Segwit locked in, seatbelts locked in, coordinates locked in. See you cucks on the moon
Can't Beat The Bit
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lol can't wait to watch the hash leave after lock-in for BCC
Better focus on down to earth solutions
just got into cypto money this morning. Is this what a moon means? thank you sirs
So do people just say this so that when it doesn't happen there is a lot of hype and bitcoin rises even more?
Because you would have to be a fucking imbecile to even think that this would happen
Jihan and the chinks have said atleast 6 times they will mine segwitcoin
Theres no profit in shitty forkcoin
literally go to
do 5 seconds of research yourself user
they are paid shills coming straight from reddit to pump their shitcoin
Here I copied it for you from
>The New York Agreement is a joint effort of the global Bitcoin community. As one of its signatories, Bitmain has actively supported the smooth implementation of Segwit2x and will continue to run the btc1 software on all our mining pools, namely Antpool, BTC.COM pool and ConnectBTC, in the foreseeable future.
They again said this earlier on july 22nd also.
No recent news or blog posts or anything. Cainbase etc also said they would not support it and switched later, they will too.
>recent blog posts
they posted about it numerous times before august 1st user.......
you are either really dumb or just shilling like the original guy i responded too
>company says multiple times before big day that they will mine segwit bitcoin
>company mines segwit bitcoin throughout "panic" days
>company has not said anything new other than their previous multiple statements on how they plan to mine
hurrrrr they only said it before they are gonna switch now i know it because they haven't posted on a daily basis the fact that they're not switching
yeah.... no...
OK I'll bite. So, your own opinion please, what would be the idea doing the BCC fork if Jihan plans to mine BTC?
From a business perspective, what is his incentive with the BCC thing? Shits and giggles?
Or....even day fast pump and dump!! That's it! He went thru all that rigmarole to be able to PnD his shitcoin yesssss that's it, oh man sneaky cheeky Jihan.
I wonder if he'll do it again. He might start doing it monthly.
> ummm guys I'm not happy with the direction of BTC nor BCC so we are forking into BCR, Bitcoin Real
> pumps, dumps, banks
> 2 months later
> ummmm guys, listen, the BCR thing, not happy with tx speed, so we decided to fork, this will be the BCSV - Bit Coin Satoshi Vision, this will be the crypto-perfection
> pumps dumps banks
> 3 months later
> umm guys...
Damn...that's actually genius.
This is a joke right?
Youre not actually this stupid?
Jihan wu LITERALLY had NOTHING to do with Bitcoin cash creation..........
People speculated that the chinks would like bitcoin cash because of its large blocks
They said for the forseeable future. Based on what the knew then they did not expect to mine Bitcoin Core soon but they did not say never.
When Core disregards the NYA, Bitcoin Core gets the market cap and liquidity needed for the miners and the dificulty ajust. Why would they not mine and leave money on the table for the competition?
I didn't mean LITERALLY you fuckin idiot, you know what I meant with Jihan and BCC you fuckin tedious cunt.
>what would be the idea doing the BCC fork if Jihan plans to mine BTC?
>From a business perspective, what is his incentive with the BCC thing? Shits and giggles?
Jihan wu and bitmain did not initiate the chain split, nor did they EVER AT ANY POINT support it.
There is no incentive for bitmain or jihan in regards to bitcoin cash
Bitcoin cash was created by people who believe bitcoin whitepaper wanted large blocks
They hoped the chinese would follow, because their infrastructure can support big blocks
But the chinese never once said they prefer bitcoin cash and never once said they would support it
Bitcoin cash was created by, and for, people who believe in big blocks.
the chinese believe in money and mine the king.
>bitcoin (cash)
pick one.
Sodl all my bcash because free money
> made chedz
> now rising
> keep trading it
> fuck bcash bcc gay
> bitcoin ftw
> bcash to 0.000001 soon
> potato
>big blocks
So these elusive miners agreed to split into BCC and now they mine at a severe loss - for shits and giggles?
Ahh ok, that makes even more sense.
What miners champ?
What miners?
You remember how BCC took fucking ages to transfer for so fucking long
Thats because the amount of people mining it is incredibly low
Look at
83% of the blocks are being mined by an unknown nobody
Literally just some fuck with a house of hardware worth a couple hundred k
Looks like pretty good news for Bitcoin Cash, Bitmain is allowing their users to mine BCC while they keep faith with their faggy shitcoin agreement. Once segwit activates they're free to do whatever the fuck they want.
“We continue to remain committed to supporting the Segwit2x proposal, which has received broad support from Bitcoin industry and community alike — However, due to significant demand from our users, the Pool will give mining customers the option of supporting the Bitcoin Cash chain (BCC) with their hashrate, but otherwise Pool will by default remain pointed at the chain supporting Segwit2x (BTC).”
>the user miner is one guy
Lemme guess, you think Heaven is some guy that spends literally all of his time on /b/?
