Signatum is not that bad

Guys, just look at their website, well designed, there is love behid it and a good dev team.
Buy in before it is too late and HODL that shit till it hits bittrex.
Haters gonna hate, people who want to make money just do it. ;)

PS: i know what i am talking about, i studied on a business school in europe and have 3.7mio and i am 27 years. Not getting financed by daddy. All selfmade, i am in the crypto market since 2015.

if it was shit it would have collapsed back to 700 again by now. haters are indeed gonna hate.

it still might once the mining halves.

Yes i can proove it, a am a trader ad cryptrade capital if you want to give me your email and i invite you to our next event.


Oh man, i grew up without a mom, stay poor beggar or work for it.

I've been in crypto since 2012 and I agree with OP

same. I am around from late '12 (bitcointalk account from jan '13)
I am pretty comfy on top50 richlist.

ps. OP that crypttrade capital is not MLM shit? daily withdrawals and interest seems shady

Well fuck you. There goes my 100$ again. Bought in at 2700 sats, could sell for 4500, decided well what the fuck? 70$ ain't gonna change my tomorrow. But thanks to this thread I now know I've been scammed yet once again by Veeky Forums I hope you're happy faggots, take my 100$, hope it makes you happy, I don't really care at this point.

Halving the mining will increase value, by definition.

dude lose your pants. Its 15days year old coin. In one week from now you will transfer sigt from craptopia to bittrex and had x3-x4 profit if you will be not a pussy

well fuck you to fucking moron, sell low, buy high stupid faggot

>take my 100$
mhh ok


Guys my sigt was worth 1.2 btc yes. Now it's .88. Is this going to recover or should I take my profits and run

>Loses $1000+
>Take profits
Stay frosty biz

it's. a. 3. week. old. coin. just think about that for a minute.

>He probably entered with 0.3 (or at least he never implied he got into it at 1.2) and got a maximum of 1.2, now he is asking if he should retire at .88...
>hurrddurrr 0.88 - 1.2
Truly a Veeky Forums visionary. Funny thing he is so retarded he believes everyone else is retarded...

HOLD. Bittrex is coming to liberate us from the anal warts fuckhole that is Craptopia. The halving happens today or tomorrow, which makes the coins harder to mine and therefore more scarce, increasing value.

Tbh I'm getting sweaty hands here Veeky Forums.

I consider myself a retarded newcoiner. I started out on normiebase with 50 eurobucks, just buying and selling the litecoin waves. After that I got some nice eth waves. Now my all my shitcoins combined are worth 1.5 btc. I got in sigt at 950 after a kind Veeky Forumsposter mentioned sigt. I have 10k sigt. Do I wait until it hits bittrex? Do I sell once it's 4k again? Even if it "only" hits 10k after it hits bittrex, it could pay for a nice part of my medicine study.

hold it m8. Bittrex should be in next week. If you are not comfortable with this sell now for your initial investment. When you take money you have nothing to lose

will pullback to atleast

dont think it will pull back that far. looks like it already hit bottom of the handle

>Bittrex should be in next week
where are you getting this from?

from devs. fee is paid, bittrex now review code.
It will be sooner than further

Fellow newcoiner here. Just bought $200 worth of Bitcoin off Coinbase and transferred it into Signatum. I'm not an expert on this shit but just looking I think I can ride the bubble up to it being at least until SIGT goes for 1 USD a piece.

I got in at 1k sats faggot. So yeah still profit

lol fag this shit will never be listed on bittrex. you sigt faggots sound more and more like the ans faggets, only shill, no arguments or sources, just a few dumbfucks shilling all day.

this coin will have a massive dump tomorrow and then left alone by the miners, cuz of block halving my nigger.

There is nothing we can talk about if you think ANS is a shitcoins

>this coin will have a massive dump tomorrow and then left alone by the miners, cuz of block halving my nigger.
anyone currently mining this coin knows that it's still profitable even after the halving, retard

>There is nothing we can talk about if you think ANS is a shitcoins

> only shill, no arguments or sources, just a few dumbfucks

In fact, it'll still be the most profitable coin for me.

How many of us warned you only to get called FUD?

I don't know if I dump my eth and buy more SIGT. I have 1300SIGT. What do you think, SIGTMARINES?

buy buy buy

>When someone has 1 more SIGT that you

I saw a thread here hiring people for "shilling a coin" and then sigt mania broke out.

I think its a well coordinated pump and dump.

GL with half the reward, 4000000 Nethash and 50k difficulty. guess u dont pay for energy

Can you prove its linked to sig? If not you could be shilling also right?

Not sure why everyone is freaking out.

This is actually a very positive sign for the coin imo. Even after a huge dump of 30BTC it's has a strong foundation/support backing meaning people are still buying. We're currently at 3479. Honestly if you we're wanting to get in i would get in now or you could take the risk of waiting for the next dip. Which might now come til Bittrex.

