Stock market at all time highs

Where does it go from here? What are some good picks to invest in? Defence? Tech? Retail? Lets say some real shit pops off in korea or russia or china then what happens? Have a strategy u would like to share ?

- Allow Dollar Cost Averaging
- Utilize Tax Loss Harvesting
- Invest as normally

For me - I've got nearly 10-11 months of emergency funds at current monthly spending levels.

I would just ride it out.

im not touhing that shit

tech is a good bet, long term, apple/microsoft/ibm, and google/amazon if you can afford them

>buying in at the all time high

Never change Veeky Forums, never change

there's huge fomo in the market right now, dips get gobbled

> Buying the greatest PnD initiated by the banks all around the world ever.


I got my shorts lined up. Lets see how it goes

If war:

Cyber security
Short on harbors and sea shipping
Long local grown food and local energy production

Long gold, oil wti, us grain etc.

If you are us, else focus on your own region


what is fomo ?
inb4 newfag

fear of missing out, it's what kills most traders

what u shorting ?

op here
whats the deal with all the bitcoin type threads ?
how many "cryptocoin" companies are there ?
is this where the money is at?

Sit down and read before you ask any questions like this. You're welcome, because that's the best advice you will ever get on crypto.

Be warned though. The stock market is boring as fuck if you get seriously involved with crypto.

Wait for another '08

Crypto will go up as a safe haven investment and you'll be able to buy in to the stock market at ridiculously low prices

true true
silk,gox,btce,fbi,winklevii,ico,hacks,civil war, 50% / day increase = normal,

makes most everything else borin

Just buy ETFs and growth funds

This. It will be beautiful.

But literally everyone starts acting depressed and gloomy and shit and fucking boomers always make the assumption "well, everyone got hit by the market. nobody could have predicted this. It was nobody's fault." And all that shit and they expect special privileges and shit.

We probably wont survive another 08 considering we still haven't recovered from 08.

>inb4 muh BLS numbers
They are and have always been completely inaccurate.

the stock market has, the real economy hasn't. But then again the real economy will never recover, globalism is literally killing us

I don't know what's going to happen if another 08' happens (I don't think one will for a while). Will everyone dump cash for crypto or dump crypto for cash? It could destroy the crypto market or bring it to crazy new highs.


That is Veeky Forums's secret to success. Every other source will just tell you lies as everyone is trained to buy low and sell high to make money. But the real secret to wealth is to buy high sell low, till you lose everything. And once you have lost everything following part one of Veeky Forums's four part strategy you will have nothing to lose.

So you can rob banks and make it to the top fast.

But if you really want to know parts 2-4 they to be truly successful they can be yours for free if you just send me $1000 in unmarked US dollars of mixed denominations.

how many gallons of oil should i buy or is that not how it works? if not why don't you explain more clearly. i don't have a portable 1000 gallon oil tank or on to burry

hahaha you are a faggot.
but you already knew that as you laughed to yourself while writing that sneakily witty response in your head, thinking people we think i am so witty smart. fucking faggot.

Oh no I meant invest into oil companies. Such as Royal Dutch Shell. They pay out 7-8% dividend (Meaning you get 7-8% of what you invested back as long as you own the stock every year).

The stock prices are low now so It's really cheap to buy them and they will probably rise again in the future as oil prices increase again.

I'm willing to bet that investments into oil companies (Especially good ones like Shell) will have higher ROI long term than cryptocurrency due to this.

You basically can't go wrong because even If I'm wrong and oil will forever stay low you still get 8% ROI a year and it's still an amazing investment even then.

the market will stay artificially propped up for another 15/20 years until the boomers dont need it any more

No. The reason stock market is at an all time high is because interest rates are at an all time low.

State treasury bonds and having money sitting on the bank yields almost nothing. You even lose money to inflation. Thus average day people are incentivized to buy stocks causing the stock market to be at an all time high.

When the interest rates get higher again the price of a lot of stocks will collapse due to diminishing interest and need for stocks.

t. Industry analyst.

(Please ignore this post if you are a conspiracy theorist and if that's the case then please also don't reply to this thank you)