Ireland dindu nuffin to no one. Veeky Forums as fuck and cool culture.
Why so much hate on poor old Ireland?
Other urls found in this thread:
>and cool culture
What culture? Most of them don't even speak their own language
>posts gauls
You do know those are reconstructions of celts that didn't live in Ireland?
Those Baboons in Ireland didn't make any depiction of themselves
Everybody is taught Irish in school. Still a few Irish speaking parts of the country, shame how most people don't speak it that well.
Idk man I just looked up Irish celts and picked a cool image.
Whats the difference.
>Ireland dindu nuffin to no one.
They openly and successfully defied the Eternal Anglo.
What do you mean by depictions? No celts did that.
>he typed in English
they blew up nelson's pillar
complete wankers
The Irish monks who came to Europe, taught the Europeans how to speak Latin correctly. At one point, the Christians in the Carolingian Empire were worried that priests baptizing people using incorrect Latin may nullify the baptisms.
Not even a brit but THIS
whats worse they replaced it with a sterile disguting eyesore, british or not Nelson was a fucking madman
What's that
They make cool music.
wtf I love the irish now
The Spire of Dublin is fucking retarded
>build a massive fucking pole
>nobody can climb it but it's okay because our TECHNOLOGY lets it clean itself
>shit, the technology broke
>everyone enjoy your big dirty pillar
The Spire is a metaphor for my country; we got over-ambitious after unexpected prosperity and fucked it all up over boredom.
Ireland has always been Veeky Forums though.
OP the Irish dressed very differently from other Celtic groups
why are you calling the Irish Veeky Forums if you don't even know what they looked like
Dumping Irish stuff because why not
That's a nice prison you built there, Tommy.
I like Ireland, but why are so many of you reluctant to accept the British flavour of much of your culture and society?
When you list the great literary/military/musical/etc figures from Ireland - or, ironically, prominent Republicans - they're often Anglo-Irish or Anglican. Why is that such an issue?
Cultural repression.
Ireland's culture and identity had been hammered in the ass by fat anglo cock for centuries to the point where it was just a shittier england.
Collins had many plans for a cultural revival but they were never put in place because after his death people like De Valera fucked him over and people like Lemass could only focus on industry-economy issues.
One of the most important things about Ireland was that they WEREN'T just a shitty england, because in Collin's view a country with no identity isn't a country at all.
Only retards want all ties with England and British heritage unwritten and removed, but people do get tired of hearing "WELL ECKSHUALLY EVEN THOUGH HE WAS BORN AND RAISED IN IRELAND HE WAS BRITISH THROUGH AND THROUGH", as it implies that without daddy England Ireland could never have produced anything of note.
It's kind of like those retards up north bickering for whether Irish people in Ulster are the norm or British people in Ulster are the norm; both sides are scared of becoming the footnote.
>Ireland's culture and identity had been hammered in the ass by fat anglo cock for centuries to the point where it was just a shittier england
I see your point, even if you haven't expressed it in the most eloquent manner...
The point I was making is that you have to take yourself back to 1171 to find the roots of British 'involvement' in Ireland, and that in the wake of war between various Irish kingdoms. Ireland was ruled as a single entity by the English/British crown for centuries, yet it has never been both united (in terms of east, west, north and south) and independent.
And no, I don't much care for Northern Ireland.
The thing you have to understand about British "rule" was that in many cases it was a de-facto rule; because there wasn't really a unified "nation" of Ireland they weren't exactly conquering it.
They controlled bigger and bigger parts of it to the point where they were the sole power on the Island.
Harassed by a rebellion every single generation since they set foot there, there was always a somewhat anti-english sentiment but the reality is that while many Irish born and raised people ended up aiding British interests, they are still and were still Irish.
Taking that identity and heritage away implies that Ireland isn't worth mentioning without mentioning Britain, which attacks at the core the idea of Ireland even existing.
Particularly when the "to connacht or hell" stuff started, England's "unification" of Ireland under the crown was by and large a invasion of an island dotted with various Kingdoms, and implementation of de-facto rule until their presence was entrenched enough to becoming the standard.
Because those people are not Irish, they just lived here and considered themselves English
>Ireland dindu nuffin
You sure about that?
Talk shit, get hit
Zero casualties because it was phoned in, in order only to cause economic damage. You probably miss the IRA now eh? Even Irish terrorists are good guys.
