I realize this is heavily /x/ material, but forgive me for thinking that this might be a better discussion here.
> Your religion
> Whether or not you believe in the existence of intelligent alien life/see it compatible with your theology
I realize this is heavily /x/ material, but forgive me for thinking that this might be a better discussion here.
> Your religion
> Whether or not you believe in the existence of intelligent alien life/see it compatible with your theology
While I don't really believe in intelligent alien life, I don't see it as incompatible with Judaism; and in fact, if it did exist, I would posit that not only have these guys had some kind of revelation, but that it would be different than what we got, to a degree of how different their psychology is to ours.
>Space is too massive for us to be alone, I don't see why alien life would be incompatible with the church
>Nominally Catholic, but much closer to secular humanism if that's a religion
>Yeah, no problem at all. If they exist and my religion is right, God will have provided means of salvation for them too. If they exit and my religion is wrong, well, that's alright, too.
>ywn be a interstellar missionary
>Spiritual leaning towards gnosticism though I am not very initiated
>I'd believe in its existence, and I don't think it is really incompatible. However I'd be personally ready to kick alien butt myself for glory and survival.
there's no such thing as space aliens
But, would it change humanities place in the jewniverse?
>Its impossible for aliens to exist because the earth is flat and space doesn't exist
>Was Mormon, no longer practicing
>Aliens are almost implicit in Mormon theology, but they're all human
>It is completely compatible, but I don't believe they exist
I don't know if god exists and I don't know if aliens exist
> Your religion
> Whether or not you believe in the existence of intelligent alien life/see it compatible with your theology
Arabbro is a Christian?
>ywn be a fedora and psychologically abuse Christ-chan
How new are you?
He's a Mexican, and has no religion other than his own retarded wanking of "Aryans" and smelling his own shit.
Spotted the spiteful Jew (forgive the redundancy).
Not liking retarded tripfagging retards who mash the capslock key makes you a jew now? God, /pol/ has gotten stupider. I'm not sure how that happened, but it clearly has.
Why are Jews so obsessed with feces, urine, and bodily fluids in general?
>are we limiting God's ability to create beings only to Earth?
Yes i do believe that aliens exist.
>Yeah why not?
Also dubs!
Patrician answer
I believe that alien life can arise, but only God can grant sentience.
>Don't care about aliens but accept it as a definite possibility and it is perfectly compatible with Buddhist cosmology which supposes a plurality of worlds.
Why not?
We will bless almost anything.
religions are invented by man - not god
science is a religion
I take the mediocricy principle to be reasonable.
You may also want to consider that non-human sapients may not need to be saved.
But I intrepret genesis to mean the potential for sinning comes from the comsumption of the fruit of knowing good and evil, that is, the awareness of yourself as a moral agent. I think most sapients would have some faculty like that, if they live in societies.
Christian syncretistic
I don't think it's really relevant to my realtionship with the Maker
>The existence of intelligent aliens would rattle my faith. Random animals, plants, bacteria, etc. would not, though.
Deist pagan
>Do you believe in Aliens
No... It's very possible that we're the only living thing out there. In fact, we have no reference for probability, therefore no intelligent claim could be made.
And saying "Well, there's more stars in the universe than grains of sand" is really a stupid thing to say, considering that all life on Earth descended from a single replicating molecule that was infinitesimally smaller than a grain of sand. There is only one organism that formed on Earth, given very good conditions. Out of all the stars out there, many without any good conditions at all, what are the odds that there will be more life? Slim to none; and we will never see them within our lifetime anyway.
Celtic Pagan
I am absolute certain that aliens are real, it could be compatible with my theology
Are the Jews Gods chosen people, or Gods chosen humans?
Norse Pagan
Yes I believe in it and I see no reason why it wouldn't be compatible.
>No (I mean there may be, but I doubt it)
Btw, aliens are completely compatible with my theology too. Ever heard of Posadism?
Are you by any chance a high school band teacher? Last time I checked, there was only one person on this planet that genuinely bought Norse mythology in 2017.
>No until proven otherwise
Not Veeky Forums-related
None: Atheist
Given the size of the universe, alien life is a near 100% certainty. Given the age of the universe, the same goes for intelligent life.
>There is only one organism that formed
One organism survived to produce all life we know today. But multiple forms early or proto life are not unlikely, only they lost the struggle.
Protestant Christian
Aliens of some sort seem implied to be a thing in Job (outside of that, angels probably count, plus there are some truly bizarre beings mentioned in Revelations). The only thing is that they probably didn't fuck up like we did, which may help explain why we haven't met any yet; our species is pretty much under quarantine.
That or because the Bible doesn't cover much beyond humanity's immediate sphere of interest, for all we know there are a ton of other fuckups out there in a similar boat as our own.
I do not believe in extraterrestrial life.