So how does it feel to be smarter than everyone else you know?
I've made 6 k € from cryptos and my friends are just drinking booze and partying.
So how does it feel to be smarter than everyone else you know?
I've made 6 k € from cryptos and my friends are just drinking booze and partying.
Haven't made enough so quit wagecuking so not great yet. Ever since the stratis moon I've been stressed about missing a 4th major moon mission.
huutista :D
on kaunis :D
So you're day trading? Is Neo going to moon next?
Postasin saman kuvan aikasemmin ylikselle, enkä jaksanu poistaa tota huutis tekstiä :DD
It took you 30k to make 36k? Wow so smart
I made that starting with 10k and it could have been so much more if I wasn't such an amateur with weak hands.
Holy shit! Now that's a alot... I'm a bit of a pussy with trading. Do you have any tips how I can make money like you?
With that kind of risk-taking you're never going to make it OP. I made 40k USD from 3k and I'm still all-in. Cuck
No I'm shit at it. I've just seen coins early and not bought. I know we've all done it but now I'm devoting most free time to researching cryptos. I want to retire from wagecucking next year.
normies get
I put in 6.5k and have about $36k now, only been doing this for 6 months but have a nice down payment on a house if I ever cash out.
Got almost nothing invested because i sold the peak. How waiting for it to finish dropping. Cant wait for lightning network so Btc can crash faster.
It seems that we all have a common goal. To retire early. I've been working my ass off 50 hours a week and on top of that studying my master degree for about 25 hours per week. I have 25 k in euros, but I don't feel comfortable putting them all in cryptos, alltough it would almost certainly be a profitable choise...
How in the fuck have you made so much? Have you invested early or are you an active trader?
I made this from £400 in 5 months
Any tips bro?
Go back in time and buy etheroll ico
Find promising shitcoins and put money in them. I made all my profit from buying eth and ark at the right time. You should go all in on bitbean asap if you want the same kind of gains
Everything is bought with profits from etheroll ico.
Damn lad
Impressive, why are you holding ptoy tho?
Good luck user.
>So how does it feel to be smarter than everyone else you know?
im not, but great
I just want to fucking pay off my student loans. Thats it. But i keep losing money.
Why not. It will moon sooner or later
My friends live with 3 digit savings account. While I invest and shuffle my assets to have 6 digits worth of capital. They buy a lot of anime shit and play games. I am not very materialistic at all.
>I just want to fucking pay off my student loans
If you're stupid enough to take a student loan, you're probably too stupid to trade.
Have a mcjob and die.
I find the best way to make money is to not be a fucking babboon.
>bragging when you haven't even made 100k
You should be enlightening your friends so you all get lambos together.
I make good money with my job user.
> sitting in fiat
> thinks he is smart
You're a fucking retard.
Started with around 3000€ early march.
20 year old student from Norway
Also, i am in the tokencard MVP card group and black card club
thank you neckbeards
So does your mom as a whore, not an argument.
Why the fuck would you take an unnecessary loan? Because everyone does it?
In a sense, continue trading, in order for people like me to make money, people like you have to lose.
oops, forgot pic
Do you think education loans are unnecessary user? How do you propose people pay for college?
Anna rahaa jooko?? xd huutista
So you guys are going to pay capital gains tax, right?
>faggots at work can only talk about the new flavors of Mountain Dew, comic book movies, amusement park rides, bideo gaemes, their obese lazy domineering wives, their cheating whore girlfriends that they never break up with, and child support
>I make thousands by holding ETH, BTC, and XMR for years and soon I can quit with no notice
Feels good. If not for this money I'd go on a fucking shooting spree there.
fucking cash out at least $10,000, what the fuck..
You don't go to college, fuckhead. You learn a trade and make good money without (((debt))).
I started with $2500 and I'm over 100k. How does it feel for me to be smarter than you OP?
He's a retarded memespouter
Ignore him
>don't go to college
>get trade instead because of "muh debt" meme
>instead of college loans, pay in higher cost of medical bills from doing back braking work
You sound like a genius user
>my friends are having the normal teenager/young adult experience
>I'm shitposting on an image board and having delusions of grandeur
>So how does it feel to be smarter than everyone else you know?
Fucking sucks desu. Wish I didn't have to hang around retards all day.
>only shitcoins
Oh boy you are in for a surprise
>put in $2000 since may
>worth $4000 now
For 3 months I would say I've done rather well. I just wish I wasn't still in school and had more money to put into it. I could sell off my stocks but $9000 wouldn't make much of a dent.
Hienoa että taas löytyi suomalainen joka on löytänyt kryptovaluutat. Kumpa olisi suomalainen cryptocurrency speculation - ryhmä niin liittyisin heti-- mutta ei ole. eikä englantilaista laadukastakaan heti löydy :D on vain meemi /biz
paljonko teikäläisellä ikää?
