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and i still havent gotten the confirmation email. fuck my life.
>all these no gassers
I warned you all yesterday
Watch this make 2x ~ 4x the gains NEO does
This is literally only available on chinese exchanges, and only just became purchasable outside of china on binance
None of the reddit normies know you can buy GAS
nobody knows
it is generated at a rate of 1 gas per 1 neo after 20 years
Market cap is 30mil VS NEO's 1 bil
this shit is going to at least 3x
easy fucking money boys
Math is hard for some people.
Does GAS use the same wallet address as your neo?
I'm not FOMO buying, the chinks will certainly dump at least one more time.
If i buy now am I FOMOing?
watch NEO hit .008 tonight
watch GAS double
I warned you
still rising
Make it stop while my btc transfers to binance please
what is exhange where you can buy this GAS?
it's chinese but you dont need to verify to deposit/withdraw
thank, can you elabrloate litte
so, they dont ask your ID etc, can you register in just give them your email?
Is there any confirmation that this will come to bittrex? Only way I would buy in
yes, just like bittrex
i almost guarantee it
why would it not? It is directly tied to NEO, the 1b market cap coin.
It was only just added to binance 2 days ago
Who said after 20 year crypto still exists
why the fuck would I buy at the ath and why the fuck are you not in pro mode?
Who are the newfags investing that didn't know this? Been shilled on this board for a solid 2 months straight.
just saying the gas generation rate
the first year it is .1 gas for 1ans
it is exponentially lower every year
because go look at the market cap vs neo
and recognize it's not on any white man exchanges
You could only buy it starting 2 days ago if you arent chinese
How many GAS do you need to generate 1 NEO, without taking 20 years? Do you move the GAS over to the NEO wallet? how does that work.
10 NEO gives you about 1 gas after a year
this chinese exchange is sketchy as fuck. But if this comes to bittrex I could see it taking off. Low market cap atm
So where would you keep your GAS if you send it to your NEO wallet, wouldn't it convert to neo? If GAS goes higher than NEO wouldn't that be a lost?
no, it'll be listed as GAS in your wallet
I'm still a noob at crypto but to me it looks like the chinks will dump in a couple of hours since its at ATH and they can buy on their exclusive exchanges much cheaper, wait for the dip and then buy in.
binance is literally the best exchange I have ever used.
transfer between chinese exchanges takes a week +
So i have BTC in my bittrex account, its going to take a week to send to Binance?
switch to eth, but btc doesnt take long either
binance is instant
other chinese exchanges require manual approval for all withdrawls
someone convince me not to buy this
reddit was shilling this 2 months ago on /r/antshares
not purchasable until 2 days ago if you weren't chinese
You're going to be buying near the ATH right before the 'news' portion of buy the rumor sell the news occurs. Shit they announced their first ICO built with NEO and it can't break the previous highs
Also they put up their new site with a timeline and roadmap and there's no goddamn roadmap
Is it possible to buy GAS with ETH on binance? Or do I have to sell into BTC first and waste my money?
and they were right...
Spam folder
Shut the fuck up AND READ NIGGA does not support binance meaning you will be responsible for calculating your own tax on GAS/crypto/finance transfers
enjoy prison greedy bagholding newcoiners
is anyone buying?? it's still going up
yeah nah ur a cunt
Hey retard
are you a chinese citizen?
well then you can only buy on binance
takes 1 week+ to arbitrage from those other exchanges
not an argument
confirmed brainlet
>tfw you have been hodling 1500 NEO she nice mid June
>tfw you don't need to buy GAS because your 1500 NEO have been and will continue to generate it every day
Feels good man
You can tell everyone investing is GAS is a FOMOing retard and or newfag
>muh speklkling eraoar
Holding NEO in a wallet or on Binance automatically generates GAS.
Keeping it on Bittrex will generate it but they will NOT give it to you. Bittrex takes the GAS for themselves. If you own NEO I would immediately transfer it to a web or desktop wallet
I've had 1680.1488 neo for a week now.
When Bittrex gets their GAS together, I should already have some in the wallet as soon at they add it?
well its dumb to invest in gas then
Bittrex doesn't generate GAS for you, they keep the GAS themselves and take it as profit. Keep your GAS in your own personal wallet and you can transfer it to bittrex to sell
>well its dumb to invest in gas then
smart boi
Ok, let me be a newcoiner here and ask if you can keep your NEO in electrum and/or copay wallets
Or. Ride the hype wave, make a quick buck on GAS and then transfer to NEO.
took me about 40 minutes maybe an hour yesterday
yeah fuck all though, what have you got like 20?
my transfer is almost through. I'm going deep into GAS. don't fuck me OP
im not buying until this 27 btc sell wall drops or gets eaten
yeah im with you, im ready to throw $1000 when that happends
like watching paint dry. Shit's never gonna move. Waste of a 3.50 transaction fee
Does Binance give you GAS if you have NEO deposited there?
The walls are gone boys. We mooning now
my BTC is on the way from Coinbase
So.... has anyone ever sent coins to the wrong address and lost them in limbo? Is that even possible?
walls dropped
NEO made an upside down head and shoulders
we fitna fly boys
This is kind of doing my head in, like the coin is almost worth as much as a share but there is only 30 million market cap
surely the coin could not become more than the share? I understand there is a 2 million circulating supply
happens all the time, you have to be careful and double check address before you send. i usually just check the first few and last few digits to ensure i copied pasted correctly
Well if gas price become very high, neo would follows too because neo can generate gas.
it can and will
NEO is not divisable. so if it continues to rise, it is useless as any kind of transaction system. you will need to use gas to send smaller payments. This will especially be a problem if neo goes above 100 dollars
Based on the current price, dividend p.a. is already 6.45%
Man... that's terrifying. Image tens of thousands of dollars just going poof.
NEO is designed to be a share. So it is a feature rather than a problem/flaw.
yeah I suppose at the end of the day there is the same amount of coins as shares, but the supply of coins only slowly grows over 20 years, logically the coin should be worth more
Veeky Forums is composed at 90% of sub 100 IQ retards with ADD, the max they can understand is how graph work on bittrex, you just to have to read the white paper and understand it to take their money.
No all of you investing NEO instead of buying GAS while it's cheap as fuck are retards, you literally don't understand how NEO works.
While you made x3 with NEO I already did x5 with GAS and will probably make x50 before the end of the year.
Stay poor plebs.
Oh great another SIGT
>up xxx %
>no one knows youre early just wait till it gets on bittrex and the normies come
>you're an idiot if you dont buy right now
But tell me it's different. Tell me the exact same thing is different.
feels like it's already too late, gone up 400% in the last week