Why does mainstream media and the indoctrination of public education funded by bankers paint him as pure evil? Is there something they don't want the masses to know?
Why does mainstream media and the indoctrination of public education funded by bankers paint him as pure evil...
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You really got to stop with the Hitler worshipping. It's getting kind of creepy.
Tell you what, prove actually proof that the Holocaust didn't happen, the Poles and Czechs were killing or persecuting Germans, and that the Germans weren't ethnically cleansing the Poles and Ukrainians for their "living space", and then tell me why NO credible historians have the same beliefs you do, and then I'll start to believe you.
If we assume hitler was a man of fine mroal standing, why did he invade and occupy the completely neutral nation of denmark?
Used as a strategic defensive front for a war that declared upon them by Britain and France.
>Tell you what, prove actually proof that the Holocaust didn't happen
You got infographs ready to post, don't you? You're like the guys on the left of this pic when FDR signed the bill to declare war on Germany.
Hitler declared war on the USA first.
>FDR signed the bill to declare war on Germany.
Hitler declared war on America you dumbass. The fact that you retards dont even have a first grade understanding of WW2 is the reason NO ONE takes you seriously
After allowing an Axis country attack Pearl Harbor despite knowing ahead of time they would attack.
Go take a government class you dick head.
Listen user, you cant talk down to me when you dont know that Hitler declared war on the US and then try to cover your stupidity with even more retarded conspiracy theories.
Again, this is why NO ONE takes you stormfags seriously and why you are to be treated like the silly sideshow freaks you are. Go post your youtube videos of hitler speeches with superhero music in the backround somewhere else faggot.
>After allowing an Axis country attack Pearl Harbor despite knowing ahead of time they would attack.
So the best excuse you can give for Hitler declaring war is that Japan did it too? With some unsupported conspiracy theory to go along with it?
everything is there, but it is right.
genocide is fine and natural, but you must instill it in the masses that it is not.
>its another NEETsoc thread
he was anti-communist. Communist fanboys are in places of power because of their long march.
Here's a rabbi breaking it down.
When did I claim that Hitler did not declare war on the US? Please point that out, commie.
>FDR signs a bill to declare war on Germany even though Germany has declared war on them, which would make the whole idea of signing a declaration of war redundant.
>Jews control everything and cannot be trusted
>wait here is this one jew you can trust it is no coincidence that he happens to agree with me
Do you even history? Do you know the sequence of events that led to this declaration?
Jews communicating with other Jews has less subterfuge than communications with gentiles. If you read some Israeli press, you will come across claims and content which may as well be from the containment board.
he has citations for his claims.
Why does it have to be either extreme?
Why does everyone who goes 'he isn't 100% evil' end up being a 'REEE DA JEWS'
Why can't people understand that, while what he did is considered evil and immoral by our standards, by his own, he thought he was a good guy and was doing the good thing.
Christ, there is a line between 'LITERALLY DEVIL' and 'HE DID NOTHING HE WAS A GOOD BOY'
You can understand someone is immoral, while also understanding that no one is evil from their OWN perspective.
I just don't understand why the mods refuse to do their jobs.
Mods please get at me to explain why.
Fuck off, this isn't your safe space leddit.
I understand that. Hell, I think fascism should be considered a legitimate idea worthy of consideration, at least on the same level that socialism and communism is today.
The problem is that we can never have a thread where we can acknowledge the good ideas that the fascists had while not also having those same people vehemently deny their crimes against humanity. I wish we could have people acknowledge that the Holocaust happened and then go on to acknowledge that it wasn't all bad.
You're totally right, it's just the denial of history that bothers me.
I do tend to hate the degree of demonization Hitler gets because it dehumanizes him and detaches people from the reality that Hitler was a real person who genuinely believed he was the good guy. That's the real horror of it - that a person could drive something so destructive and terrible. And by dehumanizing Hitler, it makes it harder for people to understand how it happened in the first place and thus how to prevent it in the future.
great post
He was so anti-communist that he allied with the communists and made them his biggest trade partner to attack Poland, the country that stopped the last wave of communist expansion, and attack Western Europe. Great job there.
He's been dead for over 70 years......
Hitler lost.
He staked it all on superioirty and excellence and innate right of the superior, who would win, and he lost.
It is only fitting he lose by the stakes he sought to fight. Less, really, on account of no anti-Germanic genocide.
>mfw people are so fucking stupid they wanted to be cucked by literal tyrants
Hitler lost get over it.
Tyranny is a spook, user.