>Political attack for their rightful land
>Alerted people in the area beforehand
>No casualties (although some say a reporter ignored the warning and was killed)
nothing good about it, though at least their conscience made them try to be human beings
>Lindy as a source
wew lad
>Larpybeige talks about shit he has no real knowledge of #598
Great historical source user
>tfw more and more people seeing the IRA as "reasonable terrorists"
>tfw Sinn Féin owns 7 of NI's fucking seats
>tfw loyalism becoming more of a joke with every passing day
>tfw mounting evidence proving that more civilians died at the hands of loyalists and republicans during the troubles
>tfw moderate unionists starting to lend votes to nationalists
>tfw ex-DUP voters actually vote Sinn Féin
>tfw DUP are the laughing stock of the UK
>tfw everyone admits that they only vote DUP to keep our Sinn Féin
>tfw SF have a god-tier propaganda game
>tfw DUP can barely connect with the elderly electorate
>tfw NI will cease to exist in our lifetime
>tfw IRA will be heroes in our lifetime
Fuck me, I'm not even that big a republican but mass-bullying of loyalists gets me rock hard.
>Celtic vs Linfield in Belfast during orange week this year
I doubt anyone guilty of murdering on infernal whims will ever be seen as a hero.
Martin Mcguinness recieved a state funeral and was hailed as a freedom fighter, peacekeeper and incredible statesman.
The Maze Jail Break is rapidly becoming something that's seen as hype as shit instead of humiliating and terrible.
The attitudes in NI are rapidly shifting toward anti-loyalist due to the top-tier PR game of republicans, and due to the fact that the actual statistics of the Troubles are coming out and people are seeing that the argument can be made that it was the loyalists "murdering on infernal whims" as opposed to the fenians.
>mass protests about UVF flags
>that orange faggot who ran a kid over got jailed
The UK will NEVER give up NI after Brexit because sharing a border with an EU nation gives them significant benefits. Fenians are DELUSIONAL!
I'm not even from that Island. I've never been impressed by brigandry
>Implying Corbyn won't fuck it off after he wins the next election
The DUP power sharing will be the death knell of unionism, the mainland will see them for the drain they are
>UK will never give up NI
UK have fucked NI up the ass entirely with austerity for a long time and Brexit is going to hammer them even harder. I'm not a "remainer" but there is no pro-brexit argument for NI.
"Don't worry, daddy england will pay for us" isn't a good thing.
England hasn't cared about NI for a very long time-look at how shocked England are by the DUP showing just how little people even knew who they are.
Sinn Féin is growing in popularity and there is literally nothing that can stop it. If the tories crack down on republicanism, it will gain MASSIVE support. If they don't aid the DUP, they'll gain plenty of support. If they do nothing different, they'll continue to gain steady support.
The DUP can't do a big enough 180 to counter SF without isolating a huge chunk of their electorate, and tribal-voting is starting to waver now that SF are arguably well entrenched.
It was over when the GFA was signed, lad.
>loyalists aren't even allowed to fly the UK's flag from their capital city hall every day of the year
Keep telling yourself that Hun
How drunk are you at the moment?
Stone sober on my day off, my guy. Although I suppose for a loyalist every day is a day off.
A drunkard and a liar typical Taig behavior. There are no days off keeping the spirit of red hand burning in the hearts of loyal sons and daughters!
Red Hand is a gaelic symbol, bb. Thanks your showing it off everywhere!
He's probably one those guys who thinks Cuchulain was English
I don't like posting this too early in a thread, but off we go again!
You forgot to add on, "while that superpower was busy fighting one of the largest conflicts ever".
>being THIS triggered by G-ds chosen people
>Fighting WW1
Nice try Hun
without the first world war having thoroughly sapped public resolve for future conflict that rebellion would be a footnote of history
>If things happened differently things would be different
Groundbreaking shit user
The DUP just got more seats in parliament than they have ever gotten before.
The idea that more seats=good thing without taking in all the other factors is very naive.
Every election it becomes more and more known that DUP win not on policy, but on fear voting.
This then leads to moderates lending votes to other parties, but that is then overpowered by more tribal voting.
The more popular the DUP are, the bigger an electorate will be fucked over by their policies when they realise that keeping shinners out means bringing retarded DUP manifestos in, and considering the harm (all sentiment aside) that party has done to NI in recent years, they would need to play a very clever PR game to actually retain their popularity.
Unfortunately, PR is where the DUP fail, and they have already becoming the laughing stock of Westminister, especially after that "dinosaur" comment fiasco.
The bigger the spotlight on them, the more retarded their voters feel.
And what's the only other party in NI which has a chance against DUP?
There's a reason Sinn Féin aren't butthurt about this result.
NEVER underestimate the stupidity of people over Northern Ireland, or how easily they can be manipulated.
>if not for the first world war the world would have been not the same
It's almost as conscription for the first world war was a driving point of the movement, user.
>when they win they are actually losing
w e w l a d
I know it sounds retarded, but you have to know NI politics to see the situation.
