Why do many people today want less liberty?
Why do many people today want less liberty?
most people dont want liberty, they want a fair master, hence social democracy
Freedom is difficult and scary.
because women are risk-averse and now relevant to the direction society goes. Ever ask one for directions? Exactly.
This. Women traded security provided by the platonic family for security provided by the government.
Women's rights was a mistake.
1. They're dumbasses who think (((free))) shit is actually free
2. They're cowards who need someone holding their hands 24/7 365
3. They're arrogant dumbasses who think they'll be the ones holding the reins
4. They're losers who can't hack it without the State intervening on their behalf
Meant nuclear family
Because like it or not most people have very little volition. They like to be told what to do, think and enjoy and they particularly want a strong (not necessarily competent) leader who will persecute their enemies for them legally.
Freedom is scary to plebs. They wouldn't know what to do with it. All they want is security and to be able to segregate themselves into enclaves.
Most people would rather be able to prosper and live without worrying about death everyday, than be "free"
This only applies to third world countries.
This is a scary world and others should not be allowed to think what believe to be wrong.
>(((meme parentheses)))
stopped right there
"""Fucks slave"""
Freedom is slavery
Freedom ain't free.
it's taken for granted. a lot of people don't realise how what they're asking for limits their freedoms and how it can be abused because they've never actually seen it happen, or thoroughly studied it happening to others.
Liberty is for racist old white men with too much property and money
You mean like the liberty to rape your slaves and to live like a leech off of their labor?
you're such a great racist in training.
blame all the women because you dated some obviously dumb bitches.
you're so easy and weak lil' fella.
Because liberty needs to compete with collectivised efforts to destroy it in orser to keep its value. Many settle for a middleground they find agreeable for this reason.
Liberty today means mentally ill Cross Dressers, Abortion, and kids with with Anime hair screeching that you are a Bigot.
you really think polacks ever had a date
Because they're spineless cowards who'd willingly allow politicians to view their internet history if it helped them think that the MOOOOZLIMES won't get them
Because we've become a nation of wimps.
I dunno, why did you suddenly start bitching about freedom of the press the second they turned on you, you hypocrite?
Because they're allowed to vote on stuff that they know nothing about, so they can easily be frightened towards excessive governmental control. People who know nothing about guns and don't own any vote for more gun control, people who know nothing about planes and aren't pilots vote for more FAA regulations, people who know nothing about nuclear power and aren't engineers vote to ban it for "safety".
Does a romantic hot pocket dinner with their waifu count?
Because americans fetishize liberty and actually think it is always preferable to the alternative.
Liberty without any security is meaningless, being free is all well and good, but without sufficient regulation your freedom can be taken, throught the hands of murderers, slavers, crinminals, etc, people who want "less liberty" believe that there's not enough security allowing them to use their liberty without significant risk to themselves.
Your idea of "liberty" amounts to chaos.
>didn't mention women once in his post
People don't want liberty. They want safety.
Liberty is dangerous.
You can't approach "liberty" ahistorically because it's meaningless outside of any context. Most of the population in the 1770s were probably a lot less liberal than they are today, the liberal character of the institutions crafted came from above not from the bulk of rural farmers. You have issues which are inconceptualizable until they became issues.
People resent taxation not on abstract principles but because they don't see it benefiting them. If you transfer all power to private corporate entities people are going to resent them. Power can move around and shift.
Because liberty requires self-responsibility which people are afraid of.
Liberty is literally a meme
Liberty is a meme, and the idiots back then were conned into fighting for "liberty" when in reality it was just for the American bourgeoisie.
There is no freedom. You will always be dependent on something.
Spot on
The reason for such an increasing trend in modern times is that millennials are gigantic failures who are the product of failed parenting. And as typical of a group of people, instead of doing self-reflection and fixing the problem they choose instead to extrapolate their failures.
That's the white knight for you; pussy is at the center of everything.
I was never the smartest or strongest, in fact believe it or not I got slapped around in high school a lot.
But I came to the revelation that my peers were more intelligent than I was and I knew my life would be better in better hands if they decided on what I should buy how I should live my life.
$0.02 has been deposited into your PayPal Account.
>if only he believed in his own words
>They fell for the security meme
>Liberty is a meme, and the idiots back then were conned into fighting for "liberty" when in reality it was just for the American bourgeoisie.
Except they then created the best defense of individual liberty in the constitution of their new republic. In Britain, as we speak you can be arrested for nothing more than harmless banter. Meanwhile, this very week the supreme court reaffirmed the first amendment to ensure the same doesn't happen here. Police issues notwithstanding, Americans have the greatest and best protected rights of anyone in the world today. Sure, you'll always have masters, but that's no excuse to wallow in a system inferior to the one you can create, if you're willing.
Liberty in the hands of a nation of idiots is wasted
Because the mass of humanity are middlings. They don't want lots of liberty, they don't want lots of security, but they'll compromise on either just to be able to live their day-to-day lives. Happiness for them is not found in the pursuit of high ideals or great endeavors, but in the little things life has to offer. Not matter what system people live under, this remains the same.
Most people haven't wanted "liberty" ever in history.
>In Britain, as we speak you can be arrested for nothing more than harmless banter.
No you can't, you fucking mongoloid. Stuff like "gas the Jews I WANT THEM ALL DEAD" is not just banter LULLOL. It's legitimate hate speech. This is why people like you belong in the gulag.
Because the lack of liberty is cleverly masquerading as being a good boy who wantd to help "the common good"... forget individuals goyim.
