>Von Clausewitz
Why do they do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Small dick syndrome
Only the last 3 are bad
They are like the kid at school who gets picked on by everyone then one day spergs the fuck out
Merkel unironically did nothing wrong.
Same with Alaric, the Romans were total dicks.
>Directly causing a race war
>Not wrong
There is still hope for Germany.
Don't you mean this guy
Why did the scorpion sting the frog user
>not getting the jokw
>booming economy
>falling crime stats
I am the fist to admit that the refugee thing needs to be handled way differently but you should stop reading Breitbart.
You forgot a Frederick.
>implying Friedrich II wasn't based as fuck
>capture Jerusalem without fighting
>fund Fibonacci
>chill and write a book about Falconry
>settle Muslims in mainland Italy so they stop being uppity and become 100% loyle
Everyone who doubts this is a papal cuck.
I think Asamoah is too old for the Nationalmannschaft now.
Wilhelm didn't even start any wars
that's unfair
Only the last two are bad, the rest (aside from Luther) were only expansionist just like every other world leader and Luther was only trying to reform a corrupt, materialistic Church.
Why are there so many anti German posters on his? Is it French/Polish influence or are you guys just trying to become anti pol by turning their Prussia/Nazifetish around? Its not a general anti war stance cause you worship Napoleon and Ottomans for some reason
Meds always whine about some ancient Aryans but never acknowledge that Caesar and Augustus were Saddam Hussein tier and the only party truly responsible for the decline of civilization
Every board is anti german by now. It's the Veeky Forums reverse culture. Everything we like now will be disliked tomorrow because this place is full of fedora tipping hipsters and people that are still in puberty even though they are 23 years old.
also most Germans on flag based boards are leaftier shitposter which caused an ironic anti german mentality that later evolved into actual germanophobia.
short version: Veeky Forums is autistic
>he fell for the ottomans are the legitimate successors to rome meme
At least in regarding to current events, /pol/ is anti german and can arguably be considered pro slav.
High overall percentage of eternal anglos and Trump posters masturbating to alt-right and British Empire ideologies. And also general left wing populists butthurt with Merkel.
Ah, the irony...