>cut the tip of my penis
>sacrifice my own son
People died for this.
Things to do today
Other urls found in this thread:
>creates the Universe
>somehow only one distinct ethnic group on this planet called Earth matters enough that he reveals himself to them while smiting his other supposed creations for trying to harm them
Stop eating shrimp.
He tried to reveal himself to other nations. They all rejected the covenant. Only the Jews were capable of it.
The Jews failed miserably.
>Jews control the world
>Able to genocide TWO continents with ease
>Have controlled pretty much every nation for centuries
>Highest IQ in the world
>Jews are the vast majority of self made decabillionaires every year.
>Self-made decabillionaires have an average IQ around 150.
>Naturally are in the world of finance because how smart they are
>Naturally win large amounts of nobel prizes because how smart they are
>Able to maintain an ethno-state
>Has maintained same identity for thousands of years
They are objectively the most successful minority to ever exist in today's age. Anyone who denies that (((they))) are chosen is simply blind.
>I want to be a Christian
>But Jesus replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” Matthew 15:26
hmm really made me think
How were Christianity so able to spread when it was obviously meant to be a Jewish religion/sect? Is it all thanks to Paul?
>"These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
Hmm... /pol/ told me Jesus was red-pilled on Jews, why did he tell them to prioritize the jews?
>He tried to reveal himself to other nations
Didn't exist from 70 AD to 1948, but you still ascribe these things to them.
And when I said the Jews failed, it was in context of their futile attempts to keep their covenant with God. I can quote God, if you'd like, on their many failures.
If you think being rich in this life is recompense for being on fire forever, you haven't thought it through.
The gospel was first presented to Jerusalem, and then to Judea, and then to Samaria, and then to the uttermost ends of the earth.
Had the Jews accepted their Messiah, there would have been no Paul, only Saul of Tarsus.
To give the Jews the opportunity to fail to recognize their own King and Messiah, so that all peoples might be saved.
This was always the plan. The Jewish failure was always known to God.
>I laugh at the notion of a god
At the notion or at the notion you know?
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15
Therefore I want you to know that God's salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!" Acts 28:28
Salvation was always meant to the gentiles. It was always the plan. God has foreknowledge of everything that happens before the world was created. He always knew the Jews would reject Jesus and the gospel would go to all nations. There was no plan b.
>>cut the tip of my penis
>>sacrifice my own son
>People died for this.
Yes, in fact people still die over child sacrifice to satan in the hands of the elite that lead the planet into wherever they desire, as they have all the money and control everything :^)
I wonder why these people believe so much so as to do child sacrifice :^)
Wrong. When the Jews were God's chosen people they were a small and modest nation, kept separate from the world. Ever since the Jews rejected Jesus and have become Babylon the great they have been given worldly goods by their father the devil, who is the prince of this world. Christians are the Israel of God now. The punishments and rewards of each will be given in the final judgement.
What's your point?
You're simply wrong. Christianity got half of it's religion wrong. The trinity is Idolatry in Judaism.
That it sure goes well for them.
Yeah so God intended to just save the Jews then was forced to broaden it when the jews did not accept it. Favoritism is an ugly color on God.
Doesn't it seem more likely that Jesus first intended to just reform Judaism and when they did not listen, Jesus became mad and said fuck it, now anyone who listens can be in on this thing of ours?
>cut the tip of my penis
Remember the Jews didn't exist as a group of people when he first revealed himself to Abraham. God chose Abraham and his children-grandchildren-great grandchildren- great great grandchildren-great great great grandchildren became the Israelites(Jews).
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