Germs break non aggression pact, treacherously attack your country

>germs break non aggression pact, treacherously attack your country
>they kill 27 million of your citizens, mostly women and children
>they raze 3,000 cities, 17,000 villages to the ground
>they kill your son

>exact no collective punishment on the germs whatsoever
>convince FDR and Churchill not to punish Germany too much
>create a party for ex-Nazis in the GDR (Socialist Reich) so they don't feel so despondent

What kind of a man is free from the base instinct to seek revenge after the most brutal war in history?

He could've easily deported most Germans to the Soviet Union to help rebuild what they destroyed, but he didn't.

He could've gloated over the victory, but instead tried to establish friendship between Germany and the Soviet Union.

He could've supported Churchill and Roosovelt in claiming Germans are an inferior, inherently barbaric nation that should never again have industry or military, but he didn't.

Can you imagine any other WW2 leader showing the same kind of mercy?

Other urls found in this thread:

the things he did made him stop feeling emotion long ago

>He could've easily deported most Germans to the Soviet Union to help rebuild what they destroyed, but he didn't.
But he did?

He forced Wehrmacht POWs, Nazis, and other fascists from Hungary and Romania to help rebuild the country. But regular civilians went about their regular life. In contrast, the germs planned to enslave and kill most Slavs and other Soviet nations

Well, the Soviet involvement in the Nuremberg Trials prevented the defendants from effectively raising the "ex post facto law" defense that the Brits and Americans would have had to honor, thereby leading to the execution or imprisonment of almost the entire Nazi leadership in an act of vengeance unprecedented in modern history since the end of the dark ages.

>>they kill your son
didn't he free his son from a concentration camp and then send him to a gulag for violating Article 58 by not dying in battle?

Not OP but yes

No, he refused to a prisoner exchange offered by the Nazis and his son eventually either died on an electric fence trying to escape the concentration camp or was shot by a guard.

Stalin was partly to blame for the expansion of the German war machine. He was on Hitlers side in '39.

Any clemency he showed, which was little was probably out of a sense of guilt more than anything.

Or committed suicide.

>hang the German political elite
>divided up Germany and kept his half under military occupation for over 40 years with a brutal secret police killing anyone who expressed dissent
Yeah, Stalin sure went easy on Germany...

How is executing a dozen war criminals comparable to killing 27 million people in a genocidal war of aggression?

He seems to have only been interested in killing his own country's citizens.

These commie shills are getting more aggressive every day

Then Stalin raped and tortured his own son for days before taking a shit on his dead body. Then he cut him up into little pieces and flushed them down the toilet, just because he was so evil. I'm so glad the Chosen People took out that psycopath on Purim 1953, so that a group of wise old men can finally tackle the real issues facing humanity, like anti-semitism

>act of vengeance unprecedented in modern history since the end of the dark ages

Bitch please. The German people should be thankful their entire race wasn't utterly exterminated in retaliation for their actions in WW2. Entire tribes were annihilated over far lesser atrocities during the Indian Wars and conquest of Siberia alone.

NazBol pls go

East Germany was better than West Germany. Honestly the modern liberal Germany needs to be nuked.

>>they kill 27 million of your citizens, mostly women and children


Germany was stupid instead of slavs and jews they should have genocided anglos.

The very concept of "war criminal" was alien to European consciousness before this. It was a basic matter of honor that you never killed the leaders of an enemy country, no matter how much you hated them and how brutal the war had been.

Just look at Napoleon for instance. He was a far more prolific conqueror than Hitler and he was literally given an island to live on in luxury when he lost the war. He eventually came back to try to conquer again, and even then they just sent him back to another island instead of jailing or killing him.

I looked it up and I'm wrong

he just did that to the PoWs that weren't his son

It's the Northern Germans who were (and still are) causing problems. Southern Germans lost.

So why is it bad to kill the leaders? Are you a national leader or a cuck?

Except WW2 wasn't a normal war. It was a total war and Hitler wanted to complete exterminate certain ethnic groups and destroy communism (Commissar order).
It's in no way comparable to Napoleonic conquest.

what a ridiculous and edgy thing to say

Napoleon never advocated genocide, and never killed civilians en masse like Hitler did.

The Nazi attack was unprecedented in its savagery. The leading Nazis openly talked about eradicating the inferior Slavs to make way for German colonists. Hitler was writing about this in Mein Kampf, back in the 1920's.

If Stalin was really as cruel and evil as they say he was, he would've dealt with the Germans the same way the Germans planned to deal with the Slavs.

Stalin was very pragmatic. His goal was to turn the whole Germany into either a neutral country (without American troops) or maybe even a communist outpost.

Democracy and liberalism was a mistake.

More like more desperate. Just point and laugh, retardation is a pre requisite for being a commietard.

It is estimated that hundreds of thousand of ethnic Germans died from forced labor from deportations carried during the war. Needless to say, deportations didn't end with the end of the war. Also, they imposed communism on Germans. Soviet regime was harsh on Germans.

