If you could go back in time to participate in any war, which would you choose? I think the American revolution would be pretty cool.
If you could go back in time to participate in any war, which would you choose...
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Napoleonic wars
gulf war desu senpai
30 years war, the banter would've been 10/10
>tfw no Veeky Forums in 1618
"General Lee sir, may I recommend that since we do not have the resources to launch a full-scale invasion of the North that we should relegate ourselves to lighting fast raids into Union territory to keep the majority of our army in Virginia?"
Right alongside you.
The Great Emu war.
I don't have delusions of grandeur about surviving in most other wars.
>Learn Koine Greek
>go back to Byzantium circa 600 AD with a car and a rifle and explain both technologies as best as I can
>Byzantine-Sassanid war of 602 is a complete joke as the Byzantines now have firearms (maybe cars, but that's doubtful)
>in this timeline Islam is just some weird Arabian death-cult, not a major worldwide religion
>General lee i have an idea
>it's something i call "trench warfare"
greco persian wars
would love to scream ''VICORY'' against the inmortal persian empire.
also would really hate the outcoming in the war against Sparta.
spanish civil war
I'd make sure Scipio doesn't leave Ticinus alive
Which side?
>who the fuck are you? Where is you commanding officer you upstart brute? I'll have you flogged for speaking out of turn you filthy pig!
Han-Chu contention.
war is wrong, I wouldn't participate in any, apart from the war of the kettle
what part of it exactly? please elaborate good user
You took my idea
I change my mind, other user can take the Emu War, I'll rep the great wolverine state in the Toledo war. It might be a bit of a risk, but statistically it is highly unlikely I'll die. Fuck Ohio.
>Guns sucked and were not reliable nor very efficient
>Infections were common and tend to lead to common amputations with reused tools, especially around the Civil War
>Treatment and surgeries for injuries or infections were done with poor medicine, lack of sanitation, and no anesthesia.
Pacific War
Probably some Greek city state infighting, they tended to just slap each over a bit and then retreat.
I'd join the conquistadores, just imagine to cross a whole ocean to crash an ancient empire, bang countless whores, pretend to be vice-roy and genocide a whole continent just by sneezing
The nazi invasion of Denmark. I don't think it can get better than that.
the good side
You realize like a tenth of the male population the colonies died in that war right?
yes, treading upon a people without a militaristic vein must be a boost to the old ego
i dont care about ego. i just want to come back home with all my body parts
mi amigo
Doesn't sound like Lee at all
>I do declare, this summer heat is playing on my senses. What is this pillow biter doing in my tent?
Irish War of Independence so I could shoot that faggot De Valera.
any particular reason you Irish are given to bloodthirsty kin-slaying?
The Cod Wars. In service of Iceland of course. A worthy cause but not too dangerous.
Civil war
The Seven Years' War. I'd love to strap up in dope ass regalia and conquer French Territory for King and Country!
>Getting a thousand pipe smoking tea sucking redcoats fired
That's my boy!
They'd never be able to produce a rifle. Even a musket would've been a challenge for the metallurgists of the time to produce in numbers large enough to equip a formation of men with them. Cars are right out tbqh.
Rhodesian Bush War or the Gulf War
The defense of Malta would be pretty baller.
Great Northern War
Battle of manzikert, stop the Turks from ruining civilization.
Anglo-Zanzibar war. I really dont want to get hurt
fug it's real
Would I survive and die of old age instead of a painful death? If so, there's still so many choices. Alexander...Gaius Julius Caesar...Napoleon...fuck I don't know.
You could succesfully introduce Them to gunpowder. Preferably a few years earlier. A modern gun they would have no clue what to do with, same is even more true for the car.
Lotta badasses around those days.
never seen this pic before pretty neat