>letting their users have freedom to decide
>changing over all their pools to Bitcoin cash
big difference there buddy
of course bitmain will let its users have freedom to mine a forked version of the coin they always mine, that would be bullshit if they didn't even offer the capability.
Sorry, some fucks* with a house of hardware worth a couple hundred k
you got me user, its probably a small team not literally 1 human being, but the point still stands.
that baby group mines 83% of all bitcoin cash blocks with piss poor hashrate relative to real BTC
>Literally just some fuck with a house of hardware worth a couple hundred k
I don't think you realise quite the investment those phantom miners are making in BCC you absolute reject, they clearly know something you don't.
I find it really suspect how so many people talk utter shit about BCC and the operation behind it, you make it sound as if it's some chumps who decided to flip a quick buck and ditch to something else afterwards.
But I think you're wrong. Or maybe I'm wrong, you're smart, and they're dumb as shit. We'll see.
Hello user, would you mind telling me what the deal is? I honestly read in many places that it was Jihan who was mostly pushing BCH. Thank you.
It's quite possible there are warehouses of brand new ASICS never turned on just waiting for the day of the crypto rope.
That is core fud
Extremely unlikely, if you had asics you'd point them at BTC and turn them on ASAP or you'd bleed after too much money and wouldn't be able to recoup your hardware investment.
Having said that, it's entirely likely when the time is ripe these will be redirected to BCC, resulting in a serious confidence shock in BTC and causing BTC to fall into a cascading death spiral.
Segwit 1x or 2x?
But seriously for now:
No miner would like to disrupt his money flow or kil chicken with golden eggs. controlled transition is better.
At this moment everything perfect, more to mine more to sell more expensive. Miners are having a party
5k BTC. End of 2017
While the hostile takeover scenario you describe is possible, do you think it would be successful? Would normies really want to support a coin run by some rebel china miners that just destroyed the original BTC? There are many better coins to choose from these days.
If you're only reading /r/Bitcoin you're getting hosed as an investor.
Brand is everything, also ASICS are only good for mining bitcoin. Legacy bitcoin has already been destroyed but kikestream subversion and definitively changed with the introduction of segwit, and let's not ignore the strangled blocksize.
Once miners convert to BCC (most due to profitability, others due to beliefs) the BTC chain is going to slow down further due to pre-existing congestion and miners flipping. This will cause a confidence drop and consequently a price drop.
The price drop will cause more miners to flip to BCC and the BTC chain will further suffer from congestion because now instead of full blocks being found every ~10 mins they're found every ~20 or ~30 mins (etc), this will cause a cascade effect until no BTC can move across the network because there simply isn't enough hashing power to find blocks.
The end result is the death of BTC.
BCC cannot die due to the emergency difficulty adjustment upgrade, which lowers difficulty 20% every 12 hours when 6 or less blocks are found.
Fucking delusional.
Excellent rebuttal sir, you've certainly changed my opinion. Can you provide evidence to back up that statement?
You just bought some crypto? Good job, sir.
You'll be rich enough to take vacations on the lunar surface by 2020. Keep investing and get your friends to invest too! You wouldn't want to be on the moon with a bunch of strangers, would you?
Thats what it looks like when you buy the bubble. Always check your lines first. Enjoy holding those bags for a month.
miners are only part of consensus. Mining power by itself is useless. That said Bcash is a centralized coin with literally only something like 5 developers who all get paid by Jihan and Roger, with the former being a puppet of the communist government and the latter being a delusional retard who wants to play the Rothschild with crypto as if it were fiat banking.
>BCC cannot die
BCC will die because very few morons support it. Big money will always follow the best technology, i.e. Segwit + Schnorr + LN, just like money followed Bitcoin and abandoned the dollar.
Making the blocks bigger is pretty much the crypto version of "printing more money". It is not going to take you anywhere in the mid-long term and is a shitty way to handle things.
There are a shitload of hedge funds popping up. You guys have no idea how fucked this crash is gonna be. This board will run pink. Let me just say.. Sub 1000 may be touched again. Get your orders ready. I give it 2.5 weeks. Screenshot, please.
This is the ultimate red-pill here. If you believe this statement you have to be the most fucking retarded person on the planet. Creating bigger blocks is the solution to the problems involving transaction times and the amount of transactions that can be handled within a single block.
Segregated Witness will put transaction data off-chain, essentially making it possible to over-trade Bitcoin the same way you would with silver or gold. Thank you for being an absolute fucking retard, shill. Gonna go buy another BCC.
Bitcoin is king.
When will shitcoiners ever learn? And yes, BTH is a shitcoin. Thanks for the 10% gain you dummies.
Come on man try harder.
Blockstream believes consensus is reached only when they get their fucking way when in reality they have no voting power, power lies entirely with the miners.
>money followed Bitcoin and abandoned the dollar
Damn son where'd you find this.