Except the part where he literally took all german industrial capacity brick for brick and assembled it back in the ussr to rebuild his economy

That 27 million death toll is entirely his fault. It could've been a third of that if he hadn't purged the people who actually knew how to fight wars.

>commietards actually believe this

Soviet regime was harsh on everyone.

>It is estimated that hundreds of thousand of ethnic Germans died from forced labor from deportations carried during the war.
Mostly PoWs, and I think Volga Germans were deported somewhere to Kazakhstan.

being part of soviet union is definitely a punishment

>>they kill your son
Didn't the G*rmans offer his son in a prisoner exchange for a Field General? The response from Stalin was something like "I will not trade a major(or whatever rank his son was) for a Field General."

Stalin wanted to round up 20,000 German army officers and have them summary executed and when he mentioned it at Yalta (???) both Roosevelt and Churchill laughed and Churchill thinking that Stalin was joking said something along the lines of "why don't we make it 40,000?"

Napoleon fought defensive wars almost entirely. He was also actually a brilliant general and a very merciful man personally.

Comparing Napoleon to Hitler is an incredible insult to the former.

Germans believe this. Most Germans who lived in the GDR have only good things to say about it. Google "Ostalgie".

I'm actually a fascist. I just realize that western liberalism and democracy is cancer and communism is preferable to it.

Communists and fascists are equally retarded. You should move to China or maybe even North Korea if you hate liberalism and democracy so much.

>It was a basic matter of honor that you never killed the leaders of an enemy country, no matter how much you hated them and how brutal the war had been.

So people can just do whatever horrible things they can imagine without any consequences?

>Oh good, we have food, it's such a horrible situation! Wouldn't it be great if somebody just made all the food just....disappear?

China's not bad but I'm not Chinese or atheist. I think we should live in a theocracy like Saudi Arabia or Iran only Christian.

Yet in democracy we have fags and trannies and fat tumblerinas and other shit libs on the internet. None of that was in communist nations.

Only 24 of the biggest names were put on trial, 10 were put to death. Karl Dönitz who authorized unrestricted submarine warfare was only given 10 years.

Tens of thousands of nazis got away with it, most of them ended up leading the german government post WWII.

>ex post facto law
>everything would've been fine if we got away with it

You know, during the war the krauts killed entire villages of people in France because someone killed a german officer nearby. There wasn't a trial for anyone, only an execution.

Posts like yours remind me of how every smelly fucking kraut (man, woman, child, elderly) alive today got mercy they didn't deserve at the end of WWII.

>most of them ended up leading the german government post WWII
I think you exaggerate a bit.

>None of that was in communist nations.

Neither was food. I like food user.

Haha! Epic win! Lulz level ist OVER NINE THOUUUSAAAAND :P. Commies just got epically pwnaged XD

There was food. Famines stopped being a problem after 1947.

>Famines stopped being a problem after 1947.

Epic memes centipede bro! Unironically kill yourself as soon as possible

Yep, no famines after 1947.....or wait, what's this? A massive famine? After 1947? Preposterous! Just wait till the Politburo hears about this.

Its good to Know Soviet Union is China

Good to know that China wasn't communist during the 1950's and 1960's. OH WAIT IT WAS.

>I'm actually a fascist.

We were all once 18 and edgy. Then we found a job and moved out of mom and dad's house.

>I just realize that western liberalism and democracy is cancer and communism is preferable to it.

You're misinformed about both, try thinking for yourself for once instead of /pol/.

West German government and yes it was.

>West German courts only convicted around 6,650 ex-Nazis
>8.5 million members in the nazi party
>wir gehabt dindhu nuffin ja!
>ze winners may write history but ze losers get to rewrite history

Should've pulled a trail of tears on the krauts and made them walk to siberia, through the ashes of every village and city they destroyed.

Just use your brain a little and you can almost imagine a city being like an island when you're surrounded by pissed off ivans who are expecting you to attempt to break out. After all, kraut kang adolf wouldn't just let them all starve to death in Stalingrad, right?

>he thinks china was part of the soviet union
you're literally retarded. go back to /pol/

It still wasn't Soviet Union. In fact, by 1960s China was considered a bigger threat to the Soviet Union than Western Powers.

The poster that I'm replying to was advocating for communism/fascism in general, not specifically the soviet union. However, the Soviet Union wasn't particular great in that regard either.

You claimed that there were no famines in communist nations. This claim was blatantly false. Nothing more needs to be said.

>he thinks gorbachev's soviet union was communist

This is all true, but I still doubt most of them ended up leading the German government.
But it's true that some of them became really powerful, for example Hans Globke and Theodor Oberländer .


Famine occured regularly in China and Russia before communism. After 1947 in the USSR and after the GLF in China there were no more famines in China or the USSR.

Meanwhile, in "democratic" capitalist India 70% of children are severely malnourished. In capitalist Africa, famine is an ever-present danger to this day. Malnutrition is even rampant in some parts of America, like Appalachia and the Missisippi delta.

