What ethnic groups embody the most similar aesthetics to ancient Egyptians.
What did the ancient Egyptians look like
But they don't seem to look like Turks. They were not bearded, and were apparently darker.
Is he a servant of Chaos?
One of the original followers of KeK.
Why do you make this thread every day?
Why are you so obsessed with fucking Turanians who aren't even a real thing?
Upper/South Egyptians, Nubians, North Sudanese
Ramesses II was a ginger.
They weren't a single ethnicity. Over the course of thousands of years, people from all over the world settled down in Egypt. The original population was white, as it had been proven genetically recently.
Not white but caucasoid for sure, they were related to levant/east med populations
Those people are hairy and have bulbous hook noses and shit. Doesn't add up
>Lets ignore the objective DNA evidence. Post cherry picked stylized art.
And he said white, not Nordic.
They said Egyptians were closer to whites than africans, not actually whites. Which means they were just typical near-easterners/east meds. Tanned caucasians.
That "study" was hilariously flawed, and only proves that there is an active agenda to whiten up Egyptians for some odd reason.
I understand that blacks never developed science, so this might explain why they seem impervious to the scientific evidence, but the rest of us understand that the black supremacist fantasies have been debunked by the DNA testing. Have a nice day.
Human migration patterns alone expose the "study". Never in human history has a civilization developed against the flow of a river. Ancient Egyptian heritage went from south to north following the Nile, which is why southern Egypt was called upper Egypt.
Let me try to explain this to you. We the rest of humanity, whites, caucasians, asiatics, and in short all non-black races, we have this thing called science. Call it, uh, the white man's "magic". It deals with objective facts and reason. Your people should check it out some day! But where was I going with this? Oh yes. So it doesn't matter what you have to say, unless you bring new scientific evidence, we are just going to ignore and laugh at you.
>Never in human history has a civilization developed against the flow of a river
Except every single one that was founded on a coastal river
And? Body hair removal was common practice there.
But that study was not science. It dressed up like science precisely to fool idiots like yourself.
Where did they get the DNA samples from? Post invasion mummies, when Egypt and become a vassal state. The fact that this is even trying to be passed off as objective science speaks volumes.
If they get DNA from working class ancient Egyptian of the pre-dynastic era, than that will go a long way to revealing their origins, which they themselves say was from the south.
People with beards wore beards back then. A razor was a lot harder for commoners to get than today, and they depicted themselves as bearded.
You're seeing your afrocentrists fantasies go away. It must be sad to find out that your ancestors never accomplished anything. You're still in the denial phase, but you'll grow out of it eventually.
>It's the same fucking images every thread
>It's the same denial of evidence every thread
Have you been vaccinated? Because you seem autistic
>it's not science if it contradicts my delusions
Every time.
I'm not even black. I'm a legit anthropologist.
Oh, so let me rephrase that for you.
Your egalitarian fantasies are going away. Etc.
It's just not a thorough study. It would be like finding obama's corpse in the future and concluding that Americans were Kenyan.
Also, anthropology is synonymous with pseudoscience and now I can see why.
Bad example as it would only take only two more DNA tests from other American presidents to contradict this claim. And hundreds of mummies have been tested. Give it up.
Oh I'm laffin
>Professor Pierre-Fernand Ceccaldi, the chief forensic scientist at the Criminal Identification Laboratory of Paris, who wrote: "Hair, astonishingly preserved, showed some complementary data - especially about pigmentation: Ramses II was a Red haired cymnotriche leucoderma",
[Ceccaldi, Pierre (1987). "Research on the Mummy of Ramasses II". Bulletin de l'Academie de médecine.]
Funny how you guys always forget this part.
Anthropologists don't like science. They will sooner make up bs post modernist theories about the "scientific discourse is oppressive" than accept scientific evidence that contradicts their political views. They are the niggers of humanities. Look at the delusional retard ITT. And now imagine the same thing by with with footnotes and you will have seen a academic work in the field of anthropology.
Even if you tested the other presidents it wouldn't reveal who the native Americans were.
But they were all Greek era nobility aka foreigners. They were not native Egyptians.
Crazy how the Egyptians were white, Nordic aryan masterrace but chose not to present themselves in that way, at all.
Just look at that: not one pale skinned ancient egyptian tried to reveal to us red-pilled aryans that they were just like us. Truly amazing.
