get out while it's above 1200 sats
Get out while it's above 1200 sats
Literally, this.
We can see you buying, whale...
thats some dude selling to himself to bloat the volume and pushing the price up so he can dump his shitcoins on you
yeah and he spedn millions on minning gear to put 4TH into shitcoin
it was fun while it lasted, got some nice profits. so what's the next p&d coin?
haters gonna hate
fudders gonna fud
and no siggies gonna be poor
ffs why is it at 3300 sat i thought it was getting added to bittrex any second now. thanks for the double baghold sigt
>365 blocks until it halves
Stay dumb, Veeky Forums
really really really love this halving meme
>halving gets implemented
>all miners dump their bags and leave because they cant be fucked anymore
>coin plummets to all time low and sits there forever
is all that is gonna happen, screencap this
>implying miners haven't been dumping their bags this entire time
>randoms mining on their gaymur cards all stop mining
>big boys now raking in even more SIGT than they were before
>price skyrockets
don't worry i'll make sure to drive by your mothers house in my SIGT wrapped lambo
I'll still be making $7/day on my gaming PC after the halvening, why would I stop?
LMFAO... Keep watching this coin for the next 12-16 hours and you'll learn something
If the market does recover from any big miner dumps then it'll just go back up again since there will be less selling pressure.
The dev team should have made some kind of announcement or statement right around the halving to keep people interested and generate some hype though.
if you've been in the discord at all you'd know the developers do NOT want to make hype or any kind of BS like that. They have a "build it and they will come" philosophy. And so far it's been working pretty damn well for a 3 week old coin. If you don't like this approach, sell your siggies and go find another mooncoin or whatever. SIGT will do just fine without you.
If this doesnt happen your mother will die in her sleep tonight
Jesus Christ, defensive much? It's weird how you associated the word "hype" with bullshit. Some hype is bullshit, some is strategic. A simple tweet that updates their progress on the marketplace or other plans without even mentioning anything about the halving would suffice. Communication is the key.
There is something to be said for marketing a coin, that doesn't mean I'm just going to dump everything.
join the discord if you want communication. much more effective than twitter
SIGT is cool but its still unknown coin. Its only discord and /biz. Try to google this shit, you cant find anything
i binged it and it said it was a 100% scam miner coin
Because it's an pure unadulterated mickey mouse horseshit. Ain't jelly, got in at inception. But here is the PSA for new anons who keep asking "good time to enter?" NO. it's a good time for you to enter dumbass brain onto the internet and not be spoon fed like little baby bitches. It's a scam for the early to make money. It doesn't matter if there is "muh community" or a new logo or website. I can make that shit in 3 hours, complete with spinning endpoints and geometric lions in space and shit. I just saved you some money. Go put it in something DopeCoin that will raise on it own. Create an account on BTCTalk for shits sake and read progress.
>much more effective than twitter
It's more effective to log on to fucking discord to try to chat up some autist that may or may not be on the dev team as opposed to reading a 100 character update tweet? Ok bro. I get it, you're invested in this or maybe you're a part of the team so you're defending their attitudes towards people that they view as outsiders, but at some point their community will need to expand beyond the people willing to visit their fucking discord (lmao) if it is going to be truly successful.
Maybe someone that knows a thing or two about marketing will wander into the discord some day and help you guys out. Until then, SIGT will rise and fall based on hearsay and fucking Veeky Forums rumors.
>don't like it, then FUCK OFF
Honestly, I just might. I just might.
lulz, this is just a hobby. Doing just fine without crypto mining.
>I can make that shit in 3 hours, complete with spinning endpoints and geometric lions in space and shit. I just saved you some money. Go put it in something DopeCoin that will raise on it own. Create an account on BTCTalk for shits sake and read progress.
yeah, you could do that and nobody would buy your shit coin. because there's nothing to it, unlike SIGT.
lmao this retard actually thing sigt dropped because of a Veeky Forums rumor...
Probably cause of a whale who sold 30 BTC worth.
and we're still sitting strong at 3400.
I was talking about the long term rise and fall, the end result of what SIGT amounts to. I wasn't talking about that little dump. Everyone realizes what that was.
yeah, ok. sounds like you think SIGT is done. so sell and byebye.