They come to Midgard.
Ravage the farms, drink the rivers dry.
Do not integrate.
They have go back to Jotunheimer.
Frost g*ant hate thread
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>mfw dweorh move in next door
The ultimate redpill is that Global Warming is real, but has nothing to do with CO2 and it's caused by Thor killing the Frost Giants.
Trips confirm.
No that is a mistake. Global warming is caused by Surtur the fire giant.
Spawn of satan, get ye and thine demon "gods" out of the northlands.
Make way for the kingdom of god.
>Thor is represented in any sort of media, art or whatever
>always Blonde
Literally triggers me, one of the few descriptions of Thor is him being Red haired, but noooo, lets make it Blonde like a generic Scandinavian.
trips = truth
Does Thor fight Surtur at Ragnaroek?
I never understood that either. The Marvel Thor comics/movies make no damn sense. Thor is blond, Sif, is brunette, and Heimdall is fucking black.
*schisms internally*
No. Thor fights the Midgard serpent, or worm.
Don't worry, they fixed that recently. Also, Heimdall isn't black in the comics, at least.
Snowniggers deserve suffering.
Daily reminder that 42 of US presidents have King John of England as a common ancestor. King John of England is an ancestor of Rollo.
>King John of England
>Magna Carta
You don't have to give thanks to all the Nordic men you come across but atleast be inwardly grateful they gave you western civilization.
You're welcome.
How comes norse gods didn't really give a fuck about humans and were to busy fighting ice giants?
Maybe the norsemen didn't need another daddy to sing them lullabies
>implying gods can't do two things at the same time
Oh we need humans for the last fight when Ragnaroek begins.
We want them to die in glorious battle so the valkyres can bring them to odin´s great hall, where they wait for the time when it begins.
After Ragnaroek i will lead gods and men into a bright future.
arent you like dead?
Yeah, but the people love comebacks. I mean look at that jesus dude or the rolling stones.
You wish.
You think ISIS is bad, wait until millions of men once more is looking for a way into Valhalla.
>tfw no angrboda gf
Damn Loki will suffer for this.
>when you're so stupid you sacrifice your own king in hopes of getting more crops instead of just farming better
>dying from a mistletoe
loki did nothing wrong
looks gay
Worked didn't it?
What did you just fucking say?
chill bro it was just a prank
Hey Baldur. Aren´t you to early, Ragnaroek has not begun yet.
i said shirtless dudes in leather pants putting face paint on each other in the woods looks gay
Yeah whatever. Aren´t you supposed to fuck some giant´s horses again. By the way do you love your child Sleipnir?
aren't you supposed to suffer in a cave out of bumfuck nowhere?
how's hel treating you?
The current heatwave is symbolic of the second thawing.
Now is not the time to rebell against the Gods.
gool sdory homo :-DD
Damn, you have to remind of that. Damned 8 legged horse, why doesn´t it stumble and fall?
Oh yeah that half sexy half dead bitch. I´m not sure if it´s necrophile when i close one eye.
Provide proof
Depends on the eye you are closing.
Don't cut yourself on that edge, the gods may have predestined it not to coagulate.
dude that's supposed to be your daughter wtf
>Mishima tribute
bugg birates convirmed :-DDD
Sleipnir as well but who cares? Damn Angrboda slut, a daughter from her is not a daughter at all.
I´m not sure which part of Hel is from me, and i don´t want to know it.
Post early viking helmets.
I think it´s the dead part it certainly looks like you.
What´s up with Thor and his lost dick, i mean hammer? Does he still wear dresses and such?
Remember to never trust a dwarf
He got it back so no transgender Thor anymore.
I think he liked the dresses though, i catched him in Sif`s dress.
>witness me!
A (((dwarf))).
What a sissy. Acting like he´s the boss and then in private he wants to look like a woman. Have you seen how small his hammer is? Yet he swings it in public like it´s Gungnir from Odin.
He said that the damn dwarf who build it made a mistake while building it, he even blamed me that i had something to do with it. Wtf is wrong with him?
*blocks your path*
Even if you had something to do with it, i would not be angry about that, it seems funny to me.
I bet the ice giants that he is fighting die of laughter when they see the hammer.
Greetings my fellow Aesir! What ye be conversing about while I was absent lifting? Surely not something unworthy of an Aesir, lest ye be smitten like unto a base Jotun.
They did care, but only when you offered something to them. Ancient pagans' relationships with their gods was reciprocal, you don't just ask them for shit without anything to offer like Christians do.
Hey Loki look who came along, it´s transgender Thor.
Well Thor, how was the glorious battle against the damn ice giants, have you cracked some skulls with your mighty hammer?
Thor fights the Serpent, Jormungundr, they both die.
Odin fights the Wolf, Fenrir, Odin dies, then Tyr fights the Wolf and wins.
