>Greetings fellow fashy goys! My name is Herr Jakob Gobellstein...er Josef Goebbels... yes that will do...and we must gas the kikes... nevermind the fact that I basically look like Anne Frank's uncle...I am a fellow aryan and you must listen to me..
really sears your steaks, doesn't it?
Greetings fellow fashy goys! My name is Herr Jakob Gobellstein...er Josef Goebbels... yes that will do...
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Sure is good that Veeky Forums hasn't become /pol/ with dates, right mods?
>Anne Frank's uncle
"lol silly goyim. Why do you think my diary sells so well? Uncle Goebbels has been the one selling it to you!"
>I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.
I wouldn't be surprised if he killed himself had Hitler not decided to fuck around in Politics.
A Jew who kills Jews is a based Jew
Do you think Goebbels would have used anime as propaganda if it existed at the time?
He did kill himself.
All memes aside, Heydrich really did look like a Jew. Goebbels just looks Mediterranean while Himmler looks like a dumpy ugly Bavarian, but Heydrich looks like a complete kike.
Goebbels looks way more Jewish Heydrich...
Heydrich just looks like one of those Baltic germans with a Latvian grandma or something
You literally cherrypicked the only picture where he looks remotely German and it's probably due to lighting. He looks like a Jew on every other photo.
(((Baltic Nose)))
idk where you live that you see jews like that user they rarely have heads that dolichocephalic
Himmler looks like Hirohito
He's not dolichocephalic you idiot, he's clearly brachycephalic as seen here
I don't think so kiddo
>he thinks dolichocephalic means the length of face and not the cranium
You're a literal brainlet
the cranium has nothing to do with it's the overall ratio you chucklefuck
It literally refers only to the cranial ratio you stupid fucking idiot, face has nothing to do with it.
you are mistaken
You're a fucking idiot.
>The cephalic index or cranial index is the ratio of the maximum width (bipareital diameter or BPD, side to side) of the head of an organism (human or animal) multiplied by 100 divided by its maximum length (occipitofrontal diameter or OFD, front to back).
On every picture you can see his cranium is pretty broad.
You are literally wrong
>look mom I'm baiting Veeky Forums
Are you actually stupid? Do you understand how the ratio is measured?
I literally copypasted how it's measured right here: apparently you're illiterate.
If you took a tape measure along the x axis all the way around what would it look like? And now they y?
They're not just talking ruler to the top of the head you dense fuck
Obviously you idiot it goes all the way to the occiput. But face has absolutely nothing to do with it. How would you classify the guy on this pic? According to your brainlet logic he's dolichocephalic while in reality he's extremely brachycephalic.
He literally isn't you illiterate kike baboon, his skull is broad.
>not answering the question
You're a cuck
Are you fucking drunk?
>STILL not answering the question
What's your question again? That dude has a sloping forehead but measurements start at the brow therefore he is dolichocephalic
>Armenoids, the quintessential brachycephalic type, are dolichocephalic
OK I'm done with you, you're a complete retard.
That is not a typical Armenoid. Pic related is.
>That is not a typical Armenoid
Yes it is.
>Pic related is.
Their skull shapes look very similar.
thats yosef goebbels. yosef was of spanish Jewish stock, a morranos, a crypto Jew and called Rabbi in the school. the spanish Jews converted and fled spain to Holland, Germany
was he the mastermind?
>Hanussen, a member of the race the nazis were pledged to exterminate
>hitler's personal rasputin, mentor, advisor
>taught hitler fiery-speech style, how to hypnotize the masses
>mentored, advised, financed the nazis
>advised and persuaded Germany's rich, powerful industrialists to support and vote for nazis
>secured financial funds for the party
would the nazis have been powerful, without the leadership of Hanussen?
Eva Brong
This distinction is so important for people to understand.
The Nazi party was helped in it's rise to power by the Banker Emil Georg von Stauss for the Rothschilds
Rockfellers also owned IG Farben throught the Standard Oil Co. Inc., this isnt even a meme
This is an amusing attempt to bash the neonazis you idiot.
