What if it turns out this is the correct religion? How would you react?
What if it turns out this is the correct religion? How would you react?
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there is no correct religion. All religions are true, including atheism.
>one religion says homosexuals should be executed
>another religion says it's okay to be gay
All religions are true!
You can't arguably say any religion is the one true religion. Logically they would have revealed themselves earlier.
by raping several lolis and calling them my wives. And I'd be sure to pray towards Mecca several times a day. And I'd kill every Jewish person I met. And I'd lament that I lived in such a capricious and evil world that Muhammad (pbuh) was right.
Is christmas celebrated in Istanbul? Planning a trip there during Christmas/New Years' time
Islam claims to have existed from the time of creation. Adam was a Muslim. Muhammad was simply the "final prophet" in a long chain of prophets.
what a horseshit claim.
Why would Buddhism reveal itself before the Buddah became enlightened?
>another religion says it's okay to be gay
Name a single religion that says this. Even atheists hate faggots.
Sufism contains much Truth
Depends, what does Allah say to me when I meet him?
What if grasshoppers had machine guns?
Then crows wouldn't fuck with them.
A religion whose texts describe a child bride washing semen stains from her elderly husband's clothes?
Could be correct
Religion can't be correct by design.
Except older religions, even Judiasm before the Babylonian exile, didn't care about homosexuality (Leviticus wasn't made until after). Some promoted it through temple prostitutes like old near-earstern religions (usually tied to fertility gods like ashera or Ba'al) and a warrior-lover society like Indo-Europeans
Is this after or before death resurrection or second coming etc.? It's actually very easy to convert to which is why it spreads so rapidly.
>(Leviticus wasn't made until after)
That's speculated, but not actually substantiated
Terror. Allah is one crazy fuck.
>Raping lolis
Cant rape the willing
>several lolis
Only aicha she was going to be married to a more vicious man and mo gave her a pesonal army and all his wealth and she ended up leading the civil war against ali and shiites
>praying several times a day
A prayer take 2 min+ and only 5 times a day
If you cant dont want to pray to god you're an ungratful lazy fuck you dont deserve an eternal paradise
>kill every jewish
Nice meme faggith
muhammad was a direct decendant of ismael son of abraham he was more jewish than normal jews
Besides he considered jews among people of the book
Some of his wives were jewish who converted later at life
Muhammad doesnt even give a fuck about you shitty religion as long as you dont cross his followers even his uncle was a pagan who didnt convert yet muhammad didnt harm him and got depressed when he died
>GOD does not enjoin you from befriending those who do not fight you because of religion, and do not evict you from your homes. You may befriend them and be equitable towards them. GOD loves the equitable(60-8)
It's accepted it reached it's current form after the Persian period.
>All religions are true, including atheism.
I meant more so in the abrahamic interpretation of "believe this or go to hell"
Nigga please, there were myriads of Buddhas in the past kalpas, Gautama Buddha wasn't even the first of this kalpa
If it is the true religion, then don't you think Muslim majority countries wouldn't be so ass backwards? At the very least they'd be able to all get along with each other. Instead, you have a bunch of low IQ nations due to the inbreeding that their religion permits hitting w/e is in reach with a blunt object.
Its like the creators of the perfect book didn't know that impregnating your cousin would lead to debilitating defects down the road. Perhaps the inbreeding was already affecting them during the time of the Qur'an's inception. If it is the true religion then I'd make the best of it and join and fuck my hot cousin.
Cuz they care about their own new countries more than the glorious Islamic caliphate
1)Convert to some other religion.
2)Wage a war against islam.
3)If islam is destroyed wait for allah to do the end times thing.
4)If he doesnt then it turns out it wasnt the correct faith and I figure out what im going to do for lunch
Islam is essentially Nestorianism for dummies with commentary by Mohammad.
I mean most of the Koran is an epitome/paraphrase of the Christian bible with proper names replaced by stuff like, "That guy over there" because Mohammad couldn't remember all of them.
Even the Christians thought they were just some retarded Heresy at first
I would react by burning in Jahannam.
dont tell me how many lolis I can or can't have!
>How would you react
Celebrate. That would mean that I'd be able to have multiple wives (some of which can be loli) that are completely subservient and submissive to me.
You'd make a cute wife
We still do.
Nah, Islam is now wholly other from Christendom, even though it basically is.
The Moslems essentially think they're the real Christians/Chosen People like the Christians thought they were the Jews.
Moslems blame St. Paul for corrupting Christianity and making them worship Jesus
>I mean most of the Koran is an epitome/paraphrase of the Christian bible
But it's not. Most of the Koran's Biblical references are short paraphrases, and the rest are mostly dry but original sermons on legal ethics and society.
The Koran is written in a way that assumes the listener is already familiar with the Biblical stories it recounts (or those versions of them unique to 7th century North Arabia) in order to make some moral point.
>perhaps inbreeding was already afffecting them
Cousin marriage was BY FAR the most common type of marriage until modern times. Even still between 1/4th and 1/3rd of all modern marriages are cousin marriages.
I'm speaking of global statistic btw
Because that 'ass backwards' society is the perfect form for accomplishing things that actually matter.
Our modern western society is full of temptations and irrelevant things that continuously pulls people away from the only thing that matters, e.g spiritual development and knowing God.
As for not getting along with each other it's because they have free will.
So it's the newer testament/ new Laws?
>What if it turns out that the devil is god?
Then mankind has no hope.
Sort of, though it's exegetes were like the Rabbinical Jews in that they cared for the divine law they could construct from its text rather than the prophesies Christian writers were so enamored by.
Just watch this playlist and you know 100% it isn't the right religion
Nah that channels disgusting and ugly, if anything it just goes to show how protestant christians aren't the right religion.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
>Nah that channels disgusting and ugly
>disgusting and ugly
>What if it turns out this is the correct religion?
It won't since Islam is logically inconsistent, it can be proved wrong though numerous examples.
Christianity holds that Christ descented into Hades after his death and saved all the righteous who died before he was born.
I dont consider Islam true for very simple reasons
I dont think God would be against wine, music, dogs, drawing and sculpting stuff based on living things.
I also find their claims about the corruption Judaism and Christianity, archeologically and historically ridiculous. Like Abraham almost sacrificing Ishmael instead of Isaac. That is not what the oldest texts we have say.
How could it be correct if it's not even written in Greek.
>Corruption [of] Judaism and Christianity
>Like Abraham almost sacrificing Ishmael instead of Isaac
This is not actually Islamic dogma. The Quran doesn't mention which of the sons was being sacrificed, nor does it actually say Judaism and Christianity (or more specifically the Old and New Testaments) are corrupted.
>the correct religion
what exactly is that?
Islam isn't the "true religion" for the simple fact that Yahweh apparently thinks that the Christian Trinity is officially Jesus, Father, and Mary according to Christian authorities.
You'd think an omniscient omnipresent omnipotent entity would be able to know a single simple fact about a religion that is alive and well at the time of your revelation to your prophet.
>Not "I Am" or "Lord"
Retard alert
Islam is not against dogs??? You get rewarded for taking care of your pet and treating him well.
LMAO how will islamfags ever recover?
What if it turned out, the religion of the builders of that cathedral was true, and the marble king came back and tore all that muslim crap off the walls?