Is financing an iPhone 8 a bad idea?
Is financing an iPhone 8 a bad idea?
Why would you buy an iPhone when you could get a Zuk z2 for like $250?
iPhones are dogshit lmao.
financing any phone is fucking stupid
Financing anything other than property means ur an average forever poor debt ridden loser who will never make it
That 800 is riskfree future 3000 just from buying Ark
Financing anything short of a house/lambo is for poorfags
Are you a poorfag? Do you wanna stay a poorfag?
But who was photographer?
Isn't that shit going to be like $1400?
Yeah, FUCK that.
you could buy MCO, Dcorp or BNC with that kind of money and in 5-6 months be able to buy 20 iphones
Are you fucking retarded?
Taking out a loan for anything other than a house or college is fucking stupid and will get you jewed by interest.
Don't listen to the others OP, of course its a good idea.
Would you rather pay $400 for a phone or a measly $30/month?
30 < 400. The math checks out.
A 50 dollar kike phone will do as good of a Facebook phone as an iPhone.
Why even bother?
college loans are pretty bad too
who is offering the financing, and what is the total cost to purchase?
Yes of course
Make sure you charge it to your credit card too so you can build a good credit score!
Is buying apple shares before new Iphone comes out a good idea Veeky Forums?
I hate China. I don't want to help make them richer.
How? They're assets.
i got a Samsung s7, best decision ever. Everything runs smooth and looks amazing, and I can check my crypto portfolio anywhere while browinsg the internet with no hicups.
Sorry about your poor work conditions in SK friends. Try moving up north to escape this horrible life you're living
Only if you fail to buy ANT (Aragon)
Rapidly depreciating asset.
If you took a nigger studies degree yeah
Yeah its a bad idea you fucking retard, why do you need an iPhone 8 shitbird?
I'm actually retarded but you're on a whole other level
Is it that hard to not buy things you can't afford?