How bad is it for one of your credit cards to go unused?
How bad is it for one of your credit cards to go unused?
Supposed to use around 33% of your total Credit Limit to have the most Impact on the Credit Score...
So I can just go ahead and fill that up on my other cards, yeah?
I believe most cards will get closed if they are not used for a year or so. The impact of a closed card falls on your credit age and number of accounts. Not sure if there are "special" marks that stay on your report for closed accounts. I don't personally have experience with any of my cards being closed.
I find that an easy way to keep them all open is by setting a date once a year to add a small balance to my Amazon account from each card I don't use frequently.
I have credit card accounts that have been open for years without ever activating the cards. They don't close them, they keep hoping you'll spend.
>using a credit card instead of debit
>spending money you don't have
Stupid burgers. Enjoy drowning in debt.
No credit is bad credit.
wondering this as well OP. I just got got an Amex Gold and I fully plan to never use my piece of shit Visa credit card from my local bank ever again. however, some people say it's better to carry a small balance than no balance at all...
>using debit card instead of credit card
>exposing your actual bank account to risk of being drained if someone gets your debit card info
>not earning cash back on purchases
>too dumb to consider just paying the balance off every month
Stupid whatever the fuck you are. Enjoy being stupid.
cut up the Visa but do not close the account
the more credit you have available that you are not using helps your score - so does length of time the account is open
>not earning cash back on purchases
Why doesn't one just offer to pay for all of their family and friends stuff with a cash back reward card and have them pay you back immediately? They pay the same anyway and you get the reward.
Is this not literally free money for you?
you could, I suppose
it wouldn't be a fortune, but it'd be something... my card is 1.5%
one thing you will find out though - Amex is not taken in as many places as MC and Visa
This is wrong. You are not supposed to utilize MORE than a third of your total available credit.
So what you're saying is that if you have a maxed out credit card, you should ask for a 300% increase to your credit limit?
>hasn't frozen their credit so that they can freely invest in making actual money
Honestly why have a credit card? It's a giant scam to make you spend more. Don't let the weak minded plebs trick you or the corporations cool you into believing you have more money than what's in your pocket.
>muh gas use only
>muh emergency use only
Stop with the bullshit excuses and stop pretending like you can actually afford all the bling and glamour that this late capitalistic society has made you think is all important to your life.
Kill yourself if your debt is more than you make in a week and stop spending money on useless shit.
Enjoy the little things now and when you make it in life reward yourseld because no one will reward you for paying your bill on time.
what credit card should i get if i have zero established credit? i'm going to use it like a debit card anyway and never live beyond my means.
i just want to build good credit so i can get dem swanky rewards cards.
I buy my gas with my cc. My groceries. Pay my bills. Everything. I get cash back (that's a 1.5% discount on EVERYTHING) and the balance gets paid off at the end of the month. No interest paid. Ever. If you don't understand the concept of using credit cards to your advantage... well... you are not as savvy as you think you are.
And aside form all that, I have credit at my disposal if I'm in a bind and I need it.
I don't buy anything I can't afford. The credit card bill gets paid off at the end of the month. The credit card bill and the rent check are the only things that come out of my checking account.
I've been burned in the past using a debit card. Some asshole bought $400 of stereo shit with my card number. That cash came out of my account. I got it back eventually, but it really sucked. Never again.
nobody will give you a good one at first. You'll have to let 'em fuck you for a bit. If you pay off the balance every month, you won't pay interest anyway, so favor a high interest rate over one with a lower rate and an annual fee. Fuck the annual fee. Once you have a card and use it wisely, you'll be getting applications in the mail like crazy. Eventually you'll get offers that are decent (cash back etc.)
and another thing - it's easier to track your spending every month when it is all on one bill. I can see at a glance that I've spent $800, for example, instead of figuring out what my balance was on the 1st and deducting this bill and that bill and blah blah blah.
and my credit score is pretty damn good too
I don't think there was ever a definitive answer on this question about utilization, but here we go:
>two cards, $5000 max each
>going for 30% utilization
What should you do?
>$1500 on each card
>$3000 on one card
3000 on one card so you pay one minimum fee, not two.
my debt is $0
i dont have a creditcard
I got my house last year with no credit. I got a good rate but fuck is it complicated. Took 60 days to close.
Still never touching credit cards