Frey fights the Fire Giant, Frey lost and dies, he could have won but he traded a long time ago his powerful sword for the pussy of a giant.
The Fire Giant burns everything, two humans survive hidden inside Ygdrasil, I don't remember how Baldr comes back to life, and the game of life starts again, with Baldr leading the few remaining gods and the two humans in to the new world.
>hey, look at this cute little puppy who loves Tyr and all of us
>lets piss him off, making him hate us, and trick him in to being chained for ever
>lol, is not like this could end wrong for us or anything
Fernrir did nothing wrong, he just wanted to play with Tyr and prove his strength, the Aesir pushed him over the edge.
All they knew was that Fenrir would bring them harm in the future so they pretty much brought it upon themselves in which manner it would be when they bound him and formed the resentment.
Hel actually doesn't really do anything bad other than not releasing Baldur when Loki disguised as an hag didn't weep at Baldurs loss (if everyone wept at Baldurs demise he could return).
>mfw no Tyr riding Fenrir into battle
>Hel tells Odin that when Loki is released from his bounds "the end" will begin
>Odin just thinks how Loki is not bound "yet" and leaves it at that
>when Thor, Kvasir and the lads go to bound Loki after they couldn't handle the banter
>Odin does nothing to stop them
>Kvasir, the wisest of the Gods who was supposed able to infer anything, doesn't do shit either
>they go along with the plan of the bowl and the snake, probably Thor came up with that retarded plan
So much for Odin and Kvasir, wise my ass
The beauty of the old pagan myths and tragedy plays is that the characters can´t do anything to change their fate, and often end up fulfilling the prophecy in the attempt to do so.
If we were talking about Hellenic myths, I would agree, but Nordic/Germanic myths never gave me that impression. It always felt like there were characters, like Odin, who could stop a lot of tragedies, but they didn't, they simply let them happen.
Destiny is a more strong force for the old Greeks.
The impression I get of Norse myths is not that Destiny can be defied, but that it will eventually happen.
I think it shows the most with mjollnir: Its forged to be a the ultimate weapon, and even when sabotaged it is the ultimate weapon. But instead of merely being a unwieldy weapon, it is accompanied by a Belt and Gloves to wield the Hammer.
So destiny isn't defied: Its merely delayed.
This is the same Mythology where they wouldn't mind if Thor suicided with Midgardsormen pre Ragnarok, because its far cleaner for Odins conscription.
Or shit like UtgardsLoki, causually summoning the personification of Age to let Thor struggle.
thor is the guardian of mankind and when any giants or trolls slip into our world, thor comes to kill them. odin also needs mankind for his ever growing army, so they would care about us to some extent, especially thor who defends us from the forces of evil
Do Christians losing Constantinople means that Islam is the true faith?
Check mate atheists.
>Orthodox Christianity
If we were talking about Roma, it would be another story
Then why do you hang around with Loki all the time Thor? Huh? Who was it that got you out of all that trouble when you went to Utgardt?
The King of Angels reigns in heaven regardless of what happens on earth.
Odin lives in Valhala regardless of what happens on Midgard. In fact he only let Christians win so he could collect the souls of the best warriors for himself, leaving the beta cucks on earth to be ruled by Jews and to kiss the feet of Muslim and African refugees.
>then Tyr fights the Wolf and wins.
Tyr fights Garm, hound of Hel. Fenrir is killed by Vidar, who is wearing shoes made from the skin from your heels, so cut off dried one regularly, as he needs those to be able to stand on Fenrir's jaw safely, to rip upper jaw off.
And Fire Giant's name is Surtr.
Baldr comes back to life, and so is Hodr, and I think Baldr's wife comes back too. Thor's sons, Magni and Modi (different moms) survives, and so does some of the Vanir. Magni and Modi kills Niddhoggr with Mjollnir when he tries to do some shit right after they starting anew.
Wasn't Kvasir long dead by that point and made into mead?
Not him, but these stories don't seem to work in linear chronology. In fact ,some of the Elder Edda poems put Kvasir as one of the Vanir that agree to the pace treaty with the Aesir; one of which has the provisions about how all the Gods spit in a jar to make Kvasir.
The best warriors were Christians though, Odin only gets the losers.
>such good warriors
It´s about being mentally and spiritually strong. Odin knew that they were betas that would eventually spread the other cheek to invaders.
Catholics aren´t Christian.
He comes back, but I think the Aesir and Vaenir die all the time and come back to life, but it depends of how they die. Baldr died a "graceless death" so he went to Hel's halls, but maybe, and this here is my opinion, if they die a honourable death, they go to Asgar and what not. But yeah, Kvasir dies knowingly when the Dwarfs make him in to mead, but he is back again after a while.
Stuff like that always have exceptions and what not, if the plot requires something, it will happen. I do think they are chronological stories, tho.
Yeah, my bad.