How did Noah repopulate the earth after everyone died from the great flood?
How did Noah repopulate the earth after everyone died from the great flood?
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Have no one taught you how sex works yet?
Massive amounts of incest, but it's OK because their genetic code was 10/10
You have lots of sex and make babies.
He didnĀ“t. His sons did with their wives. They brought them along, according to the Hebrew version of the myth.
>tfw we used to live up to 900 years but then the flood happened and incest brought us down to 90 years if your lucky
His sons lived extremely long lives and had numerous children.
Why the fuck did God let the line of Shem live on?This was by far His biggest mistake.
He didn't because it never happened
Same reason he lets Black Israelite exist, because he has a sense of humour
>wanting to end the Semitic Master race
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>tfw beautiful half-semite half-german
Sephardic Jews are so beautiful
>How did Noah repopulate the earth after everyone died from the great flood?
>Ham (Blacks)
>Shem (Asiatics)
>Japheth (Whites)
What about this is confusing? It explains a lot actually.
Don't forget the serious implication that Ham castrates him after he gets drunk.
Where did Australian Aborigines, Pacific Islanders and Native Americans come from?
> the same person gave birth to a white, a black and an asian
>people unironically believe this
>this one Sephardic Jew is so beautiful
They are objectively the looks of the Jewish race.
Actually Sephardis are bros. Learn to differentiate your jews. Ashkenazis suck, Sephardis are ok.
Is that why people objectively suck
palindrome confirms this to be true
digits confirm
You're out of your mind. The Sephardi are the "Goyim should serve the Jews" types. Ashkenazi are the leftist control the media types.
You're the same fucker that goes in my hell threads and makes shitty circular arguments while posting anime girls.
>no one pointing out that the Hebrew is backwards
Okay, I'll take the bait. What the fuck?
Re-posting after actually reading up the thread.
My guess is that it's just a retard who slapped in a Hebrew to English keyboard and got it backwards. I can't read Arabic, is that backwards as well?
>implying any Non-Semite can understand Semitic rune stones
>north africans
They were survivors of the flood who gathered on the peaks of mountains in Lemuria.
>legitimatley the looks of their goy shiksa concubines that they converted