>Best empire ever
>Everyone hates it
Let's change that
Ottoman achievements thread
Best empire ever
why is Iceland there?
>spanish coast
Because they attack the west
We wuz Icelandic and shit
I wonder who is behind these threads.
Oh look, I'm going to go fight for the Sultan as an elite Janissary, gonna make it from my slave life and make papa Sultan proud.
Oh no I can't have a family or trade apparently, oh well time to march on people from my homeland that I was taken from and get killed.
I notice you have made your pic even more historically inaccurate since last time
>Ottoman achievements
Cant think of anything other than genocides
t. Dejan Markovic
Do all t*rks have fucked up shoulders?
there are too many non-turks who larp as nationalist turks to further the bad image of turks in every board
It turned some of the most rich and developped areas in the world into third world shitholes.
Imagine the Habsburgs and Ottomans would have merged...
You cant say they dont deserve it
What the fuck is this map. Ottomans never had full control over Arabia, and never penetrated that deep into Africa. They never occupied any parts of France or Spain, in fact they were allied with France. They had troops in one Italian city, but even that was brief and at that point they had not even made it to Africa yet.
Ottoman achievements:
Şerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu was the author of the Cerrahiyyetu'l-Haniyye (Imperial Surgery)
In 1574, Taqi al-Din (1526–1585) wrote a major work on optics, entitled Kitab Nūr hadaqat al-ibsār wa-nūr haqīqat al-anzār (Book of the Light of the Pupil of Vision and the Light of the Truth of the Sights), which contains experimental investigations in three volumes on vision, the light's reflection, and the light's refraction.
In 1551, Taqi al-Din invented the first impulse steam turbine and described the first practical applications for a steam turbine as a prime mover for rotating a spit, predating Giovanni Branca's later impulse steam turbine from 1629. Taqi al-Din described his invention in his book, Al-Turuq al-saniyya fi al-alat al-ruhaniyya (The Sublime Methods of Spiritual Machines), completed in 1551 AD.
The Ottoman engineer Taqi al-Din invented a mechanical astronomical clock, capable of striking an alarm at any time specified by the user. He described the clock in his book, The Brightest Stars for the Construction of Mechanical Clocks (Al-Kawākib al-durriyya fī wadh' al-bankāmat al-dawriyya), published in 1559. Similarly to earlier 15th-century European alarm clocks, his clock was capable of sounding at a specified time, achieved by placing a peg on the dial wheel. At the requested time, the peg activated a ringing device.
In his Concerning the Supposed Dependence of Astronomy upon Philosophy, Ali Kuşçu (1403–1474) found empirical evidence for the Earth's rotation through his observation on comets and concluded, that the moving Earth theory is just as likely to be true as the stationary Earth theory.
they don't
t. turk
its Ottoman hate thread bait
This is a grossly inaccurate map and a clearly deliberate smear on the Turkish people. Here is the real Ottoman empire
If you have to trick people into hating someone then they don't deserve to be hated in the first place
Their only achievement of note was their demise.
There were a half-dozen slave raids by barbary corsairs. It doesn't really make sense to include, except as a point of pride. Not that pillaging fishing villages is anything to be proud of, but what else do they really have to latch onto?
Back to your cave, Mustafa.
Well they did conquer half of Europe.
I meant the North Africans. The Ottomans definitely accomplished something.
I don't hate the Ottoman Empire. I just hate Ottoboos.
There are no ottoboos in Veeky Forums
there's just one guy who is baiting for (you)s
>Ottoman achievements thread
Gonna be a short thread
Have you ever seen a turkish nationalist on the internet? They are absolutely cancerous so they 100% deserve it.
You wish.
every nationalist from every country has done/said something cringy
also there are no turkish nationalists on Veeky Forums, even if they are, they wouldn't go on a austic sperging spree
though not all of them are like that, some are educated and can bring up good arguments
They invented yuri.
According to Erdogan, they also had Cuba before the white man :^)
the irony is that one Australian LARPing as a Turk had more knowledge than most Turks I've seen here talking about Ottoman history while coming up with good arguments to further infuriate byzaboo's
that is, when he wasn't blatantly shitposting while posting pictures of cats
like i said before, some people are so butthurt about turks that they larp as them to further their bad reputation
i'm not saying if he's stupid he's not turk
but if he's like trying too hard he's either
1) as stated above
2) baitposting turk
>every nationalist from every country has done/said something cringy
Of course but i would say turks are the worst since they are very fond of both revisionism and wewuzzing.
>also there are no turkish nationalists on Veeky Forums, even if they are, they wouldn't go on a austic sperging spree
I have seen turkish nationalists go on autistic sperging sprees with my own eyes on Veeky Forums.
>some are educated and can bring up good arguments
There is nothing educated about wewuzzing and revisionism.
only revisionist thing i've heard a turkish nationalist say is xiognu is turkic etc.
as for weeuzzing, it's true, they do it
>i've seen them go on autistic post sprees
can you be truly sure they are turkish nationalists
i mean there is one atheist turk in /pol/ who larps as a jihadi to get (you)s ffs
that is more on origin of the turks, like it or not in this site people only know as far as paradox games
then they would come in an end their circlejerk
When i said revisionism i was mainly referring to denial of the armenian genocide.
>can you be truly sure they are turkish nationalists
One used a nametag and i saw him post in another thread which cant have been bait.
But you do see turkish nationalists all the time here on Veeky Forums and they cant all be baiters.
Ottomans can't even take Vienna in their fantasy.
They took your mom's pussy in reality my teacher.
>Anatolian empire with a slightly Turkic nobility