Why are there no black classical music composers?
Why are there no black classical music composers?
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wow! /mu/ shitpost became Veeky Forums shitpost now?
Low IQ, no joke.
they had their own type of music that was that the same genre as classical.
Why are there no Asian classical composers?
wasn't* woops
um try again sweetie
One of the greatest musical geniuses of all time, puts Beethoven and Bach to shame.
true, you'd have to be pretty dumb to write classical music
Everything he produces is a classic
Not only IQ, but classical music demands high levels of concentration, not only to listen but to compose, which requires a years of study, in short, the ability to postpone pleasure or low time preference, not the black man´s strongest points.
That being said, the black man can be very musical in nature. They would make good instrumentalists, if they weren´t required to learn how to read musical score and olympic levels of dedication to one single task.
Are you talking about modern times or historically? this thread was so non descriptive. If OP meant historically, you/he are literally retarded.
Classical music is/was an upper class thing and by the time black people had made it into the upper class, jazz had already been invented
>who is Julius Eastman
Plus cultural differences. Asians didn't make much "classical music" either besides their own style of music. I still don't know what time period OP is focusing on though. this thread seems pointless.
According to Black Hebrew Israelites, Mozart was black.
They are not wrong
>why was European music composed by Europeans?
Gee I dunno
once again.
Pretty much this and the one mentioning class.
Jazz is the black equivalent to classical
>Why are there no black classical music composers ( read: Why are there no africans in european of a specific class during a specific timeframe that didn't have any africans? )
Go away /pol/ you're obnoxious
I know a few black classical composers. They're not big cheeses though. In general, I'd say that the low number of black classical composers is due to the African-American preference for jazz, blues, rock-and-roll, gospel, and other "folksy" styles of music rather than the "upper-class" classical music.
"I wanna fuck you hard on the sink" -A classical artist
There's Joplin.
There are also many Asian composers and conductors though.
Kanye West has nothing to do with western art music in any way, retard.
Chevalier de Saint Georges, but his works are honestly pretty lame
Anyone can play instruments. Niggers are not musical they are primitive and like low pitch noise like rap or bongo drum beating as music. Sophisticated classical music is too boring for them.
Aren't Anime OSTs just discount-bin Rachmaninoff tho
Fucking this. And you could also lump lots of jazz performances and compositions into the art music category
Joseph Boulogne
Samuel Coleridge -Taylor
Julius Eastman
They were too busy surviving in theyr shithole of a continent or being slaves