I hate SIGT I hate hate hate it
I hate SIGT I hate hate hate it
I hate money, too.
Ah, I see you also bought into SIGT
Only makes sense, if you hate money of course you'd like to lose ALMOST 20% on this piece of shit
>implying I bought in at ATH like a dumb cuck
I bought SIGT before I told you to buy it at 700.
/comfy/ here, cucklet.
I wasn't on here when it was at 700 ya bastard
Anyway you've already said this a billion times today thanks for proving that the only time this piece of shit was worth buying was when it was 700 APPARENTLY
Nah. It's still worth what it's selling for now or the market wouldn't sustain it.
You must be new here, so I'll give you some advice: the best, absolute best, way to make money is by chasing pumps, buying high, and selling low. In that order.
Granted, you won't be making yourself money... but my gains have to come from somewhere.
I'm still mining 75 siggies an hour. It's literally free money.
You failed to mention the $15,000 capital investment.
its hard for people to learn isnt it.
if you were dumb enough to buy at the second 4k+ peak, try be smart and hold out for 6k instead of selling now
Which goes straight onto ebay in a couple months and resells for $20k ;^)
>I paid thousands for graphics cards
>its literally f-free money r-right
I was making money fine buying ANS low and selling high and holding my BTC and START but then I got suckered into this trash because it kept going up and scammers kept posting about it saying it was going to breach 5k and that it was going to 10k new bottom would be 5k and it would go up to 7k and in the end you're all liars
Maybe you should've bought in at 600 instead of being a FOMOfag?
Also ANS never went down as soon as I bought so I never had this problem
>actually following what hyped up anons (they are very excited, not scammers) say during a massive pump
come on dude.. at least now you know better. dont fomo buy
Oh yeah let me just hop on my time machine and tell myself to browse biz at that time do I could see yet another random coin being shilled and go into it out of the 150 other threads for coins here
I want even browsing Veeky Forums much at the moment
SIGT has been the #1 most shilled coin on Veeky Forums since the day it launched. You have no one to blame but yourself.
lol no I checked the archive it was just a few minerfags talking about it for at least a week when it was announced
And ANS has been getting shilled way way more
dude just suck it up. you werent thinking clearly and made a purchase.. boo hoo its dropped 800 sats.
wait a week or two and see what happens or just send me your coins, because the way you are crying makes me think you may as well have lost all of them anyway
>lol no
You clearly have never visited Veeky Forums before if you are pretending there weren't dozens of SIGT threads a day.
It was pretty lowkey when it first launched.
Everyone was legit discussing the coin and then it spiked to 3500-4k sats.
I remember an early miner dude(didn't have many graphics cards just got in early) who sold his shit for 1100 sat and then everyone was saying he'd regret it the next day.
After that it went to 1500 sat and then so on so forth.
Seriously though, barely anyone shilled it b/c it dropped really hard after getting to it's first ATH.
I hate bagholding
I've gone through too much to end up sticking sharpies in my ass, this is too much and wasn't supposed to happen to me at worst I should have gotten out at 4700 but
I've gone months without taking any hits Well that's not true but this is the first time it's been so much percentage of my money and so much room to fail and to make matters worse it's just when she getting out of that cursed gain sucking month
They didn't even start until the end of fucking July What I can't stop browsing Veeky Forums for a few weeks while it's in shill overload and BTC is doing virtually nothing
Why the fuck are you pretending SIGT is some staple of Veeky Forums it's been like 2 fucking weeks
how many coins can I mine with 1 GTX 1060?
Why is everyone shitting themselves, this fucker still went from 700 sats to 4000 sats in a week, have some patience and belief ffs
20 a day before halfening
I am selling this coin. It has no real future, community is just a bunch of shills. Sold 50k at 4200
get your pink wojaks ready m8
Yeah no, you'll be the one needing the pink wojacks.
Right. Halving is in 700 blocks, the marketplace is soon to be launched and at this volume Bittrex is just a question of time now.
It'll stay that way, absolutely. Fuck outta here.
When did you buy at?
>buy "privacy" coin
>use it to buy goods to your home address
What does he mean by this
Why don't you cut your losses?
have we got an eta on bittrex?
I'm pretty much at 0 now, but it's not a lot of money and thinking of staying in.
