Why are you guys obsessed with lambos/mooning but you keep promoting coins that already have gigantic market caps like $500+ million or even $1+ billion? If you want to moon, focus on these ones. Most are shitcoins but I'm sure you're smart enough to come up with a small list of ones that have potential.
Why are you guys obsessed with lambos/mooning but you keep promoting coins that already have gigantic market caps like...
So the higher the marketcap, the least it could moon? Or what
If there's 10 units of this shitcoin at 10 bucks each, the market cap is 100 bucks. If you want to make it 100 bucks per shitcoin, then it has to be pumped from 10 bucks a coin to 100 bucks a coin, totaling 90 bucks times 10 coins = 900 bucks.
So for a billion dollar coin to double, you need another billion injected. While the pajeet ones only need like a whale injecting 1000 btc to make moons.
half the threads are about sigt which is on there
Silver is the next bitcoin - Should see $150/oz when this next stock carsh hits soon
Now you've just learned that most Veeky Forumsraelis are poor
Cuz they're stupid. Just stfu and don't talk about this obvious thing. Some people are just born to drive civics.
promoting shitcoins just before a crash is bad advice.
we're "obsessed" with lambos and mooning because we want the status, freedom and hot gold-digger gfs that go with those two accomplishments.
mainly, it's just a funny dumb meme that people use to spice up the language. sounds better than the usual "lets get rich!!"
i personally call them glambos because they are all about glam and are quite feminine.
it would be more badass to buy a tank and outfit one's own private paramilitary/bunker after crossing the $1+ mil mark.
driving around in a lambo with some whore doesn't sound like a good time once you factor in the downside and boredom that will ensure.
If you goys go getting into the pajeet tier consider being able to actually sell come moon time. A classic example is the scamcoin XBY which still appears mooned over 300x, however you would never be able to actually extract any profit. Don't be too greedy and make sure you're cashed out to a top tier coin when you get the chance.
This is one of the most basic questions in investing. The shitcoins can pump the easiest, but it may be difficult to convince a single person to even think of buying some random fucked up coin.
It is like getting a car. You can pick only two of these qualities: fast, reliable and cheap. The fast and reliable car will not be cheap. Your cheap and reliable sure as fuck isn't going to be that old trans am.
That's why I keep saying buy some fucking BitBay.
DGB will soon be on that list. Bow before the BANCS.
age-old question of Quality vs. Quantity...
we can diversify across 10-20 different shitcoins, or just hold BTC and ETH. what will go up faster? some of those shitcoins, yes. but what has been the tried and true leaders? BTC and to a lesser extend, ETH has been rebounding.
Buy IOC before it pumps and you fomoing retards buy the ATH.
I'd like to buy some OMNI because they are the one responsible of Tether, therefore proving they got the tech and their shit together. But then, nothing on a short term basis is going to make them moon. They are good devs with a good tech, useless coins and tons of competitors. They don't have the shill army of the fucking ants or beans.
Is xdn a good buy?
I have interest in the coin, though havent accumulated yet. I believe there is a mobile wallet coming in q4.
>Aventador SV
Lmao, I don't think so. And since they fucked that basic info up, who knows what else they got wrong
I'm definitely throwing a few K at some shitcoins with moon potential. Take SIGT for example:
I own thousands of SIGT right now. If that coin for whatever reason goes from 9 cents when I bought it to 50 bucks per coin... I'm set. If it doesn't, oh well there goes a little money. The majority of my money is going to bitcoin for sure, but it seems foolish not to at least try to hit a couple huge >100x waves with coins like SIGT.
It's impossible to have good volume in those shitcoins. You'd have to diversify a shit ton which is suicide.
I don't actually want a lambo. I just want to make a modest return, trade my shitcoins for fun, live semi-frugally with 1 or 2 luxuries and never have to be a wagecuck.
>Viacoin VIA $2,563,070
>CloakCoin CLOAK $2,429,000
>Namecoin NMC $2,259,870
>Counterparty XCP $1,477,080
>ION ION $1,438,580
>Skycoin SKY $1,285,380
>Gulden NLG $1,241,770
>FairCoin FAIR $1,059,030
>ZCoin XZC $924,530
>BitBay BAY $822,155
>PotCoin POT $820,249
>MonaCoin MONA $777,231
>I/O Coin IOC $688,034
>BlackCoin BLK $488,581
>Vertcoin VTC $472,158
>DigitalNote XDN $412,544
Highest volume from that list.