Who is the most Alpha Male kingdom/empire/nation in history?
Who is the most Alpha Male kingdom/empire/nation in history?
The British Empire in the Victorian Era.
No fucks given.
Mongol empire
China (Qin dynasty)
Pic related
I don't like roaches, but Turks were the most alpha without a single doubt
they took what they wanted, when they wanted it
Until they tried to take from Europeans, then they got their shit fucked in by a Hussar.
The Ottomans at their peak owned more of Europe than anyone else except Russia, which they got partly from spanking the Poles in several different wars and taking Podolia from them.
self explanatory
Varna fucked all major Eastern christian powers, Murat the 2nd is the underrated Alpha of history
I'm not knowledgeadble enough to know if he's the most alpha but Selim the Grim is up there definitely.
Mongols were the great beta Manlet uprising
>Wife sharing.
The Roman Fucking Empire
The Alpha male kingdom of Sparta of course, the most manly male brotime of all timelines where young dudes had to steal cheese while getting whipped by older dudes to become men.
And had a rite of passage of getting fucked by older guys/ giving them blow jobs. Seems pretty alpha... kek if you're in to that men only club and muh NO GIRLS ALLOWED type of thing.
>alpha of anything
The Assyrian Empire
>I approached the city Udu, the fortified city of Labturu, son of Tupusu. I besieged the city (and) conquered it by means of tunnels, siege-towers, (and) battering-rams. I felled with the sword 1,400 [.,.] of their [fighting] men. I captured 780 soldiers alive. I brought out 3,000 captives from them. I impaled the live soldiers on stakes around about his city. I gouged out the eyes of some (and) the remainder I uprooted (and) brought to Assyria. I took the
city in hand [for myself Assurnazirpal II]
The United States of America
that is 100% alpha
Hell yeah! It's the world superpower dude.
>alpha male
>being a warrior
This, the British empire functioned via politcal alliances with local authorities and bribery, using force only as the last resort. The assyrians gave no fucks, they campaigned yearly to take tribute or loot and if some little king refused they razed their fucking city to the ground and flayed the people alive. Every-single-year.
your wife isnt laughing
but jody is!
>Thousands of lives lost, billions of dollars spent and still can't even defeat a bunch of ragtag mountain goat fuckers.
>Kicked out of vietnam by a bunch of gooks that lived in caves.
Absolutely this. Macedonians were the chadest of chads.
>Don't forget shooting down coalition jets & drones for getting KEK & being butthurt in ME.
>Also nice dubs.
In their prime? I don't know enough about Chinese/Japanese history to include them, but in no particular order the top 5 are:
1.) Roman Empire
2.) Macedon under Alexander
3.) Assyria
4.) Mongols
5.) Ottomans
Alpha is literally the first letter and name of their alphabet
*spend whole life training for war only to get beaten by a band of homosexuals*
does not compute
You're right but this makes most of Veeky Forums butthurt to admit
Sparta. Also the Arabs under Islam are about as patriarchal as you can get, but I'm not sure I'd say they're alpha since they wage warfare thru treachery and cultivate cowardice and self-interest as virtues.
You're kidding right? Like if you said this of Any other Greek populace in antiquity, I would at least take you a bit more seriously, but the Spartans? They are the embodiment of Greek [misogynistic] homosexuality and pederasty. They fought along side their units half(if not near completely) naked for fuck sake. They only saw their wives once ever 5 years or so. Whenever they did meet up, it was just to reproduce. Then they would leave(leaving the women in charge of running most things btw) to be with their half naked bros and likely spend most of their leisure time fucking around if not sparring together.
The Spartans were gay dude. Like I can't even say bi because they probably spent so much time with dudes that they weren't very interested in their wives past sex for procreation(e.i. more boys).
That's great Pavel, now get back to cleaning the shit out of my toilet.
kingdoms/empires/nations are by definition the result of civilization; the byproduct of betas
Only true barbarians are truely alpha
>They fought along side their units half(if not near completely) naked for fuck sake.
They literally all wore armor
>They only saw their wives once ever 5 years or so.
They would see them constantly when not on campaign.
They were not usually on campaign.
>most alpha empire in history?
The one that dominated nearly half of the human populace in the world for just under 3 centuries.
>ever straight
kek they literally had to be guided back to heterosexuality on their wedding nights because they were so used to fucking dudes most of the time by having their new wife dress like a dude.
>The wedding night involved a strikingly bleak ritual. First the brides hair was cropped off by a female bride attendant. The hair cut or shave, I am sure, intended to signal the brides irrevocable transition from status of virgin or girl to woman or wife. The bride was then dressed up in a man's cloak and sandals and laid on a pallet in an unlit nocturnal room waiting for her "captor"... The masculine get up which is somewhat paralleled by the donning of a false beard by brides in Argos, has been explained as a "apotropaic cross-dressing."
basically bride catching rituals before the husband fucks "her." But still you get the point. They needed their wives to be androgenous just so they could get used to fucking females. LEL
They couldn't even beat a divided Greece. What's so alpha about that?