What's your plan here OP?
>moral relativism
Sure, nobody is truly "evil" unless they have absolutely no moral standards, and Hitler was intensely moral in his own way. But he was ignorant and destructive.
the NAZIs hated pinkos, they volunteered for Operation Paperclip to continue opposing pinko scum.
Because of his ding dong getting in the way of his legacy.
Even if you concede a single Jew didn't die or was mistreated in any way in Germany or German-controlled territories during the period he was head of state, he still did pretty fucking horrible things.
Stop using MY Death Korps to avatarfag, you anally distended faggot.
Wish I could strip him down mentally!!!
He also poo pooed on himself numerous times!!!
Hitler pooped his pants! Why does no one care???????
Hitler crapped his pants! Why does no one care???????
He was a sociopathic warmongering monster who saughtout the domination of European nations (worse than how Europeans dominated the Americas from their natives), genocide, and countless caused experimented on innocent European prisoners (most of which we will likely never hear about).
Unmistakably one of history greatest legitimate monsters in human history and easily the utmost greatest monster in modern history.
where can I learn more about this?
>I know the sophistry is coming
It's a shame, because it is why the modern American counterpart is now the current president of the United States.
The parallels are just too painfully glaring.
Way to out yourself as politically and historically illiterate, and as a redditor. Which is the same thing, really.
Well at least Trump was not a high school dropout. Not only that, but he repeated his sixth year and was rejected twice from art school (FUCKING ART SCHOOL).
dont make fun of a war veteran's disability
I miss him so much
>Dumb, power hungry, war mongering, overly aggressive at times, xenophobic, nationalist socialist pretending he is for 'the people'
Trumpcucks will always slob on his knob, no matter the obvious fuck ups.
I think the parallels also stem from their blinded sense of pride, nationalism, and over indulging of conspiracy theories that tend to either be exaggerated or just a load of bunk.
I really like this image
Read the Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor, With Hitler to the End, Selling Hitler's Trousers, etc.
Don't you get even a little curious on how Jews are over represented. Mainly when Jews ask for multiculturalism in other countries but not Israel.
>Israil is founded by far right militant jews who want a Jewish ethno state
>Non extreme Jews don't want to be discriminated against so they avocate for a more tolerant society
Really rubbing those almons arnt you user.
wtf, I hate Jews now
>mainstream media and the indoctrination of public education funded by bankers
funny how the allies didn't feel the need to do that at all
>Don't you get even a little curious on how Jews are over represented.
Because they're capable and intelligent, which is how whites explain their economic and technological superiority over the rest of the world.
>Mainly when Jews ask for multiculturalism in other countries but not Israel.
Last I checked, there's still a mosque standing on the holiest place in Judaism.
> Berlin Wall
> Hitler
I genuinely doubt that. Hitler was consciously manipulative and a hypocrite, he was not honorable in a way in which even various warmongering dictators can be. I don't think he really thought that the concept of good and evil even exists, his worldview saw all of existance as a power struggle and nothing else.
>funded by bankers
OP you don;'t even have balls to name the Jew.
you are going to get baned for this user, I'm sorry for you. I got banned for 3 days from all boards for a simmilar post. Mods here are huuuge commie faggots, neverthless we MUST seize the means of information
>pure evil
He was closest to it as we got in Europe, or at least in the 20th century.
>commie education
>funded by bankers
Why do stormcuck trash hate those big bad bankers while also calling anyone who dares threaten those bankers money commies? They rail against the power of shadowy billionaires while fighting tooth and nail against anyone who actually wants to limit their unfathomable fortunes.
It really makes you think.
>? They rail against the power of shadowy billionaires
not true, typical marxist trash propaganda. the far right would burn the jew bankers alive while the faggot far left antifa would try to protect them
>antifa is funded by Soros
>t-trust me c-comrade sempai we will smash capitalism..but first let's destroy toxic whiteness
Hitler did terrible stuff.
If we don't acknowledge that, we fall into the trap of repeating history.
We must acknowledge this fact because his story is shockingly sympathetic and he did create a profound economic upswing.
But to your second question, Hitler is good bait to distract from talking about communism's tragedies.
Antifa is a fucking meme
>nostalgic footage
>melodramatic inspiring speech
>some uplifting music
>/pol/tards believe whatever follows
Naziboos are gullible as fuck.
>he did create a profound economic upswing
By conquest
>Hitler is good bait to distract from talking about communism's tragedies
Who would need that? Russians? They don't give too much of a fuck about atrocities of ommunism anyway