Who started the meme that male refugees are cowards who deserve to die?
Who started the meme that male refugees are cowards who deserve to die?
It ain't no meme, that's the truth
They're an invading horde that needs to be pushed into the sea.
Just because you're shilling from a leftist perspective doesn't make it any better than the stormcunts. Fuck off back to /pol/.
>Not loving your country enough to fight for it
Those are exactly the sort of people you want as citizens
How many fucking times. It doesn't matter if it is right or left wing, take your modern current affairs and politics to the appropriate board you fucking idiots.
Reported you /pol/ faggot. But of course the mods won't do anything.
>wanting to know when and why people started to hate male refugees isn't Veeky Forums related
confirmed for coward refugee
No, it isn't, & humanities was a fucking mistake
Fuck off
They're fleeing a country where they could form militias and protect the women from being raped, so they're worse than Nu-males because their culture says they should but they pussy out
Confirmed as Zionist abomination
How is it not Veeky Forums related? It's not current affairs. I'm asking about male refugees throughout history
No you aren't, you're making a bait thread to have a shitpostfest in, even the Hitler did nothing wrong threads are more subtle
people that have never experienced war
It's not a bait thread. Stop ruining my thread with your shitposting
How can a shitposting thread be ruined by shitposting?
This isn't '& humanities', it just plain doesn't belong on the board. I hope OP gets banned. I'm sick and tired of stupid fuckers who have no interest in or knowledge of history or humanities coming on here to shitpost. It's not like there aren't multiple perfectly good boards already to cater to them.
Who is fighting in Syria and Iraq now?
Whats it like being retarded?
How is it a shitposting thread?
>Use of the word meme
>Topical issue
>Inflammatory OP
You tell me fucko
>asking about male refugees throughout history
>doesn't belong on the board dedicated to the discussion of history