We're so fucked

We're so fucked.
Another god damn hard fork?
We're going to have 3 versions of bitcoin. This is retarded.

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nice FUD, faggot

lmao free cash nigga, gonna pay fo muh child suport niga cant cumplain nigga

Its true though.
Why do we need all these fuckin g useless forks. Even my normie friends heard about the first fork and were like OMG there's two bitcoins now.

Anyone can make a fork happen. Anyone. I could today. You have to understand that Bitcoin is purely a voluntary system in which anyone can do anything they want. This is the natural result.

More free money? How is this bad?

>free money
>dumps his bitcoin for cents on the dollar


No, just sell the fork for BTC. Dumbass.

Bitcoin is fucked and will never get the lightning network as long as it's controlled by.chinese miners.

IOTA is our future.

But the more we fragment, the more confusing it gets for normies to use. Like what if a retailer only accepts bitcoin and a stupid normie buys bitcoin2x thinking its the same as bitcoin. This is an identity crisis for the network.

how do i acquire this new shitcoin?

there can only be 1

segwit x2 coin is 2 times better than segwit x1 coin. Cash is best

>it's a "Bitcoin has to fight parallel universe versions of himself" episode

You niggers are entirely the result of a hard fork.

Personally I disagree with bcc. Segwitt needs to be implemented so we can implement the lightning network and use paymenet channels. Dont know how indeed about 2x. Would prefer to wait for this fork. Dont see why we need another fork when the bcc dust hasnt settled.

I'm too lazy to go to the bitcoin atm right now.. do you think the price is going to go up tonight?

I dont care if it goes up tonight. I care what the state of the network will be after the dust settles.

Don't worry user, I got it.

Nope xbt.eu/

Litecoin is actually the Segwit 4x coin

It forked so early it really didnt need to be forked so it started from scratch.

It should have been called Bitcoin Lite.

Bitcoin Cash is replacing Bitcoin. Remember: Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums tells you. What is consensus here? People here think that BCC/BCH is a shitcoin. It is replacing Bitcoin. Just remember this post when you're crying yourself to sleep wishing you had bought the new Bitcoin at $200, 300, 400...


desu Bitcoin lite would have been a better name. Would have sold more.

Most shit coin fags on here say buy Bcash so technically buying btc is the route to go lmfao

>Most shit coin fags on here say buy Bcash so technically buying btc is the route to go lmfao
I disagree, the general sentiment seems to be that BCC is junk
/r/bitcoinfag detected