Are the American natives doomed?
Are the American natives doomed?
Culturally yes.
Racially no.
Culturally I'd say they're already gone. The only ones who still do anything pre-colombian are in the Pacific Northwest, and even then its mostly just larping to get money from white people; selling totem poles and Chilcat blankets and such.
There are american indians left?
I'm a native American
Go back to where you came from you curry eating son of a bitch
There are a few remote Alaskan Native groups that are still doing what they have always done for the most part (just now with snow machines and rifles). Most of the tribes in Alaska have chosen a life of diabetes, welfare and satellite t.v, but east of Fairbanks there are some pretty traditional cultures that hunt/forage for most of their food and don't speak English as their first language.
Why can't natives adopt modernity without abandoning their culture?
Yes. They're a criminally stupid group of people.
Because that's impossible, when your entire culture is built on tenants of what amounts to the modern survivalist movement you're going to be isolated from the mainstream
How come Maori in New Zealand manage to combine traditional cultural practices with a modern way of life so much better than the native Americans?
urionically white people. the cherokee and the tecumseh's confederation were coming to terms with modernity but the americans fucked their shit up
Maybe because they remained a large portion of the population
Because they fought to a stalemate and won a treaty, same reason Nepal is superior to India
Yes. They're a holdover that shouldn't even exist, like Australian Aboriginals.
Yes. Nobody with any sanity remains on a reservation unless that have to, or Indian in name only and rich as fuck on casino money.
They're absolute hellholes, and the people living their make it impossible to fix.
Also this. I've been on phone calls with people who explained that they didn't HAVE food expenses, as virtually everything they ate was foraged, fished, or hunted.
>Racially no.
You best be joking. Almost everyone in Mexico would qualify as an injun for that neet bux based on blood alone. That's how bad it has gotten. Many of them are more white than the nearest Paco at Home Depot.
Yeah, having no schools worth a damn'll do that to you.
A retard with an education is still a retard.
Yeah, but a normal person with no education will turn out criminally stupid.
Fuck off back to /pol/
>fought to a stalemate
Is this true? All I can dig up is that the maori who openly traded with Europeans (and thus had access to muskets) destroyed and enslaved all the other nearby tribes and then signed the treaty because they wanted protection from the French and more trade with the English.
One of the largest problems for their cultural survival is America's excellent cultural imperialism. America has done little to genuinely help preserve their culture, except to document it. In my personal opinion cultures should be allowed to naturally blend, as they have for all of history.
Yes. All of the non inuit native canadians as well.
We're still fucking them over culturally while trying to help because people are retarded and just think throwing money at them is the solution.
In canada for example they get huge tax breaks, can get free housing, and education. Free education would be fine, but instead all they do is use the free housing and tax breaks to do absolutely fuck all, and they just turn into uneducated trash. And you can't really blame them, you can't expect people to amount to much when they're just given shit for free.
depends on the tribe, some don't waste their government money and some get rich off of tourism and casinos
>Uncle is a mixture of multiple tribes
>Is "Mormon" (drink booze and coffee all the time)
>Acts holier than thou to literally everyone, including the reservation residents and white people
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For all those apparent benefits you have to live on the reserve.
We both know youre not going to college if you live on the reserve.
Within the United States? Yes because they are all drinking themselves into early deaths. They all live off welfare and their future is at the bottom of a liquor bottle.
Within Mexico? Yes but they will continue being crushed and exploited by the national government as they always have.
That's only because most of Alaska prohibits alcohol possession.
Genetically their bodies aren't equipped to handle alcohol so most of them become that once given free access to it (much like how white people get fucked up by opiates). Their traditional culture rejects modern conveniences entirely, things which they (like all people) desire. And due to how they are administered, the government never built roads or telecom lines for them. What's left is a bunch of idiots out in the middle of fucking nowhere, drinking their life away in rotting shacks.
The same happens south of the border but down there the jesuits taught them how to farm so they can at least provide for themselves on that front. Also, lots of NAFTA jobs.
That's really only Navajos and only because they are located equidistant Los Angeles, Salt Lake City and El Paso.
>America has done little to genuinely help preserve their culture, except to document it.
My question would be what we could do to change this and actually help preserve these cultures.
Have the reservation land actually be in habitable land.
A lot of people where shoved off their homeland into less habitable reservation lands, which actually worked out favorably for the Osage as their reservation land actually had oil on it.
If these native people were allowed to remain on their land and live their lifestyle with Americans simply building around them the culture would have probably adapted better
the navajo nation alone is as big as england
And is nothing but dust and copper mines they don't use.