Even Abraham Lincoln knew we had to guard against those who would justify their predatory behavior as liberty.
>racist in training
>bitch at women
>he didn't mention race or gender
You have no understanding of liberty. The reason why family ties, tradition, etc. exist is because of liberty: people cannot survive alone in a free world, and therefore are forced to associate with others, forming commons bonds.
This is why welfare destroys tradition and family ties. Because people are no longer forced to take for responsibility for their actions, but rather can live like hedonistic animals.
tldr get fucked commie
I think Žižek of all people highlighted it pretty well regarding direct democracy.
Imagine having to be personally involved in every single aspect of your local community. Garbage collection, healthcare, education, etc... everyday trying to decide how best to do so and arguing with a bunch of other idiots on how best to do that.
Does that sound like something you want to do forever?
For certain things you want a faceless government agency or institution to efficiently deal with this on your behalf so you can get on to do what you actually enjoy.
The step between that and authoritarianism is not too far off.
I see.
What I conclude from this is that leftists are sociopathic autists.
>humans are sheep
It's just a metaphor, calm down.
Somalia was a marxist-leninist state whose government collapsed.
According to marxist theory, it's communism.
>mfw politically correct fags believe this shit
But humans are also wolves
I hate /pol/. I'm done with this fucking site. Absolute retards you've all turned in to.
Less education, fear of the future. Want big daddy to provide them everythimg.
> I'm done with this fucking site.
I hope you enjoyed your experience, newfag
This isn't your hugbox go back to tumblr and reddit fag
2/10, you can do better
Cool here's your you
Rule of law, not rule of men, my friend. While in the US the 1st isn't absolute, its exceptions are few and starkly lined. There are objective tests applied, like the Watts test, to discern whether speech goes beyond the permissible to the dangerous.
When you don't have an objective and specific system, it becomes a subjective test based upon the values of the person(s) in power. If the punishment for """hate speech""" was equally and fairly doled out, peddlers of hogwash like 'schrodinger's rapist' would be arrested for sex-based hatred, but they obviously aren't, because those in power don't apply the same rules to their own. That's why the American system is ideal, it doesn't privilege one ideology over another. Those who wish to restrict "hate speech" are generally authoritarians trying to protect their ideology by punishing their opponents (despite crimes equal in weight coming from their own that go unpunished). I'd rather leave bullshit like blasphemy laws to the backward, theocratic shitholes like Pakistan, wouldn't you?
Left-leaning, democratic-socialist here, btw.
t. bootlicker
People say that shit on Veeky Forums casually as a joke.
I can understand the trouble with someone rallying a mob and then pointing a finger and going "lynch that jew", that's inciting a violent act, but some shit talk on a forum isn't hate speech.
A lot of these posts about LIBERTY usually devolve to the same amount of shitposting
>I want people to have more liberty
>Unless they're gay, trans, a woman, or someone who is disagrees with me, then they'll destroy society
Also what do you mean by "less liberty?" Liberty to do what exactly?
People get rich and comfy from Liberty and then the government makes up some enormous crisis and says that you'll DEFINITELY lose all your stuff unless we "protect" you so people pay through the nose for this "protection".
>Liberty to do what exactly?
To keep the money you make from the sweat of your brow. To make your own choices.
>To keep the money you make from the sweat of your brow
Nothing stopping you from doing that, unless you're one of those people who get booty blasted over the concept of taxation.
>Jews aren't a race
>Nothing stopping you from doing that,
Yeah, just fork over half of it to pay for welfare and the salary of politicians!
You probably don't care about taxation because you probably don't pay taxes, parasite.
are u literally andrew ryan
Tax rates aren't even at 50% dumbass, also welfare costs are a lot lower than fox news might lead you to believe. You might've known that if you actually paid taxes :^)
Don't know who that is.
Wat? Also I bet you're one of those braindead bernouts who thinks that the military makes up the majority of federal funding.
>Why are jaded millennials who grew up with greedy boomer parents and currently facing high university debts, no ladder on the housing market, increased government costs on elderly care, social housing and pensions, massive government deficit spending and debt, increased violence, removal of civil liberties, increased government surveillance, loss of cultural identity, increased difficulty in obtaining a job and selling one's soul to get one turning to extremist/coddling government policies like fascism or socialism to reinvigorate the population?
Hmmmmmm, I wonder!
>more socialism will solve the problems of socialism!
>Imagine using natural products that biodegrade after you use them.
>Imagine not being a fat fuck and self diagnosing yourself and getting in the cycle of taking drugs to combat the effects of other drugs.Imagine if a little dirt didnt kill you.
>Imagine reading a book,or learning practical skills by actually doing something not so abstract it serves no purpose in nature.
WHAT IF??????
Never insinuated that, also social security is costing so much because the boomers are getting older and thus SS costs have to go up. I personally have no qualms with Social Security as a concept because I'd rather not have old people dying in the streets since they literally can't work.
I do.
Are you the same /pol/-spouting autist that's been posting slightly modified versions of this image all over Veeky Forums threads right now (I've seen it in four threads in the past 5 minutes)? You realize that adding an anime girl to your argument doesn't actually make you fit in on this, you're only revealing how much of a newfag you truly are.
>I personally have no qualms with Social Security as a concept because I'd rather not have old people dying in the streets since they literally can't work.
They wouldn't be dying in the street if they had invested their money themselves into retirement plans, instead of having it siphoned into a ponzi scheme by the federal government.
was just thinking this, how could he possibly say that after all the exploitation and oppression he himself perpetrated
commies are delusional sociopaths.