34]
>implying that's an insult
also >implying male
You're also going to imply I'm white too I guess and bitch about white genocide but I guess that latter is rather humorous and sad. So yeah, just assume I'm also white.
Man so much implying.
Those are Levantines. Most Turks I know are darker than arabs.
Most turks looks like armenians or greeks because they are larping armenians and greeks
>tranny faggot
lmaoing@ur life
Wait you're not male? I thought this was a male only board, wtf
Prince Ali? But where is Jasmine?
Why do some people question the Semitic master race?
this pic again
>implying male
Tits or GTFO.
It shouldnt be too hard to tell the difference between a turk and a sardinian
Sure if it helps you sleep at night. lol
Mostly just some insecure males of direct European ancestry. But I know user,it's quit annoying.
*Sigh*Is it too much to ask for a mildly qt middle eastern guy who isn't shorter than me(preferably at least 5'10 but whatever not a requirement), is a nonMuslim-even if atheist- and has similar interests to mine like history, film,and anime?
>And also doesn't mind that I sometimes waste my life on an Chinese imagery board
Should I just give up on life now? pic related
I bet you also thought Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums was male only board too.Oh wait!
I've been to western turkey last month and I saw a lot of different colours. Ranging from white to brown. Whites, from my experience were the majority.
paki btfo
Kek does anyone have any more of these
god tier meme.
So what race are you?
No. Turks are descendants of Mongols and Central Asian peoples who migrated there.
Ancient Anatolians were basically the same as Greeks.
They're Anatolians (for the most part) who follow an Arabian religion and speak an Asian language.
Based Mehmet II, banishing Mycenaean plague.
Some Turks are Asian looking
Looks nothing like him lol
Can confirm, having been to both, meme aside, Turks really are slightly whiter than Greeks
Hector got what he deserved, Achilles did nothing wrong
What? Greeks are significantly lighter than Italians.
No, they arent.
Persians lived in south and middle Iran and never settled down in central Asia. If you mean Sogdians : Yes. The Sogdians are iranic speaking people who lived in Tajik and todays Uzbekistan, but they got assimilated, and where allready mixed. According to Al Jahiz the Turks and Sogdians were close to each other like Arabic people of Medina and Mekka, which means they shared the same culture, and looks and according to Arab sources todays Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were ruled by Turkic people during the time of Umayyad counquest. Even today you can see that Tajiks are lighter skinned and more asian than other Iranic people like Persians or Tats.
Well, I live in Istanbul and yes, many of the people I've seen here are like south and east Europeans, but have you visitted the eastern parts? They look more middle eastern.
>is a 5'9'' manlet though
The man in your picture is neither Turkish or Arabic, but Kashmiri.