I didn't even mention the tens of millions who died in intentional man-made capitalist famines, like the Irish famine, the Bengali famine, and others. The British oligarchy knowingly starved these regions so they could profit.

Capitalism has starved, tortured, enslaved, and slaughtered over 100 million people since the Industrial revolution.

Stalin didn't really for his own citizens proven by the fact he killed 20 million more Russians without German aid.

>i believe everything people in authority tell me to believe because i'm incapable of independent research and critical thinking

Don't forget Stalin's baby murders, the least known of Stalin's atrocities. My grandma told me Stalin would prawl the streets of Moscow every night, personally knifing every baby that wouldn't utter "Stalin" as its first word. Then he roasted them in a stew while mastubating and laughing maniacally. He force fed the baby stew to the babies' parents - if they refused, he would rape them, torture them, and boil them alive, relishing in the agonizing screams of his victims.

>They didn't end up leading the german government
>except that guy, that other guy, and that guy too, and thousands of others

He didn`t even cared about his son lmao.

Stalin was a weird and fascinating person.

>literally projecting


Sure it is Fritz.

Don't look at hard numbers that calculate the deaths because it might make your brain explode. Stick to /pol/ infographs with big bolded words.

btw most people who entered the gulag left alive, kraut camps on the other hand...

thanks to world war 2 stalin take over half of europe, he was propably really glad hitler was born

Was Stalin übermensch?

>Hitler invented genocide, which was never at any point practiced by the allied powers

>no true communism!
Nah, I jest. You're right. Were it true communism the people in that picture would be skin and bones crawling on the floor, desperately trying to reach the shelves only to realise they don't even have the few pieces in that pciture.

I get that english is your second language Fritz, but the fact that krauts exist today is proof that you are actually right.

>genocide which was never at any point practiced by the allied powers

Reminder (Before Molotow-Ribbentrop-Pact):

Shortly after Molotow-Ribbentrop-Pact:
Turns out Stalin and the allies had a pact of thier own:

Erkki Hautamäki, “Finnland i stormes öga” – Finnland in the eye of the Storm

Basically according to Mr. Hautamäki's book:
* On the 15th of October 1939 an agreement was signed between Stalin and Churchill (the allied forces). The core of it was the plan to destroy Germany both militarily and economically. Churchill’s old plan regarding the Scandinavian operation was also accepted.
* When the general courier of Stalin was transporting the strategic war plans from Churchill, the air force of Germany compelled the airplane to land on 9 Feb. 1940. During the examination of the air crew and the passengers, all documents were photographed. Hitler received exact information about the attack plans on several fronts of the allied forces. He thus started a preventive attack plan in Norway. Stalin did not know that the plans had been revealed.

>extract no collective punishment on the germans whatsoever
lol okay no you totally did you lying commie shithead, see: the history of wwii soviet rape in germany, the even-today-fucked-compared-to-the-rest-of-germany state of east germany

lying cunt

Sure is propaganda here.

Fake. Stalin hated the British empire and was genuinely shocked at Hitler's betrayal.

>trying this hard to defend ur brainless Argument
total kraut

Assuming the prokarelia-Article delivers the information portrayed in Mr. Hautamäki's book completely and correctly AND taking it as a starting point in a hypothetical scenario:

How would Stalin have reacted to Hitler's betrayal.

>they kill 27 million of your citizens
Wow they were almost as effective as he was!

Wish anticoms were less retarded so they could at least form coherent segments of thought

So what? Being a member of the NSDAP doesn't equate being a criminal

>Being a member of ISIS doesn't make you a criminal!


Spotted the /poltard

Stalin secretly appreciated the lesson the Germans taught his people.

You have to be 18 to post on this website

They don't even bother hiding it. They admit it openly, without a hint of shame. They boast of murdering the man who saved their race from certain extermination.

>yeah they may have not had food or good living conditions or the right to do anything without being harassed or constantly in fear but at least they didn't have a certain group of people i don't like even though they don't really do much but get laughed at

>he thinks hundreds of millions of people managed to survive without food for more than 80 years

>very merciful man personally
You sure? He could be a massive prick among his colleagues, exiling at the drop of a hat.

he fought a defensive war in Russia?

Napoleon wasn't a saint, but he was certainly no Hitler. When he invaded Russia, he wasn't trying to genocide all Russians, he just wanted to conquer territory.

>this much historical revisionism
The soviets were the harshest against the germans

Russia during that period had a lot of French nobility and intelligentsia coming over in Russia's attempt towards westernisation. However, due to deteriorating international relations, this French minority started getting mistreated and stripped of their rights. The final straw was the June Massacre, in which over 1600 French nobles and intellectuals were rounded up and brutaly murdered by a mob in St. Petersburg. This resulted in Napoleon's decision to invade Russia in order to protect his people.

>disliking Stalin means you're /pol/
Fucking moron. Go back to /leftypol/ and stay there.

apart from the whole genocide thing, he was literally hitler

so the definition of defensive war is meaningless