Is antinatalism the purest slave morality?
Is antinatalism the purest slave morality?
doesn´t having kids makes you a slave?
Nietzsche had no children, and Christians and underclasd tend to have more kids than atheists and the ruling class
no, its just fear of responsibility
There is more than one form of slave morality. Even Christians aren't pathetic enough to promote the idea of virtue in having no genetic viability.
Nietzsche was a complete failure when it came to actually following his own philosophy.
>Even Christians aren't pathetic enough to promote the idea of virtue in having no genetic viability.
There's a very strong tradition of voluntary celibacy in the traditional churches that is supported by scripture.
scripture can be distorted to support whatever people want it to. The Bible says children are a blessing.
Christ and Paul say if you can, you should be celibate, although they both recognize that it's not for everyone . Celibacy should be a serious consideration for every Christian, and they should reject it only when they are sure they aren't cut out for it.
"5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
Matthew 19
Are you seriously reading an injunction against divorce, as an injunction to marry when Christ himself was celibate? Christ advocated being a eunuch, as did Paul
where? I don't care what Paul said. He basically fucked everything up anyway.
Jesus saying divorce is a sin doesn't mean celibacy isn't good. Jesus condoned celibacy, as did Paul. Only a Mormon or a protestard would contest this fact.
Antinatalism is perfectly fine for the top 1% of 1% of excellent people who actually have something to contribute to the world with their ideas and their productivity.
But the rest of people shouldn't subscribe to an ethos that will make them alone and depressed with 4 dogs when they are old.
This is some really terrible rhetoric
Matthew 19 , ya goof. It's his very response when his disciples exclaim over what you just quoted.
What did Paul say that offends you?
And that's some really terrible argumentation.
The reasoning behind it, yes.
1: fear of pain pushed to an absolute, fear the whip
2: lack of belief in other causes, goals or objectives in life
3: the belief all agency and selfishness is a sin,any action that influences another person is equated with imposing your will on them like a robber robbing an old lady ie. having a baby
that is the complete opposite of what we should do
And your post is the complete opposite of an argument.
it is obvious what my argument is
do I really have to sit here and explain middle school biology to you
>slave morality
not a thing
>hurr durr all that matters is whether I am comfy so people should only maximize their own comfy level plus red herring about muh social contributions or smthn idunno
You don't even know what slave morality is.
It's Armchair psychology
Only clergy, everyone else is told to 'be fruitful and cover the earth', and Everton in the OT seems to have fifty kids.
I'm Orthodox and our priests are almost always married. But monasticism is a major thing, so much that spiritual elders (who are very ascetic and are generally monks) are referred to as our second line of Apostolic succession by both Kallistos Ware and Hilarion of Vienna. Sometimes spiritual elders become bishops, but they often quit (Isaac the Syrian, Theophan the Recluse, Seraphim of Sarov, Ignatius Brianchaninov were all spiritual elders who were appointed bishops, but quit because it got in the way of their humility and simplicity). Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco managed to do both tho.