Can't prove anything, it's just a guess

that was for teatoken, dummy

god these fucking dumb whales are manipulating the shit out of the prices...

selling for 3530... ppl literally buying at 3600..

be more obvious nigger.

Don't dump all the ETH, but do buy more SIGT.

u cant shill hashing power, i bet u guys will Say its PnD even after Bittrex, see u on the moon kys

How much?

a few thousand coins should do

Miner here. Not the biggest, but not the smallest... 32x 1070s. Been aimed at SIGT for the last few days, not planning to dump any coins or move any of my miners from 30k-60k blocks. Next halving happens at 60k. We'll see what the price does. I'm balls deep.

>3850 sats


Fuck off with your gay ass fag comics

>PS: i know what i am talking about, i studied on a business school in europe and have 3.7mio and i am 27 years. Not getting financed by daddy. All selfmade, i am in the crypto market since 2015.

i'm 23, have €26 mio studied at harvard and you are a piece of shit.

PS: i know what i am talking about.

how dumb can you be ? KEK

Trader here. Small whale

I have 100k more on exchange. Not going dump shit before bittrex. I am FUDing here a bit and manipulate price to collect as much as I can. MY goal is 500k before POS. With such amount I will generate like 70 SIGT per day for doing nothing.

See ya on the moon

I didn't know you only had $60 in ETH. Maybe just keep everything where it is.

You realize there now 77 btc in buy orders, up from 50 btc yesterday.

It's going to spike up and down, as there are like 80 blocks left before reward split.

Might drop down to 10 cents and then bounce back to 15-25 cents.

You could make a lot of money if you know what you are doing.

>only have 5,000
>figure it's alright

>others have >100,000
>tfw I'm Saiyan saga level and others are Ginyu saga level

Wow user..sorry
S-someday I'll have $120 in eth

I'm just not sure it's worth the ETH long term is all.

The price fluctuated for a few minutes again, the number one on the richlist sold off this morning and then bought back again a few minutes ago.

Trade wise, always put stop losses and learn. Go to and lear to read the charts. You gonna make it m8

there are no stop losses on cryptopia. by the time you enter a price in the shitty ui and it actually responds, the price has dropped by 300 sats


Yup, goes into spastic fits, impossible to speed trade. Bittrex or bust.

you can put automatic trades like stoploss via


it's pretty obvious 2 whales are fighting

one is trying to drop the price, the other is buying his 'bait' sells as soon as they appear

Thinking exactly that.

>40 blocks till halvening
>these fluctuations
>that laggy site UI


Huge sell and buy orders going on. Let the whales get what they want.

i'm anticipating absolutely NOTHING will happen to the price for a long while. expect swings from 2500 to 4500 in the next few weeks

i tried to ride the 'swing' yesterday and got my asshole enlarged (ui delay, rampant botting)

I'm retarded and bought in at 3900. Will bittrex save me?

Are there any bots that actually work? I feel like using one just to see how it goes.


Im retarded and bought 1.5k at 3.3k 950 at 4.5k and 100 at 3.9k, i also mined 1k.

It's killing all my neo gains.

Yeah... Good Lucky y'all.

the fact that the whales are spending so much time with this coin says that they believe it will grow greatly in value.
Earlier, a whale dumped about 30 BTC worth and it didn't cause as much of a dip as you would've thought. Then, when the price got below $0.11, a whale suddenly bought a bunch to push it back up above that mark.

What you say appears to be true and I can only guess that one whale is trying to drive the price down as far as possible while the other whale is attempting to keep the coin stable at above the $0.10 mark, presumably to discourage normal holders from panicking and abandoning the coin.

"Never sell what you mined" .. will be holding on to it, no matter what. Mined around 3500 coins.. let's see :)

Been mining on a 1060 for a while now. Only have around 1.5k coins. Going to just hold and stake hoping to have some real gains years down the line.

one thing I know for sure after getting burned last night

trading at this point is gambling and you can get lucky 3 times, but you can easily end up at a net loss after the fourth attempt

when in doubt, hold

can confirm, i was one of the shillers and i am sorry that... i left early, man i could've made a killing, damn shame.

It's halved now fyi

No official confirmation of this.

mfw knew this all along

jesus fuck cryptopia is shit


pretty comfy on 20k sigt if this hits even 50¢ I'll obviously be quite pleased. it's all a matter of when it is listed on bittrex, desu

Just ran from 2600 sat to 3100 in a minute. That's 20%, holy fuck.

Someone keeps trying to pump the price back up with pathetic buy orders. This shit is crashing hard. I can basically break even if I bail now, think I might pull the trigger.

yeah 0.5btc worth


>Selling before it gets added to bittrex.
>Hating money this much.