Greek gods

who was the nastiest greek god? the chadest? which one would have been your patron? your country's patron?

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Ares was the ultimate Chad. My patron would be Hephaestus, the cuck.


ares got his ass handled to him every time. i picture ares more as a rabid manlet than as a chad.

>ultimate Chad

That nigger was a laughing stock.

>gets humiliated by Hephaestus
>gets destroyed by a fucking mortal (Diomedes) in single combat like a bitch
>nobody gives him any respect as a god and considers him a freaky aberration

Mars on the other hand...

>gets humiliated by Hephaestus

when did this happen?

What goddess did the Greeks fap to most?

hephaestus caught ares in a net with venus while they were literally cuckoldhing him


that aphrodite was a whore

yep and pagans worship her

Greeks obviously did not fap to any goddess

they did that and more

I've never understood this.
The only Greek God I can think of that's worth worshipping would be athena but even she probably did some questionable shit, for example the judgement of paris.

>who was the nastiest greek god?
It's a tough call, but I'd have to go with Her. Bitch knows how to hold a grudge. I mean she hated Heracles just for existing because he was a walking reminder of her cuckoldry.

>The chadest?

Zeus, without a doubt. Dude is always portrayed as a mountain of muscle, and basically all the stories about him involve sex or outright rape.

which one would have been your patron?

I'm not sure. Possibly Hermes Trismagistos.

your country's patron?

USA's patron would probably be Athens, insofar as the US's empire is kind of analogous to Aren't empire.

Zagreus is my God, because he's just proto-Jesus

>Stupid cunts don't know about Aphrodite Urania

its probably why so many of them converted to christianity

It's important to remember that our perceptions of the Gods are colored by what are essentially fables starring them.

Socrates in Plato criticizes the stories of the gods where they act immorally/clownishly, saying it doesn't represent the true nature of the almighty and sets a bad example for the people.

They worshipped the gods because they did good things for people, like make crops grow or make children healthy. That's why they worshipped them

Athena turned some chick into a spider because she bragged about sewing better than her.

In those times being good was not cool. That's why God is not good in the Old Testament. In those time might made right but FOR REAL.

I guess Hephaestos was not a bastard. Hesta was nice too.

>Mars on the other hand...
isn't Mars basically Ares after he grew up, got a job and stopped drinking?

>There are people on Veeky Forums who unironically believe the Roman Gods were just Copypasta'd from Greece

>Ares was the ultimate Chad

The Greeks hated Ares. He was regarded as a sperg even by mortals.

they were though do you even how big hellasboos the latins are?

Mars is Ares by a people that had a huge hard on for war, and that appreciated the manly-brutish aspect of war more than the thoughtful-strategic.

Say that in Lacadaemonia, you fucking Attic olive tender. You are less to me than a Helot.

Praise Ares

>not appreciating strategy

It's not really their fault they didn't even need all that much strategy to conquer the sorry ass greeks

They weren't though, not until the late republic.

The Roman Pantheon is an independent derivation of the Indo European gods and has many differences. A big difference was the fact that the Romans didn't believe that the Gods literally did natural events like the Greeks did.

The Roman Gods were later molded to fit Greek Tales by people like Ovid.

If I'm not wrong, and I probably am, the laecademonians were into Hera more than anything. She fits them good.

greek is an indo european language as were their gods who predate their latin derivatives by centuries!

>Tfw Hephaestus is my favourite Greek god

They really didn't. The considered strategy, scouting, ambushes and all that as cheating for schemy cowards without balls.

Greek records predate Latin ones, but there's no reason to think the Latins weren't worshipping their gods the whole time.

Romans were fairly conservative at first and hated influence from the true Hellaboos, the Etruscans, who they considered faggy Fundamentalists

yueah the latins had their own gods when they were farmers but by the time they did anything relevant they had beened HELLENED

Ares was literally the Patron God of the Dorians. Why would they not like him?

Face it son, you've been falling for Attic tricks for Millennia

Wrong, Cato the Elder spoke out against Hellenic degeneracy, and that was before Punic War III.

The Romans beat Hannibal with their own Gods and morals

>Apollon? No, this is Apollo, he has nothing to do with Apollo. No copyright infringement here, sir.
>ignoring that the Romans adopted even more exotic deities like the fucking Magna Mater in 200 BC already
>ignoring that the fucking Etruscans were already quite hellenized

The Etruscans were fags who thought gods literally lived in plants and shit. The romans hated those guys.

Apollo was never a fundamental Roman deity.

Jupiter is not Zeus, and what about Janus and the other Roman exclusives?

I'm not saying that laecademonians didn't like Ares. I'm saying that they were more into Hera.

Despite what the contrarians say, Zeus is obviously the alpha.

Why would they be?

Maybe for the women, but the Spartans loved Ares as much as Athens loves Athena.

