\Ok I'm drunk and willing to debate. Germany should have won WWI, fite me fuckers
Ok I'm drunk and willing to debate. Germany should have won WWI, fite me fuckers
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You can't win two-front wars.
Agreed, it would have lead to a lot more successful Communist activity in Britain and France.
But they pushed Russia back and held steady at the western front, it is highly possible if Austro-Hungary and the ottomans got their shit together that they could have won.
If Germany had won you can bet the terms they dictated would have been much more harsh than those drawn up at Versailles. While the allies had funded a good deal of their war effort by increased taxation, the Germans essentially borrowed the entire cost of the war and were counting on winning to recoup their losses through war indemnities.
There is no telling that it would have left the same problems unsolved, the great depression hits, and the final war (WWII) answering those unanswered questions that were unsolved from the post-war German victory in 1918, or perhaps when they had a chance in 1916.
I am just saying that whether they should have won for ethical reasons or to prevent the devastation of that universes post WWI world and inevitable WWII is moot pre-nuclear deterrence theory.
I have nothing in so far as commenting on Germany "should" (spook?) have won not thinking on the post-war world.
Germany winning means a Europe that would be even more financially strapped and economically crippled that what had happened after Versailles
The history of the Kassareich is so fucked up, I can only imagine how many people are dying everywhere when I see shit like communist India, communist USA, and communist UK.
They would have if they hadn't resumed unrestricted submarine warfare.
Capitalists you mean
I'm talking about all the people that would have starved to death, Communism has killed about 100 million people as is, imagine if it had spread to the Commonwealth, USA, and India, with all their populations. It would be a fucking nightmare.
Also, here's a potato.
>100 million
it is both inevitable and just that incompetents don't win.
>capitalism invented hunger
This is why no one takes you people seriously
and yet communists never alter their consumption
Never said that
>clean water
Remind me how communism solved all these problems?
In fact, I seem to remember an African nation trying communism once to deal with these problems? What nation was it? Oh yeah, SOMALIA.
>Communism has killed about 100 million
thought it was 600 gorillion
Somalia is an AnCap nation.
No, you're thinking of the Holocaust.
To be fair, it's not like India was any better food wise under us.
Burkina Faso
Read a book nigger, Somalia is literally the result of a failed socialist state, you failed so hard that the nation has basically ceased to exist.
And I'm not an ancap, anarcho-capitalism is a meme like communism, with all the same excuses.
Starvation isn't inherent to an economic system, you know, and it's intellectually dishonest to say so when the british raj suffered 50 million dead via famine, under capitalism, highest estimates for holodomor put it at 12 million.
>Read a book nigger
My Lord, calm down please honey.
>Somalia is literally the result of a failed socialist state
Fail to see how it was Socialist.
>I'm not an ancap, anarcho-capitalism is a meme like communism
Pretty much everything is a meme if you want it to be isn't it?
Death via starvation underneath a capitalist system is a market failure, a failure of provision for the good of cheap food, that's not a critiscism of capitalism, it's a critsiscism of naturla market forces, that should probably be influenced by the government's of effected nations.
>Fail to see how it was Socialist.
Well done, you posted the Wikipedia page. Which says nothing about the economy of the state apart from the very vague description of it being a "Marxist-Leninist" government. Of course you'd know this if you'd actually read it before copy pasting it as a reply.
Care to try again honey?
Even if USA wouldn't have intervened and the Germans occupy Paris, why would Britain give up her colonies? There's absolutely no way the Krauts could actually invade the Home Island
maybe, but they would have nuked the shit out of inbred island.
Shit is fucked in france and britian
America implodes
Ottomans get raped by all the middle east
Russia is still a hell hole
Germany gets fucked from all sides
The only nation that actually benefits from this mess is canada
How about you start by saying why?
why am i not suprised
Fair enough, India probably wouldn't have suffered worse necessarily. Still, you gotta feel bad for the Anglo world, they pretty much get universally fucked over by communism in the alternate history.