>going into IT because it's technically a trade
>vocational schools are cheap af
>certs and experience are all that matter
>after a year of schooling go from $15 an hour manual labor to $100k+ a year sitting on my ass
Jobs that need degrees are a meme.
Being a little generous there with the pay user. More like this
>sits on as all day
>40k per year
Good degree job
>120k per year
>sits on as all day
>40k a year
What the fuck are you doing, help desk? A CCNA alone lands you a 90-100k job off the bat, let alone anything in security or cloud. Just knowing Linux bumps your pay up by 10-20k depending on the field.
This isn't even averages but instead median pay for those jobs too.
You are delusional.
>everyone in the already over saturated field of IT lands a CCNA job or better
You are delusional
>having to learn Linux and use it
So your cucked then because you will have to do work, while the degree holders gets to sit on their ass and watch you labor.
I'm sorry you're too retarded to know how to use a CLI properly
Maybe if you live in the middle of nowhere, but that's why you move. All the companies around me literally cannot find enough people. Employment rate in terms of people being employed in the field we are training for is about 90%.
Face the facts user, your a betacuck. You fell for the trade school IT meme, don't make a lot of money from it, and are pissed that you have to do the work while everyone else gains from it. To avoid the cognitive dissonance, you come to this board pretending like your getting free money just to convince yourself that you made the right decision
>doing work
>literally 90% of this job is running automated powershell scripts
>everything is software defined and cloud(tm) so I never have to even leave my seat
Oh boy, I sure am sweating here.
Huutista :D
Heitin ite 130€ kuukaus pari sitte, ei viittiny nyyppänä kusta koko pankkitiliänsä. Nyt 1500€ mut keksi yhtää mitä ostas :(
what APP are you using OP?
>send email to IT
>"hey run this query for me"
>you wagecuck the SQL to do the query
>2 hours later you email me the file back in my preferred format
>send it to my boss, and all my work is done for the day
Yeah, you sound real alpha. Your literally doing all the work for the rest of the organization and receiving none of the benefits from it
>generic SQL queries are my job
>implying I even work with databases and not the network architecture
Lol no, I would deny your request because you can do that yourself being part of your job description.
No its not. The folks in accounting needs queries run but don't know how to do them. They only know how to do basic Excel. You get to be the query bitch, have fun with that user.
>look up any accounting, finance, or marketing job
>no mention whatsoever in the job description of requiring SQL knowledge
Because usually the company has one of the millions of programs out there that does it for them.
Or you know, using the import wizard in Excel itself that runs the SQL query for them.
But you wouldn't know that because you don't actually work anywhere near the field.
>Query wizard
>in Excel
Top kek, I wish you knew what you were talking about user. Enjoy being a low tier, low respected, code slave
My bad, it's just the SQL import/export wizard I was thinking of, but regardless there are still millions of applications that do those SQL queries for you. There is even a Query Designer in SQL to do it for you.
It sounds like you are projecting and you are in fact the betawage cuck who can't learn to say no when people ask him to do stuff. Be sure to keep that red stapler safe.
you realized that long-term gradification is more important than short-term
someone get this guy a PHD in personal fianace holy shit
>tries to prove that he is actually competent
>instantly BTFO's himself by not even knowing the basic
>"b-but your a b-betacuck... you have to work all day, and all I do is sit at the c-computer and play vidya ha-ha-he...I make 1 million a year I s-swear (cries internally)"
Nice tu quoque and strawman
user, you've been wrong on way to many accounts at this point to even call it a discussion or argument. IT is an will always be a betacuck field
Sure thing user, you just keep paying off those $100,000 student loans for the next 20 years while I sit here and make nothing but pure profit on my "betacuck" networking job.
Haha, this sounds like me :D
>$100k in student loans
>taking /pol/ bait and believing it to be true
holy lmao
Oon 25 vuotias diplomi-insinööri :D Tollanen suomalainen spekulaatioryhmä olis tosiaan näppärä. Nyt tulee lähinnä seurattua tuoreita uutisartikkeleita ja opiskeltua, kuinka kolikot poikkeaa muista. Teen usein myös provolankoja ylikselle, joihin porukka yleensä tarttuu :D Lankoihin saan yleensä n. 500 vastausta ja uusia henkilöitä kiinnostuu kryptovaluutoista.
Is this abomination what happens when normies try to make "memes"?
huhhei veli
pitäiskö pistää pystyyn discord-serveri?
>thinks he's smart
>36k including fiat..
>holding EUR shitcoin during the greatest bull market of our lifetime
Yeah, please tell me more about your intelligence. You must be genius
That was my goal originally as well, now I have 180K
you are like a little baby
>watch this
I worked with a guy who had a 100k in student loan debt. He would fantasize about throwing himself into the path of a moving car and suing. Poor fool...