>white, Nordic aryan masterrace
Nice strawman. Literally no one claim that. You can't refute the scientific evidence so you need to make up strawmen. Sad.
memes= conceding defeat
Show new scientific evidence or STFU. This is not the anthropology department. You won't convince anyone by whining.
>B..but they're Lebanese user.
the study sent from the New Kingdom to Roma times, before and after the Greek invasion. The population was Greek before the Greeks arrived? it doesn't even say the DNA showed that they were Greek/Indo-Euro but Near Eastern
I agree that more studies are needed on the earlier Egyptians but you're ignoring the reality, mate
I just came into the thread, actually. You're posting blogs as sources
Nice try, lazy troll.
God you're delusional. You don't realize that everyone is poking fun at you and you sound like a desperate sore loser? You don't actually think anyone here is seriously debating you do you?
Greek and near eastern are basically the same thing. Like the difference between Sudanese and Egyptian.
>tfw too dumb for a stem or law degree so I take up anthropology
>tfw when I buy into the we wuz meme
>tfw science BTFOs me and all I'm left with is muh drawings
Egyptians were related to indigenous anatolians, greeks and other east med peoples, get over it.
.... The cited source was not from an anthropologist. Regardless, you can't just dismiss what a peer-reviewed academic journal says on the grounds that you don't trust anthropologists. The experts, whom you seemingly are distrustful of, do not belong to the black Egyptian camp, nor do they belong to the white-Egyptian camp. This is because they are rational, knowledgeable experts.
Besides, the position of modern scholarship (genealogists, historians, etc) is that the DNA of ancient Egyptians vs modern Egyptians has remained largely the same.
S. O. Y. Keita said that "There is no scientific reason to believe that the primary ancestors of the Egyptian population emerged and evolved outside of northeast Africa.... The basic overall genetic profile of the modern population is consistent with the diversity of ancient populations that would have been indigenous to northeastern Africa and subject to the range of evolutionary influences over time, although researchers vary in the details of their explanations of those influences."
Ancient Egypt was in contact with a huge nubmer of different racial and cultural groups due to the fact that it was situated on the Nile and fertile crescent.
It has been found that, for example, some of the mummies of the 12th dynasty royalty were sub-Saharan Africans and the entirety of the 25th dynasty were Nubians.
Paabo, S., and A. Di Rienzo, A molecular approach to the study of Egyptian history. In Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt. V. Davies and R. Walker, eds. pp. 86-90. London: British Museum Press. 1993
Not indigenous Egyptians. They were related to Sudanese and Ethiopians. Though Egypt did have a lot of immigration from the north a long time ago.
>They were related to Sudanese and Ethiopians.
Post DNA. Oh yes, I forgot. You're an anthropologist. DNA is made up by the evil patriarchical science.
>Literally no one claim that
How to spot a newfag on /his
>You can't refute the scientific evidence
wew lad
The position of modern scholarship is that the origins of those who lived in the Nile River valley 5000 years ago is North East Africa ALONE. Increasingly over time there was some influence from the Upper Nile, in Kush, and in Western Asia but this is the full extent of it.
It amazes me that some people can be so consumed by ideology that they would think Ancient Egyptians were white, in any sense of the word.
Qt 6.28
*you're grown up now son, you can choose any career that you want. Keep in mind that we will have to invest a lot of resources in your education, so choose wisely.*
>I'm gonna be an andropologizt
Why didn't they use the 25th dynasty as the basis for their genetic sampling?
Ohh yeah because they were specifically looking to get a certain result before they even started the "study".
>hilariously flawed
Says the retarded nigger who knows nothing about genetics and thinks bronze age art constitutes evidence.
Are you sure you're not black? Because you're starting to sound like an afrocentrist conspiratard.
25th dynasty were foreign invaders from Kush, not natives. It's well documented.
I can't stand "we wuzzing" on either side, and the Veeky Forums crowd are ridiculous white KANGZ.
I do it out of love and respect for truly objective science.
I see it like this, the amount of European DNA is substantial, but not enough to say they were white. If that were the case, Italians would be white and we all know that isn't the case.
Dude, the ancient Egyptians were like, black rastafari and they were like, in harmony with the cosmos and the mother goddess and all that, until the evil white patriarchy came along and white washed them. That's what my anthropology teacher taught me in school. And I think that science sucks man. Fuck DNA, Fuck actual mummies with blonde and red hair.
