Why did the Germans start to LARP as Franks ?
Why did the Germans start to LARP as Franks ?
The western Franks were Germans, too.
Sorry but we aren't
Also, why did Germans claim that Charlemagne had blond hair while they were gray ?
Franks, Gauls, Germanics, Visigoths, etc. are pretty much the same barbarian shit at this era
Butthurt frog detected
It's not me who say it but Einhard, he was a Eastern "Frank" himself btw so it can't be biaised
Germanic isn't German
Germanic is surely not romano-gaullish speaking froggos either. Franks originated from the eastern parts of the netherlands and the lower rhineland. Of their language only around 1000 words remain that can be traced to them in modern french relating solely to agriculture, war and authorities in society. Some german dialects hosever such as the ripuarian one can be traced to the frankish language.
These are some pretty Germanic sounding month names in the same source OP is using.
>from the eastern parts of the netherlands
History beg you to differ
>"This is the evidence that the historians who have been named have left us about the Franks, and they have not mentioned kings. Many relate that they came from Pannonia and all dwelt at first on the bank of the Rhine, and then crossing the Rhine they passed into Thuringia, and there among the villages and cities appointed longhaired kings over them from their first or, so to speak, noblest family."
>Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks, Book 2, Chapter 9
>Of their language
Archeology beg you to differ, they spoke Latin as proven by the oldest inscription written by a Frank
>"Francus ego cives(!) Romanus miles in armis / egregia virtute tuli bello mea dextera sem(p)er"
>Theodor Mommsen, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum , Book 3, 3576
>"The date is vague, but this is certainly among our earliest evidence of Franks; Dessau placed it last in hisseries of “Tituli militares”. The first line has been evoked for its double claim, Frank and Roman both, a paradoxical polarity and a sign of the times: “both Frankish citizen and Roman soldier” (so Southern and Dixon), like the “I am two things” of Lattimore’s Archilochus."
>Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 126, 1999, page 175–176
These are some pretty French looking face that Charlemagne and his counts have
The only peoples who have a right to claim Frankish heritage are us Flemings and to a certain extend the Dutch, all the way down to language and traditions.
Frogs are Gauls and Germans are derived from other Germanic tribes.
Are you trolling?
Gregory surely was a knowlegable person but his accounts of the franks migrating as latinspeaking pannonians to the lower rhine then zig-zaking back into fucking thuringia which is germanys heartland and not civilised at all at this time in order to choose their kangs sounds rather mythic.
Hell. People at that time believed Hengist and Horsa to be a historical reality while it was in fact a far older religious story about the indoeuropean horsetwin archetype mixing with several invasion storys.
Now that inscription is a graveinscription and judging by its meaning simply what happens if a germanic barbarian is employed into roman service and gets a grave built by his hosts standarts he assimilated in.
There are pages upon pages of material regarding the old frankish language and none of it is latin wewuzzery. Hell I can read reconstructed prayers rather well without knowing any french.
People aren't grey haired at birth, so this does not exclude him having had blond hair when he was young.
Also, it says white hair, not grey. People with very light hair tend to get white hair immediately when getting old.
How about alsacians and westphalians?
>Germans are derived from other Germanic tribes.
Franks (the Ripuarian Franks to be specific) also played part in the ethnogenesis of the Germans and some of the tribes that composed the Salian Franks also originally lived in modern Germany.
>Archeology beg you to differ, they spoke Latin as proven by the oldest inscription written by a Frank
It's not that surprising that a Frankish mercenary that fought for Rome spoke Latin.
How do you explain the numerous Germanic loanwoards in the French language by the way?
His son (Louis the Pious) are depicted by contemporaries illuminations as dark haired and so are his grand sons
>How do you explain the numerous Germanic loanwoards in the French language by the way?
Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese have the same ammount of Germanic loan words
>sounds rather mythic
Not really the
The inscription that i quoted comes from Pannonia and Pannonian Avars equipments were found in Frankish graves of Bogharen
>His son (Louis the Pious) are
His son (Louis the Pious) is
>by contemporaries illuminations
by contemporary illuminations
>Not really the
Not really
>Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese have the same ammount of Germanic loan words
Proofs? There are of course Germanic words in those languages since various Germanic tribes settled there (and because of later influences from other European languages) but I think the Germanic influence is greater in French. The wiki list is much longer at least.
Why did the french start to LARP as Franks?
>butthurt frog again
>gallo-romans get fucked by Chlodwig and his merry Franks
>oh Franks where totally not germancis but instead WE WUZ TROJANS N SHIET
And Frankish is not French
It is true that French have a bit more of Germanic loan word but it can be explained by our geographical location, since we're near the Germanic World
And the fact that large parts of France was once under the rule of germanic tribes.
