>But why no OMG?
What is the deal with OMG? Sell me on it.
>XCP while rootstock & sidechains are a >guarantee unless SegWit2x implodes BTC
>sell sell sell
Meh, I have so little in XCP might as well hodl. However, thanks for advice.
>implying advertising will see any form of 'revolution' while the browser industry is dominated by an advertising company
Yes, you are correct, but still...why not hold a lil bit.
>gaming potential
Nobody important will ever use this or any other crypto for game marketplaces or rewards for gameplay. This is a meme perpetuated by a minecraft server mod experiment (which was shut down because it was vulnerable to exploits within the game) and a bunch of Veeky Forums shilling. Digusign is an even worse joke.
Ok, you are right. I fell for the meme. But it is in tier 4 for a reason, pretty much gamble coin.
>Development is very slow. Majority of work comes from a single developer, their "chief technology officer". It's riding the coattails of ETH and is subject to P&D. Downgrade to 4
Hmm, chinks are hardworking and if communist party controls / endorses NEO, it might just work. I will keep it.
>Unless ETH implodes, ERC20 & BNC have been decided on as the industry standards. Downgrade to 4
Ok, will consider. WAVES is pretty crappy, they removed niggercoin.
>Anonymous tokens
>Don't go long on them. Fungibility improvements are constantly on the mind of BTC/ETH & both are making strides towards anonymity through....
Correct on Zcash, but don't they have SegWit allowing future offchain transactions with BTC / LTC? Also, isn't Monero the only one truly fungible coin?
>StorJ falls into dropbox clone territory and is subject to competition from self-hosted services like OwnCloud...
I don't think those services will outcompete AWS/Google Drive, Eth based projects like IexEc, Golem.
>Decentralized and anonymous markets are something I'd keep an eye out for too thanks to drug money.
We will have it on ETH :)