The DUP have been "winning" for years now.
Except the margin by which they "win" has shortened while Sinn Féin have closed the gap; NI's last election had only 1 seat difference between DUP and SF.
Now, this triggered a panic amongst Unionists who then voted DUP en masse for the GE; many of them assuming it was the same as an NI-Only Election.
The massive boost to DUP was due to the fact they could only pick 1 option as opposed to preferential.
Sinn Féin have 7 seats in NI, having annihilated the SDLP and stolen a seat from the DUP.
Yes, DUP are in westminister with a big presence, but now they have to play nice all the way to the next election since left-wing media (the dominant online media) will be attacking them at every chance.
Sinn Féin gain voters when DUP fuck up. DUP fuck up a lot.
Now we have to consider that every DUP fuck up will be multiplied by ten, especially once Brexit starts to kick in.
NI voters are retarded, but they will swing to Sinn Féin since a majority of DUP voters don't actually like the DUP.
so this... is the power... of the blarney stone...
I'm just asshurt that the UUP got cucked.
They Came Across the Ocean
In Search of Liberty
Escaping Persecution
Famine and Poverty
Signed Up For Bloodshed
New Home a Battleground
Send in the Irish
So Courageous and Renowned
Sons of Erin
Marching Gallantly
Into a Storm of Lead
Forward! Clear the Way!
Sons of Erin
Charging Valiantly
Across that Bloody Space
Forward! Clear the Way!
The Hills Alive With Murder
The Sky so Cold and Grey
The General Gives the Order
Irish, Clear the Way!
Bodies Fall Like Leaves in Autumn
From the Wall at Marye's Heights
Shot and Shell Ripping Through Them
A Cold Horrific Sight
Sons of Erin
Marching Gallantly
Into a Storm of Lead
Forward! Clear the Way!
Sons of Erin
Charging Valiantly
Across that Bloody Space
Forward! Clear the Way!
Intrepid Sons With Heads Held High
Go Where Glory Awaits You
Your Absolution Under Fire
If the Lord Above Takes You
Fight, Stand Tall, Prevail
Your Brothers Surround You
Fight, Stand Tall, Prevail
Your Courage Defines You
Charge Through the Dead and Dying
No Surrender No Retreat
Their Brothers Paid the Price
They'll Never Smell Defeat
Raise High The Emerald Colors
For All the Field to See
They Charged into the Slaughter
With Faith and Dignity
Sons of Erin
Marching Gallantly
Into a Storm of Lead
Forward! Clear the Way!
Sons of Erin
Charging Valiantly
Across that Bloody Space
Forward! Clear the Way!
Intrepid Sons With Heads Held High
Go Where Glory Awaits You
Your Absolution Under Fire
If the Lord Above Takes You
Fight, Stand Tall, Prevail
Your Brothers Surround You
Fight, Stand Tall, Prevail
Your Courage Defines You
Intrepid Sons With Heads Held High
Go Where Glory Awaits You
Your Absolution Under Fire
If the Lord Above Takes You
Fight, Stand Tall, Prevail
Your Brothers Surround You
Fight, Stand Tall, Prevail
Your Courage Defines All You Are
Mediocre album desu
Those aren't Irish, Celts as a unified group is a meme.
>poor old Ireland
>rebel every other generation
>has never existed as an indepdent unified state despite having few arrivals besides the English
>flew the rebel standard during a war to maintain Belgian neutrality
>received arms from Germans in said war to preserve neutrality
>mainstream people rebel only because a traitor was executed for treason and happened to be disabled
>have civil war over how close they should be to England
>side supported by English win
>fight English in a further war and only win because of guerilla tactics refusing to face off in the field
>finally southern England is independent
>doesn't take in Catholics from Northern Ireland like in the Pakistan India partition
>revive the Irish language only for polish and English to become more common
>despite trying to establish a catholic ethno state end up one of the most progressive nations with a gay half Indian prime minister who isn't even catholic and has a BF but doesn't believe in gay marriage
>can only point to a few writers, whilst all scientists and generals from that land would identify as British or English
>blow up landmarks and phone into police so the police knew which demands to take
>kill women and children in pubs and war memorials but Dresden post
>because of falling language popularity don't even have a national culture
>over farm the soil rather than drain it
>over rely on one crop artificially growing their population and then mass deaths ensue when it fails because Ireland wasn't meant to hold that many men
>go to America and form gangs
>drink so often fetal alcohol syndrome is common so the English regard you as a different species
>violently protest when MLK had achieved far more 30 years earlier non violently
Why would you like them
>litterally British Army uniforms
Top kek mo chara
>of all Ireland
>tackled when he just pulls some guys coif off
Can't even War properly, a truly failed race