You are corrupted by Athens, just like all of Greece, and look at them now.

oh yeah well titus quinctius flamininus was such a hellaboo he liberated the greeks before punic war iii so obviously greeklovers were already in the uper echelons of the latins at that point

If there were no Greeklovers, he'd have no degeneracy to speak of


>circus watchers and venus cultists calling people degenerates


>Rome was Gladiator
Greeks invented the follies known as games, and their love of Aphrodite the Slut was what corrupted Venus.

Before that, the most venerated Roman Goddess was Vesta, goddess of Family values and womanly virtue.

Who was Vesta's greek equivalent? Oh wait, Hestia was a literal who Goddess, because Greeks were degenerates

yeah the latins copied the greeks by the time they were fmaous that is my point

>the Romans didn't believe that the Gods literally did natural events like the Greeks did.

Literally what the fuck are you even smoking

>omens, portents, prodigies


>Like the vast majority of inhabitants of the ancient world, the ancient Romans practiced pagan rituals, believing it important to achieve a state of pax deorum (peace of the gods) instead of ira deorum (wrath of the gods): earthquakes, floods, famine, etc.

>half the fucking rituals designed to obtain blessings or avert disasters

I always thought they were more into poseidon?

You're like a little faggot

Yeah and so they copied their religious practices and pantheons from them, because they wanted to be huge fags apparently.

>Apollo was never a fundamental Roman deity.
If you mean he wasn't worshiped in pre-Republican times, sure. If you mean he didn't become more important than 9/10ths of the archaic gods (mostly adopted from their neighbors) that Romans used to worship, then you're wrong.

>Jupiter is not Zeus
No Jupiter is the same as one's Jupiter, that's the way syncretism and divine epithets work. It was the same for all gods in all places.

>and what about Janus and the other Roman exclusives?
what about them?

>Athena turned some chick into a spider because she bragged about sewing better than her.
Pretty sure that Arachna (if I remember name right) actually were better.
Nothing beats Apollo flaying guy alive for winning musical contest against him.

Also, Hades was a nice guy, and actually loyal to his wife. Only once he got slightly interested in one nymph, named Minte. figure out yourself what Persephone did with her.

If you put your mind to it, Romans are more of Titans worshippers than of Olympians.
>Saturn is related to harvest, not rejected after Hellenic influence connecting him to Cronus
>Mars is god of war, but with slight more tactical mind for maneuvers than Ares ever were, combining war aspects of both Ares and Athena, which could actually make him Pallas, son of Crius, father (through Styx) of Nike, Kratos, and other two whose names I forgot
>Minerva is goddess of wisdom, and supposedly is equivalent of Athena, but there is no mention of her being related to tactical warfare
Romans were titan worshippers, to them the Golden Age lasted much longer than to Greeks.

Apollo was the nastier motherfucker of them all.

Yes, Hades was nice, and fair. But he kidnapped his wife and tricked her into living in the Hades, so he doesn't get to be one of the nicest.

Nastiest was Apollo, he was an asshat and a half. Fuck that guy, seriously. I want to rape him with that murder dildo from Se7en.

Chaddest was Poseidon.

Zeus was obviously the most chad of all with all that fucking
Also I love the mortal vs greek gods trope

>Chaddest was Poseidon.

btw I cannot remember Poseidon being nasty and heavy-handed

Hey, she's only stuck down there for half the year.

Athena turned a woman into a hideous monster for seeking shelter in her temple and getting raped there, because what an atrocious bitch wantong to gwt raped at your house. That's not cool

>Pretty sure that Arachna (if I remember name right) actually were better.
The story varies. In one version, she loses and then hangs herself in shame, and then Athena let's her reincarnate as a spider as an act of mercy.

is greek mythology really complete or is it like norse mythology where we only have a handful of stories and plenty of gods who are just mentioned by name but nothing more than that?

>I've never understood this.
It wasn't about liking the gods, it was about realizing that they were in charge, and you better stay on their good side even if they're miserable cunts for the most time. This actually makes a lot of sense to me considering how harsh and unfair the world is. Unlike in the monotheistic religions whose only defense they can muster is "God works in mysterious ways".

You are both missing the point. They worshipped them because they were real in their minds, powerful, and fucking capricious.NOT worshiping incredibly powerful deities that will fuck your shit up at the slightest provocation is retarded. Especially given that you could-and would-bargain with those gods and essentially trade goods for services.

Ares is nastiest. He doesnt have a single shrine in greece. Dionysus is my fav.

Mars is by far the greatest iteration of the Greek gods, followed by Saturn

>Nothing beats Apollo flaying guy alive for winning musical contest against him.

It was a satyr, and they both got punishment for CHALLENGING a god, not for being good or better.

We have most of it, either from art or text

Athena's ultimate champion Diomedes stabbed Ares with a spear lmao