>buys at ATH
>complains about 24-hour long bagholding
Wanna know how I know you're an idiot?
Fuck it.
All in.
See you all after the halving.
Based on looking at the richlist, several top 1% holders have liquidated their supply. Not a good sign. Looks like a couple have begun to cash out approx 100k+ BTC. Definite pump and dump, get out while you can.
I've made the same mistake with this shit coin during the first pump; entirely my fault. Even the people on the bitcointalk thread are saying that now isn't the time to buy, so either hope for a recovery soon or just cut your losses.
The way i see it, i either lose $2k or easily make $20k after a week on bittrex, i for one like those odds
couldnt come sooner enough ffs
thats how whales work you simp
LOL you're gonna lose the 2k.. Seriously dude get out now
Fuck it, out at 0, I'll buy it when it launched on bittrex and seee where it goes
Freefall incoming.
Dude you should jump on the newest privacycoin. You can buy stuff with it and send it to your home address.
Too risky now wew
4500 or 4600 was my safezone for getting out
Man the only other time I was in a predicament like this was when I bought WAVES at 250000, but then START AND LBRY were mooning at the same time so they softened the blow greatly and WAVES didnt sink like a rock either or go this low
If I sell this now I dont know where to begin making up the lost percentage, which was partly why I was so quick ti get into this, I cant spot any other moons in the horizon right now
33% down
I tried to warn folk, the mods and devs are exiting.
Fun times, looks like I broke my virginity and fell for my first Veeky Forums pnd scheme since coming here...
If it breaks 3k, get out, get out.
2750sats and falling
Bought at 3400 and managed to get rid of them at 3300-3250
>people thought it wouldn't dip for the halving.
Yes goys, sell your bags so I can buy them cheap
>Bought at 3400 and managed to get rid of them at 3300-3250
It's recovering, 3000 now
3700 already
RISE YOU BASTARD, RISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Already back up 3.9k
Stop panic selling you idorts
>back to 3850
what the FUUUUUCK
Bought 1590 at 4800, I can literally feel my money coming back.
Moon mission?
To all who sold it below 3000, just wait for the next dip and gl
this coin just rose 1000 sats in like 2 minutes
>flipped 30%
yes baby
My over night buy order worked like a charm, thanks panic sellers.
On another note I never want to see this garbage exchange again when I am done with this
4000 BTFO
Really glad i didn't sell
Hopefully it will get 6000 by the end of the day
FUCKING THIS, page was at 0.5fps for like 5 minutes.
>back to 3200
I want to get off Mr. Sigt's ride
Well boys, that was great, but I'm not going to risk another ride with this shit site.
Are you guys dumb enough to fall for a whale dump?
Wtf, the price is jumping around so much, this is going to be a wild ride today.
nearly, placed sell order at like 2800, nobody was buying, had a smoke and thought fuck it, cancelled order, im sticking with this coin even if it buries me
30 BTC buy support cashed out. It's time to exit before you really get hurt guys. The price is going one way, use your imagination
What do you all make of this?
whale manipulation. fud
I love retards who don't look at charts before buying
I did but someone told me I was wrong
LOL u dumb poorfags sold to 2600 sats
hahaha bought back in at 2800.
People abusing their twitter followers to stop price corrections.
Did you seriously fall for it? I hope you bought more instead of panic selling.
That was such a easy profit, holy shit. Got 5k coins at the dip :^)
I wish I did, but Cryptopia's such a terrible site with insane lag; it's not meant to handle such volume.
What's the cheapest coin to transfer that's actually stable?
LTC or DGB are fast as fuck and its not like they'll dip hard in minutes
Litecoin has worked well
>bought SIGT at 700
>sold at 4k
literally free money. Thank you Veeky Forums for showing me this little gem
Was a mistake imo its gonna hit 5k.
But for a small timer kid liike you good job.
Might wanna buy some back I guess, it's at 3700
You know how it is... you don't make a profit until you sell. Might buy back in if the price stabilizes
Yeah didn't tell you to go all in, its at 2600 now
if cryptopia wasn't so shitty this would be perfect for daytrading
It's good enough for swing trading
only 57 BTC to go
What are you talking about?
to reach 4900
till liftoff, user.