Back to /int/ with this memery
see "Very little DNA has been retrieved from ancient Egyptian remains, and there are not many studies on the modern population. However, the results of analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the Y chromosome in the living Egyptian population show the existence of very old African lineages that are consistent with the fossil remains and of younger lineages of more recent evolution, along with evidence of the assimilation of later migrants from the Near East and Europe; mtDNA is passed only through the female line, from mother to offspring, and the relevant part of the Y chromosome, the nonrecombining section, passes only from father to son. The basic overall genetic profile of the modern population is consistent with the diversity of ancient populations that would have been indigenous to northeastern Africa and subject to the range of evolutionary influences over time, although researchers vary in the details of their explanations of those influences."
The little DNA analysis that we have is from the mummies that are found. As was expected, the DNA shows that they are from the lower and upper nile or other parts of the Levant.
Claiming that the Ancient Egyptians of a time were Anatolian because their Pharoe's DNA is traced to the Hittite Empire is fucking ridiculous; that's like saying inhabitans of 12th century England were French because they were ruled by Normans.
The general position modern scholarship is that the inhabitants of the Nile River Valley have, unsurprisingly, remained largely the same.
It's absolutely fucking incredible that many of you believe Ancient Egyptians from 5000 years ago could be Greek. A truly outstanding example of reason as the slave of passion.
The new kingdom was Greek invaders, it was well documented. They were not native Egyptians. Only looking at the pre-dynastic population at large could settle this debate.
Lmao you claim to be on some crusade for objective truth when you are the most mendacious and delusional person here. You really have no self-awareness. Hilarious.
STEMfags (especially engineers) really have the most bizarre ideas about other fields of study outside of their own little autistic buble.
When did they start deluding themselves to be experts in all academic fields and shitting on people who actually work in those fields. have they always been like this?
>inb4 muh cultural marxism
Btw i don't know what this guy you are replying to is blabbering about, but most real antropologists believe ancient egyptians were of the same middle eastern race as they are today, so both black and white wewuzers need to shut the fuck up
>New Kingdom
You goddamn retard. New Kingdom was mid to late bronze age, Greeks only started ruling Egypt with Alexander. Are you American?
There isn't a debate, they weren't black
That would be saying "one drop rule"
A better standard would be brown nipples =non-white
go back to /b/
Professor Pierre-Fernand Ceccaldi, the chief forensic scientist at the Criminal Identification Laboratory of Paris, who wrote: "Hair, astonishingly preserved, showed some complementary data - especially about pigmentation: Ramses II was a Red haired cymnotriche leucoderma",
[Ceccaldi, Pierre (1987). "Research on the Mummy of Ramasses II". Bulletin de l'Academie de médecine.]
who is the blonde mummy? Why is most DNA of Mummies's from the Nile River Valley, and wider Levant?
No you need to shut the fuck up until you can put new evidence on the table. I can claim the ancient Egyptians came from mars and whine about it all day long. Nobody should take me seriously unless I present scientific evidence.
So you're arguing that Egypt was a nigger land before it was a civilization, then white people came over, civilized Egypt and ruled over the niggers?
Italians are objectively whiter than any American that ever lived.
Euro genetics were introduced at some point. Their culture and heritage developed south to north along the Nile. Their origins are African.
Oh you sad little man. You just don't get it. This isn't a debate. There will be a debate if new evidence is produced. Until then, we're just mocking and ridiculing you. Go on please. You entertain me m.
Post DNA evidence backing your claim.
mmmh really activates those almonds
One drop rule is objectively a brainlet American memery because every person in the world has some non-white ancestry, even if it goes tens of thousands year back. So it's like saying nobody is white.
>Their culture and heritage developed south to north along the Nile
Got some proofs for me on that one?
>muh science
>muh evidence
>muh DNA
>Greek and near eastern are basically the same thing. Like the difference between Sudanese and Egyptian.