If you want something else sage these and actually start quality threads about other things.
>The American eugenics was funded by various corporate foundations including the Carnegie Institution, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Harriman
>German Nazi eugenics was funded by he Rockefeller Foundation.[8]
>The Rockefeller Foundation even funded Josef Mengele
>Population Council Established in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III, with important funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The Council has its roots in the discredited eugenics movement.
> Planned Parenthood received extensive funding from John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his family, who continued to make anonymous donations to Sanger's causes in subsequent decades
3) Eugenics against Jews and creation and building nazi Germany via GM, Ford, Carnegie, IBM, Rockefeller...
>General Motors and Ford creates the motorized nazi war machine
>IBM partners with nazis to efficiently run the extermination of millions in Europe with IBM systems
>The Carnegie Institution and its sponsored movement spent millions to propagate American eugenic theories in post-WWI Germany, financing race science programs in universities and official institutions. These included the idea that Jews must be eliminated.
>Rockefeller funded Hitler’s chief raceologist Otmar Verschuer and his insatiable twin experimentation programs.
The Genocide, Eugenics and Birth Control movements were forced to completely re-make themselves after the Holocaust.
ie: away from hard genocide, to soft genocide
Returning to the root Malthusian hysteria, they repackaged their agenda as based on ‘over-population.’ Many, if not most, of the measures entertained prior to the Holocaust remained on the table for consideration. Only the reasons for implementing those measures were changed. Thus, in the 1950s and 1960s, calls for ‘population control’ increased in frequency and volume. See Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb” as one example that made a dent in popular opinion.
But population control advocates understood that the scope of the problem they were presenting required government action at all levels. Thus, Richard Nixon was prompted to enact population control legislation (still in force today). In 1972, Nixon would call for a commission to ‘study’ the problem and present recommendations. This is known as the Rockefeller Commission Report.
The two names most prominently listed on the Jaffe Memo are Bernard Berelson and Frederick Jaffe, the one responsible for the memo itself. These two same individuals were members of the Rockefeller Commission. Berelson was a full commissioner, while Jaffe was listed as a ‘special consultant.
Then the early 20th came along, some ruthless guy named Rockefeller started a company called Standard Oil...and everything went to shit.
Its actually amazing how much one man cucked the USA, and in some ways the entire world. He's not Rothschild tier, but he's pretty close.
Anyway, the USA doesn't want to use less oil, because guys like Rockefeller wanted to use the most oil possible. He not only helped kill/restrain our railways, but he also battled Henry Ford over making sure automobiles ran on oil instead of corn grain alcohol (which would have made more sense in every way)
All this shit we have now. The Global oil market, Saudi Arabia controlling the petrol dollar, etc etc. It can all be traced back to Standard Oil (Rockefeller)
The construction of the first World Trade Center was conceived by David Rockefeller
In 1946 Winthrop Aldrich chairman of Chase bank ( and uncle to David and Nelson Rockefeller) explored the feasibility of the World Trade Center project.
Port Authority formally backed the project on March 11, 1961.
On January 22, 1962, the two states reached an agreement to allow the Port Authority to take over the railroad and to build the World Trade Center on Manhattan's lower west side
Protests before and while the World Trade Center was constructed, as to whether the Port Authority really ought to take on the project, described by some as a "mistaken social priority". (the goyim sensed the masonic b.s.)
real estate developers and members of the Real Estate Board of New York also expressed concerns about this much "subsidized" office space going on the open market, competing with the private sector when there was already a glut of vacancies
Yamasaki as lead architect, who had previously designed Saudi Arabia's Dhahran International Airport with the Saudi Binladin Group (more masonic molochism)
The plaza was modelled after Mecca, incorporating features such as a vast delineated square, a fountain, and a radial circular pattern. Yamasaki described the plaza as "a mecca, a great relief from the narrow streets and sidewalks of the Wall Street area.
twin 110-story towers
demolition work began on March 22, 1966 to clear the residential site, Radio Row