I really think that William McKinley is one of the most underrated Presidents...

I really think that William McKinley is one of the most underrated Presidents. Not because of what he accomplished during his short tenure, but because of what it signaled and started. The Spanish-American war was (in a vacuum) a fairly minor conflict, but it was the first time the USA had waged a war against a *truly* foreign enemy.

While McKinley might have died early on in his presidency, the things he set in motion resulted in the current American Empire, and for that reason, it is him, and not Teddy Meme-sevelt, that I nominate for the title of Eternal Burger


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>but it was the first time the USA had waged a war against a *truly* foreign enemy.
Good to know the Mexican-American war never happened. Thanks senpai.

He was a Freemason so of course everything he set in motion was diabolical in purpose

I put * around truly for a reason. Going to war against your next door neighbor is not and should not be considered a foreign war, every country in the history of mankind has done that shit, its just the human condition

>it was the first time the USA had waged a war against a *truly* foreign enemy.

To the shores of Tripoli, nigger

I should have elaborated in my OP, while the action against the Barbary Pirates was far from home, its scale was far smaller, in manpower, length, and international significance

Just admit you had no idea the Mexican-American war happened, make it easier for yourself.

That was World War II

Wait, so the Mexicans were too close and the Barbary Pirates were too far?

This is an awfully specific definition here.


Taking action against pirates, even those somewhat aligned to a nation state, is not the same as a nation v nation war

Honestly this. He really was an underrated president.
>last Civil War veteran elected to the presidency
>first modern presidential campaign: regional strategy and national effort
>opened up primaries on the local, district, and state levels
>managed to beat William Jennings Bryan's rhetoric with sound policies
>reached out to Jewish, Scandinavian, and Catholic immigrants, as well as Union and Confederate veterans
>expanded America's power and furthered our interests

Comparing the Barbary pirates to the Mexican-American War and the Philippine Insurgency is like comparing Trump's Syria strike to the Iraq War, except we ended up winning in the Philippines and modernizing the country and creating a strong ally to this day.

I maintain that the US won in Iraq, but lost the War on Terror.

It's like the opposite of Vietnam, where we lost the war but won the Cold War.

>first modern presidential campaign: regional strategy and national effort
He ran a "Front Porch Campaign" i.e. he never left his house after he was nominated until the election was over.

>the Barbary Wars were WWII

>If there are any more anti-American protests in Cuba we'll be forced to intervene
>Sends a ship on a """"friendly"""" visit to provoke exactly that
He was literally a sociopath

>Removes one of the only secular regimes opposed to radical Islam in the region
>His removal allows the Iranian backed Shia militias to gain huge influence in the country
>Pissed off unemployed and militarily trained Sunnis go on to found ISIS which is destabilizing the west to this day
Maybe if they didn't disband the Iraqi army this could have all been avoided

>Going to war against your next door neighbor is not and should not be considered a foreign war,


McKinley did everything he could to avoid war. Warhawks like Teddy, Yellow press, and financial interests combined with Spanish Imperial retardation were just too much to stop.

>Falling for his 4D chess
He literally did everything he could to ensure Spain and America would go to war, including telling them to go and get fucked even when they accepted every single demand. Joke was on him and Teddy though seeing as there was an amendment put through about Cuba becoming independent so all they got was shitty Puerto Rico and a shit counter insurgency in the Phillipines