So... not all similar and not at all similar
>Greek and near eastern are the same thing
So you're just trolling then
By GeoPedia Expertver. 3 - Wed, Saturday 2, 0 at 12:00:00 AM
By S. O. Y. Keita, Senior Research Associate, National Human Genome Center, Howard University; Research Associate, Anthropology, Smithsonian Institute
The Neolithic (food-producing) cultures after 6000 B.C. in the Nile Valley became a part of the foundation for the ancient Egyptian way of life. The archaeology of early Egypt indicates continuity with local cultural traditions along the Nile as well influences from the Sahara, Sudan, and Asia (the Near East). The Neolithic cultures in northern Egypt show evidence over time of varying contacts, with Saharan influences the most dominant. In the case of food procurement, ancestral Egyptians living on Lake Fayum added to their tradition of foraging by raising Near Eastern domesticated plants (wheat and barley) and animals (sheep and goats). Domesticated cattle came from the Sahara but may also have come from the Near East. Considering that wheat and barley agriculture was practiced in Asia (the Near East) 2,000 years before it was in Egypt, it is important to note that the early Egyptian way of life did not change abruptly at this time (around 5000 B.C.), which is what one would expect if Egypt had simply been peopled by farmers migrating from the Near East. These early Egyptians incorporated the new food stuffs and techniques—and likely some people—into their culture and society on their own terms.
The major features of cultural and political development that led to dynastic Egypt originated in southern Egypt during what is called the predynastic period. Some evidence suggests that predynastic Egyptian and early Nubian cultures had ties to the early Saharan cultures and shared a Saharo-Nilotic heritage. Perhaps the earliest predynastic culture, the Badarian-Tasian* (4400 B.C. or earlier, to 4000 B.C.), had the clearest ties to Saharan cultures in the desert west of Nubia.
The subsequent development, known as Naqada culture (3900 to around 3050 B.C.) by numerous scholars, had three phases and led directly to the 1st dynasty in southern Egypt without a break or evidence of foreign domination. It had three major centers in Upper Egypt, the small kingdoms of Naqada, Hierakonpolis, and Abydos, which came to be a much revered place in Egypt. The cemetery grounds of Abydos contain the largest tomb of a predynastic ruler, along with the burials of all the kings of the 1st dynasty. Naqada culture expanded north in its later phases, culturally incorporating northern Egypt before the 1st dynasty. There is also evidence at some sites—including Hierakonpolis, where the famous Narmer Palette was found—for interactions with Nubian societies, specifically one called the A-Group, whose kings shared some insignia with Egypt. By the time the 1st dynasty began, Egypt and Nubia were rivals; Egypt defeated the A-Group state and incorporated its territory, which became a part of the first province of Upper Egypt.
(*The existence of the Tasian as a distinct culture has been disputed, and it is usually treated as a part of the Badarian. Some Tasian and early Nubian pottery show striking similarities.)
Bard, K. "The Egyptian Predynastic. A Review of the Evidence." Journal of Field Archaeology. Vol. 21 (1994), 265-88.
Hassan, F. A. "The Predynastic of Egypt." Journal of World Prehistory. Vol. 2 (1988), 135-85.
Klees, F., and R. Kuper. New Light on the Northeast African Past. Heinrich Barth Institut, 1992.
Midant-Reynes, B. The Prehistory of Egypt. Blackwell, 2000.
Wetterstrom, W. "Foraging and Farming in Egypt: The Transition From Hunting and Gathering to Horticulture in the Nile Valley." In The Archaeology of Africa. Routledge, 1993.
Williams, B. B. The A-Group Cemetery at Qustul: Cemetery L. University of Chicago, 1988.
Wilkinson, T. Early Dynastic Egypt. Routledge, 2001
Last updated: September 8, 2008
Not the same, but closely related.
So no DNA evidence then?
DNA evidence to the contrary has not been presented.
Looks like king Tut would easily fit in with these folks
Looks like king Tut would have easily fit in with these folks
This king Tut?
Looks like a tranny
North levantines.
> "All the Egyptians," wrote de Volney, "have a bloated face, puffed-up eyes, flat nose, thick lips – in a word, the true face of the mulatto." - Constantine de Volney 1787
They started out as Caucasian and were increasingly niggerfied over the centuries. You can´t live surrounded by shit for long without getting shit on you eventually.
>Scientists took 166 bone samples from 151 mummies, dating from approximately 1400 B.C. to A.D. 400, extracting DNA from 90 individuals and mapping the full genome in three cases.
>the study concluded that preserved remains found in Abusir-el Meleq, Middle Egypt, were closest genetic relatives of Neolithic and Bronze Age populations from the Near East, Anatolia and Eastern Mediterranean Europeans.
>Modern Egyptians, by comparison, share much more DNA with sub-Saharan populations.
it's only 20%. african americans have more white dna in comparison.