Was it accurate?
no but it's a damn good game
>Veeky Forums
>videogame where appear titans and other mythological creatures
What did OP mean by this?
I assume he meant accurate to their respective mythologies, which they aren't at that.
what are some mythological inaccuracies in the game?
Off the top of my head, and bear in mind, I have a casual interest in all three mythologies but am not an expert in any. Also, they're taking three mythologies and portraying them as contemporaneous when they were literally thousands of years apart:
Poseidon has no link to wanting Cronos and his gang to return, there's not even the faintest of allusions to that one.
Any cyclops that would try to so flagrantly defy the will of the Gods would be turned into a rabbit or something.
Why has Ajax been turned into an idiot? Sure, he's no Odysseus, but he's depicted as fairly clever and cunning. Also, of course, he doesn't kill himself, and in game survives the Trojan war to go adventuring with you guys.
Odysseus adventures around a lot, to be sure, but he never gets up to the Norselands, he's pretty much stuck in the Mediterranean.
This one is weird, because Egyptian mythology was around for literally millenia and wasn't constant throughout that time. They seem to be going for a "bad guy Set", but by the time you have that, you also had the full merging of Ra and Horus, which is not represented in game. When you have gods like Osiris as prominent, other gods like Anubis and Thoth weren't; their cults would wax and wane over the centuries.
Also, Egyptian mythology very rarely had the weird supernatural creatures as servants of the Gods. Usually they were dangerous foreign elements, to be banished or destroyed by the Gods acting through the Pharaoh. The idea of an army of ordinary human troops, being led by the Pharoh, supplemented by laser shooting crocodiles or carried by Rocs (an Arabian creature anyway) would have been befuddling to actual Egyptians of the New Kingdom.
To start off, this one is far later than the others; there were no Norse that we know of around the time of the Trojan war, or at least when the Trojan war is usually depicted at.
Dwarves do not associate with humans, or even really with the Gods. They have no particular connection to Thor, other than Brokk and the other one whose name I'm blanking on making his hammer, but that was a one time thing.
Where are the Alfar? The Vanir?
Most of the monsters summoned have zero connection to the God that allows you to summon them. Einherjar are associated with Freyja and Odin, not Heimdall. Trolls are never mentioned alongside Forseti, and Njord has no connection to mountain giants.
In addition, the whole plotline in the campaign of breaking Thor's hammer and putting it back together is absurd; it's not even clear the hammer can be broken (it fucking survives Ragnarok), and the last time it was lost, it was an existential crisis for the Aesir, with stop at nothing to get it back from Thrym response. In the game, it's just kind of lackadaisically noted.
thanks user
>"Was it accurate?"
>ancient Greeks and Egyptians existing alongside 11th century Vikangz
No but it made me appreciate how fucking ass backwards white people were before Romans taught them culture and art.
this game is spot on, it's actually an accurate rendering of history itself.
Well, at least Woden has only one eye.
>11th century
Lmao, try 3rd century, butthead.
I'd rather play age of empires 2 desu
Age of mythology is plebian as heck
>existing outside medieval Scandinavia
So fucking assbackwards.
ÉG VIl. (yer vil)
>Charging battle boars, ulfsarks, and einherjar into minotaurs, hoplites and collosi
>needing childish fantasy elements in an rts
Full plebian
>Not enjoying mythological concepts
You can enjoy aoe2 and aom, buckaroo.
The other dwarf's name is Ettri.
Was the Chinese expansion any good?
>It's yet another "Romans and Greeks weren't white"-bait
very creative wording, wow you sure must have fetched alot of replies with your thoughtful bro-science skin-color-based judgement!
Ah, that was it, thanks.
How the fuck did he bend his spine like that?
Ancient Chinese secret.
their bodies are broken
what is this position called?
>not white
Not really
The paraplegic
Sket han?
Fucking kek.