Gallo- Romans where to the Franks what Anglo-Saxons where to the Normans.
he's right when he says that french people are trojans, but that trojan lineage comes from the romans, not from the franks
>he's right when he says that french people are trojans,
>ar older religious story about the indoeuropean horsetwin archetype
I always wondered about this myth, what the true origin of it was, probably a proto dualism in a society that reaches a certain level of cultural complexity and size that leads to the expression of ideas of life and death or something like that, hell even the Mayas have divine twin myth written in hunapu.
Crazy shit.
Franks spoke an Half-French Latin as proved by the Salic Laws(pic related)
The Franks from the Borgharen graves were all J2 (which peak in Anatolia) while J2 iis around 3% among Germanic people
You can be butthurt as you want genetics is irrefutable
Please nigger, all you got is a 10th century we wuz trojans n shiet forgery.
Salic law made it pretty clear that the germanics Franks where overlords to their gallo-roman subjects. It was written in Old Dutch and Latin, which makes sense as the Franks had no script of their own.
So yes, you are one chauvinistic Frenchy that frantically tries to "prove" that Franks where not of Germanic origin. But they where. Pretty much all of Europe was Germed at the time of the migration age. The entire ruling class of what was to become France was once of Germanic origin, had Germanic names and spoke a low Germanic dialect.
deal with it, Frank.
>It was written in Old Dutch
LMAO Jan go back on earth
It is cleary stipulated in the Salic Law, that the Frankish laad, is between the Loire River and Carbonarian forest which match the frontiers(before the Hundred Years War) of the Old French language
You should accept your Frisian ancestors and cease LARPing as our rape babies cause it is a shameful sight
Salic law is a classic Germanic law system. It contains large parts about Wehrgeld, fines and blood money that has to be paid by offenders. This is in stark contrast to the previous Roman law of the gallo-roman population before the Frankish invasion.
To make things even more clear, Salic law distinguishes between germanic Franks and gallo-romans, in general a Frank is worth double compared to a Roman.
>but it was recorded in latin
Yes, thats so the serfs can understand it. Never mind, it was also recorded in old dutch in the the Malbergse glossen
The Franks were an Istvaeonic or possibly Irmionic West Germanic tribe. Their name spawned modern-day terms like France, Franconia, Moselle Franconian, Rhine Franconian and Low Franconian languages (Dutch, Luxemburgish and a number of West Central German dialects).
They were named after their throwing spears or axes (Proto-Germanic *frankô). Another possible origin of their name is the old Germanic word for "free" ('frijaz).
The nobility of France was always perceived as fair-skinned and Germanic in appearance. The French Revolution was understood by some to be an expulsion of foreign overlords that had ruled the Gallo-Romanic peoples of the area for a thousand years.
>Some frog started all this just because of memes
Mon ami what have you done
>They were named after their throwing spears or axes (Proto-Germanic *frankô). Another possible origin of their name is the old Germanic word for "free" ('frijaz).
Nope it comes from the latin feroces(ferocious) or frangare (destroy)
>The nobility of France was always perceived as fair-skinned and Germanic in appearance
All French are pale skinned
And it is the contrary the nopbility was dark haired(pic related) while the pleb was blond haired Gauls
>The French Revolution was understood by some to be an expulsion of foreign overlords that had ruled the Gallo-Romanic peoples of the area for a thousand years.
The nobility was heavily mongrelized with austrians thus the revolution can indeed be considered as the expulsion of germanic(ish) people
>butthurt frog in full denial
To be clearer
Merovingian nobility + Carolingian nobility + Early Capetian nobility = Dark Haired
Late Capetian nobility = Blond haired, due to mongrelization
This has to be the dumbest we wuz theory I've heard on Veeky Forums
You could have a point there, like all Europe was germed during the migration age, with germs becoming the ruling class all over Europe. now all major noble houses date back to that time and likely have germ ancestry.
>fun fact
>he is dead serious about it
>he opens at least one thread a week
>scientific consensus on germanic origin of Franks is crystal clear
>still butthurt
>rethorical argument
I'm quoting Frankish tradition it is to you that claim that our ancestors were germanic so proves it or admit your mistakes
>>he opens at least one thread a week
More like a month or two
>>scientific consensus on germanic origin of Franks is crystal clear
lol no
mein ancestors :)
Frogs BTFO'd
will they ever recover?
All Franks are 'German', but not all 'Germans' are Franks
No. Germans are a group that only came into being a lot later, when the general population of East Francia and the HRE began being called that. Franks were West Germanics.