Anyone down for a map thread?
I was wondering if I could find one from the age of exploration, not relating to Indies but the whole rough draft of the globe and perhaps some cool ones of afrika
>here is my contribution
Anyone down for a map thread?
I was wondering if I could find one from the age of exploration, not relating to Indies but the whole rough draft of the globe and perhaps some cool ones of afrika
>here is my contribution
Other urls found in this thread:
The Fra Mauro map, "considered the greatest memorial of medieval cartography" is a map of the world made around 1450 by the Italian cartographer Fra Mauro. It is a circular planisphere drawn on parchment and set in a wooden frame that measures over two by two meters. It includes Asia, the Indian Ocean, Africa, Europe and the Atlantic. It is oriented with south at the top.
The Fra Mauro world map is a major cartographical work. It took several years to complete and was very expensive to produce. The map contains hundreds of detailed illustrations and more than 3000 descriptive texts. It was the most detailed and accurate representation of the world that had been produced up until that time. As such, the Fra Mauro map is considered one of the most important works in the history of cartography. It marks the end of Bible-based geography in Europe and the beginning of embracing a more scientific way of making maps, placing accuracy ahead of religious or traditional beliefs.
The maker of the map, Fra Mauro, was a Camaldolese monk from the island of Murano near Venice. He was employed as an accountant and professional cartographer. The map was made for the kings and rulers of Venice and Portugal, two of the main seafaring nations of the time.
I'm listening to a podcast about Rome and I'd love to have any and all maps to follow along with.
More interested in territory over time but anything is great.
Here's one but next time, don't post stuff that's not maps in here.
Perhaps this one will be to your liking.
By the way, here's a bigger version:
Unfortunately too big to be posted here
>north african coast
>black/azov sea
When is this map from?
What the fuck is the island between the arabian peninsula and india.
At first I didn't recognize shit,then I figured out that the image is upside down. Very nice map btw.
Travel before commercial airliners must've been so cool. You had to actually cross entire provinces/countries to get to your destination.
You could've just googled the filename, you know. It's 1507.
Not even Portolan charts accurately showed the more out-of-the-way areas such as Scandinavia and the Black sea as most traffic at that time was still in the Mediterranean. The map in question is not a Portolan chart so it's less accurate even in the Mediterranean.
You mean the big island? That's Sri Lanka. The long appendage which I presume you meant with India is the Malay peninsula.
I think that is india.
>upside down
That's just, like, your convention, man.
It's unfortunate they didn't cut Hungary up even further after WW1 desu
Detailed map of Rome at its height.
This is peak autism.
>map of Constantinople
I wanted to get this one printed in full scale. Anyone got any other tips for maps of 18th-19th century Guinea (specifically Gold Coast, but map of what was there before the British came)
What the Hell is this picture? You disgust me, user.
Here's something a bit better
Have a compromise of English language and high information content
I was going to post that one, actually, but I couldn't find it. Thanks, I'll save it again to make sure.
Ah yes, the tri-national Slovenia map. Always interesting too look at
Why isn't Pan-Bantuism a thing?
>No or slight constraints
I'm not sure if we're on the same page here desu
From the time I have spent on African forums I would say Bantu supremacists are a thing, they even have a similar thing to the Aryan guys here in the west where they have the pure Bantu conquerors spreading and getting corrupted by mixing with the lesser races like pygmies etc.
From what I have seen they tend to just get memed on though.
Link to african forums please
>Guineans are not present in Guinea nor Guinea-Bissau nor Equatorial-Guinea nor Papua New Guinea
They live in the region of Guinea
A combination of local tribal and clan identities being more important and the fact that the corrupt leaders of the nations there know that they would be out of their redundant job if their fake European drawn countries were replaced by a larger "Bantu Nation".
Nice, I love these comparisons
My favorite is the US with each country's european GDP counterpart listed
Why the Hell are most of these maps in German? I can't read kraut, damn it.
There's always time to learn the basics, at least. When it comes to history, it's good to know a bit of German and/or Latin.
You should understand most of them from the context unless you're a brainlet
Angola is the bomb
Well, I know some of it, like how the post above you is Austria-Hungary.
>being this butthurt
I know it must be hard to go to Bratislava or Cluj, and see that everything you built just degraded these places.
Butthurt? Not really
Best Germany
That's a small map
for you
>not making the irish green.
Any cool maps that feature the monsters and such? Why did they do that? Human imagination ?
This map is the reverse, or something
Here's a version that's more recent, has it broken down by zip code, and has the Irish as green.
>that zoom in of ohio/wv right where I live
we /serbia/ now
it's metastatised
>hispanic (white)
north korea....other meat...oh god the implications.
I don't get what this map of Japan is meant to convey.
Why is there no, like, 10,000 x 10,000 version of this map on the web?
Map by Ptolemy of Alexandria.
>Lower Danube Countries/Lands
Never heard the Balkans called that before
Noricum and Pannonia lay south of the Danube but they couldn't be considered part of the Balkans
Never existed. Romanian fairy tale
Rumanian. Call them Rumanian.