What should be a required reading list to comment on Veeky Forums?

What should be a required reading list to comment on Veeky Forums?

Pic related.


This desu

I agree

Too controversial and theoretical to be on the "required" list.


this one definitely

The fact that it's controversial is exactly why in my opinion it should be read. Fires those neurons you know?

Depends on the period of history, for antiquity, I'd say the following should be sufficient for at least a basic grasp.



I guess so



Jered will kill any man who disrespect his book.

Everything about how he's holding that bow and drawing that arrow is wrong.

How about required watching instead

No some areas use that "thumb grip" (not to be confused with the "Mongolian draw" with thumb ring).

That melanin-enhanced gentleman probably taught him to draw like that.

you mean "required burning"

True. Even if you don't agree with most or everything in the book, it's best to at least read it to know why. This way, you form well rounded opinions.

The Wages of Destruction.


All John Green and lindybeige videos.

Get a load of this triggered pussy.

Haven't watched any Lindybeige videos, but I've seen a few by John and they freaking awesome!



If that rag is going to be on the list then you may as well add "A People's History of the United States," "How the Irish Saved Civilization" or other such revisionist trash.


I know this thread is bait, but this one is pretty essential


wtf am i looking at

He's not aiming at the roodypoo for starters.

Is there any truth to this series or is it just a load of bullshit? What do they say about the Holocaust?

it's six hours so I haven't watched it all...

but the general vibe isn't really "the holocaust never happened" but more like "hitler/nazi germany was more complex than you realize"

Per that other user in the past thread. Inb4 that leftypol-tard that gets triggered by Bloodlands.

So, uh.... ya like ww1?

That user had said that the list has room to grow, but those books had been recommended by Veeky Forums to him in these types of threads.

Pure bullshit. It's nothing more than a low-quality /pol/ meme that is only taken seriously by NEETs who have lost all hope in life so they turn to hating minorities and falling for literal Nazi propaganda because they are just that detached from reality.

carry on

do you really need to employ ad hominem to debunk GSNT?
if you intended to enlighten someone with this shitpost you've failed

Similarly, pic related. Speer has an inside view, but he also has a pretty major bias.

nice bait


The Collapse of Complex Societies by Tainter



required burning list maybe

that book is rubbish
you should read some stuff by actual historians, not this garbo

You know those insane Ancient Aliens people who believe every single innovation ever created was a gift from super advanced aliens?
Replace aliens with Chinese and you get that book.

>Too controversial
It's on the reading list of most college history 101 courses. It's not fucking Braudel, but it's a tolerable entry level book on historical geography.
The only bad part is that the author writes in a rather affected fashion that gets really bothersome.

it's pretty much all bullshit

If you give even the tiniest shit about naval history, read these. They're fucking long but really good. First one is more personal and political and leads up to WW1, and the second one is more technical but still involves a good chunk of policy.

They're extremely detailed and not just about botes, but botes are cool so they feature heavily. Don't expect much trench warfare tho.

Some of the shit in the movie, like the Danzig Massacre, is completely made up.

Unironically planning to read this after i finish Dancing in the glory of monsters

Pic related is fanfuckingtastic. It was my first college textbook too so it's still pretty accessible.


This book is like GG&S, but better in every way. Also read The West and the Rest

It has some of the Penguin History of Europe, but not all. Any reason why?

Good contributions.


More primary sources