How the fuck do i capitalize from the upcoming WW3?
How the fuck do i capitalize from the upcoming WW3?
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Don't die
Buy kidscoin
Buy a shit ton of Potassium iodide and other popular anti-radiation material. Hype up the fear of a nuclear strike. Sell your survivor prep materials.
American Military Industry and all the companies that sell to the Military or have a Defense branch
Sell iodine tablets
Guns, ammo, salt, soap, preserved foods, cloth, medicine, and petrol
Better be well armed and guarded too because anyone with a gun is gonna think of robbing your ass blind.
im not even memeing, im from Eastern Europe so if shit goes down it wont affect me much most probably, what would be a good business venture to start?
It's all a scam by trump to make mum's and dads panic and buy up when share prices fall
start a seed bank
It will get much worse for you.
But you want something with a good weight to value ratio. Food will be in short supply as well as clean water. Too heavy. Soap, batteries, recharging services, wildcatting spent rounds, and repairing simple electronics are some good bets. Late game economy, you wanna set up some permanent tinker shop or arsenal.
If you're really concerned, hoard shit that has innate, consumable value. You don't want gold or silver because that's too heavy to carry and doesn't matter when you're starving. Hoarding canned food would be a good investment.
Oh yeah and solar powered charging stations, i forgot to add this
if anything, more jobs will open up as Dumpsters sign up to come home in flag-draped coffins
just buy guns and shoot everyone you see. Then loot their pockets
how do you think potential happening will affect the crypto sphere?will it be a good time to fully invest in it?
You're kidding right? Cryptos will be completely worthless. Most computers will either be EMP fried or completely useless anyways with the loss of power infrastructure and cheap energy. You will be fighting for basic survival. No one wants fucking bytes on a thumb drive they can't turn on anymore. They'll want gold/silver or barter.
in a case of full on nuclear world devastation i guess yes, but lets say that WW3 doesnt happen, only USA and N Korea start a war, what about then?
if it comes down to all that, I live in a major city - I'll die in a flash. beats the slow death of radiation poisoning. Have fun!
NK will get BTFO, South Korea will be devastated by the resulting conventional war, China will probably rush over the Yalu to depose the NK government and propose a negotiated settlement with the angry US because they don't want us on their border, which we will refuse and proceed to try and steamroll the rest of NK. Chinese RMB falls through the floor, prices of goods will inflate, stock markets will be absolutely chaos, cryptos will be long dead by then as everyone will pull out to start liquidating their possessions and stockpile supplies.
There is no world where crypto gains value from IRL geopolitical instability.
Aluminium futures
invest in flag companies - they'll need to be draping plenty of coffins
i was thinking about starting "patriotic" merch and selling it to americans-flags, t-shirts, hats, cups, etc
Raytheon stock
>He think there will be a ww3
You will never make it user, I'm sorry.
holy moly this. also general dynamics, boeing, lockheed and northrop. good luck user, only those who read history and pay attention to trends know war is inevitable once more.
do invest in SPAM
the entire stock market has already mooned
Buy stocks in gun factories
>Be ineligible for the draft
the gold:
>Implying this cuntry gives a shit about other nation's problems
Gonna be watching our nation's footy whilst drinking some VB while the rest of the world whinges like massive cunts
Easy, you just short $EARTH
>Eastern Europe
>Won't effect you
stock up on bitbean
>user, I am starving, we haven't eaten in weeks
>Don't worry baby I have some beans right here
It's just going to be NATO slapping NK's shit. At this point all China will do is make it a spitroast if the Norks chimp out badly enough.
If the South assimilates the North then it's going to put some serious hurt on their economy, in which case shorting EWY or similar might be a good idea (assuming there aren't other plans for NK).
Move to China
are you female?
Don't be ridiculous females cannot think ahead.
OP, buy coffee / energy drinks / other addictives, once shit hits the fan. Imports will be very hard. You will be able to sell at min 5x the price.
Best use, bashuhka storage options.
Computer components, mainly SSDs and anything else containing NAND flash chips.
Samsung, which has 37% market share, has 3 of its 4 main factories well within Best Korea's artillery range (2 in SK, 1 in China close enough to NK's border)
Toshiba/Sandisk which has the second largest market share has its 2 main factories in Japan.
Third is SK Hynix, guess where they're from.
The demand on these has been higher than supply for years now. If even one of those factories gets blown up, prices are going to go up several times.
>Eastern Europe
You're not safe. What do you think Russia is going to do if the US starts a war literally at it's border? They'll assume the US is setting up a satellite state with which it will eventually attack Putinland. Russia, NK, Syria, Iran, and maybe China will form a block, and the JewSA will throw every fighting age male in every NATO country at them. You're going to die in Siberia, bro.
Do people unironically believe there will be a race war?
Buy the dip
>he doesn't read the news
back to r3ddit schlomo
Yes I do. did you hear there's gonna be a new champ reveal in league? I BET YOU DIDN'T
abandon fiat and dump everything into crypto
Buy AND Sell water
>implying people will value imaginary internet points when fire rains down from the skies
Buy military stocks.
The Rothschilds' plan for WW3 is between the West and the Islamic world of the Middle East.
sell nukes to norks
Buy shares in $ITA, or look at its portfolio and get a few companies ($BA, $LMT) that are really good.