Invented farming

>Invented farming
>Invented slavery
>Invented warfare
>Invented complex hive structure
>All done millions of years ago while humans were just apes throwing poop at each other
Are ants the smartest beings in existence? And if so why did they stop advancing and get overtaken by ape people? were they too small to domesticate animals?

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Ants are the next step in evolution, organisms started out with single cells, then became multicelled, and will soon become multianimal

ants arnt flying round in space

>invented farming

Just did some research on that. That's pretty impressive. Do the ants do it intentionally knowing it's going to provide them food or are they just following pheromones.

My favorite history tv show told me otherwise. Checkmate.

1) invented warfare ? Explanation needed.
2) Who said progress is a good thing ? We are burning our ressources without thinking about tomorrow (by a few decades, farming will be impossible due to sterilisation), whereas ants only build enough to survive. I think the animals (and ancient greeks) are smarter than us because they conceive a society without progress.

Individual ants aren't comparable to humans, the "unit" of antdom is the hive.

>2) Who said progress is a good thing ?

He asked, on the internet, as he stuffed his face with cheap, abundant food.

Some ants colony usually deploy some kinds of advanced warfare when they fight another colony: scouting, ambushes, slaves raids

theyre not actually smart though its not intelligence that allows for such intricate organization but the lack thereof.

This of course assumes a human-centric intelligence, which many would argue isnt necessarily fair since there are other ways to do things "intelligently" even if you dont think about it like a human does. Dolphins and octopus are creative like us to an extent, but lack a cerebral cortex to actually reason and understand themselves apart from the universe. Cats are curious like us, but not in a productive way but rather as entertainment so they dont take steps forward in that regard like us.

Ants cant reason why they do things, theyre barely more than a plant or the leaves they eat when it comes to actual intelligence, their DNA is just really good at reproducing, like a virus or bacteria.

Its likely early humans learned a lot from ants, maybe they stole some of these ideas from them even, but humans can actually contemplate what theyre doing which is how we define intelligencem

They haven't stop. And yes, some of them have already domesticate animals, a specie of aphid

Certain ant species will kill the other hive's queen and enslave the other hive's population.


if we're talking pop numbers the ants are winning by a long shot, they coexist with us better than most things

Ants are cucks.
Work all day for a Queen to get fucked by another ant.

ants don't have art

humans > ants

hey but imagine being one of the male fuckbois that gets to fuck the queen all day er day

>Invented slavery

How can you invnet slavery if you're alsl slaves

the problem with ants is the cold winters, they have to start from scratch every season
If only they could learn to work metals...

Why didn't you address his point?

Didn't know, thanks.
As said, you don't answer me. The Internet is maybe great, but to use it we have to run nuclear plants that could explode at any second. The food is cheap in price, but as I said, it won't be possible in a few decades. We live in a "enchanted parenthesis" (as we say in France), but we may create a hell for our followers. The ants consume what they need whereas we "stuff our mouths" with crap, so maybe they're more intelligent than us.
But they have domesticated aphids. You just domesticate something your size.

Actually you'd fuck her once and die. Though, if that's any consolation I don't think male ant's dicks break off and they die like male bees do.

its gotta be the best fuck in the universe tho. Youre literally born for it, imagine that.
>young user, you are fucktoy, 1 time use. make it count, make ur mum proud and get over here

>As said, you don't answer me.

Because your statement is so stupid it doesn't require an answer. "HURR mebbe progres iz bad??" is the kind of moronic comment that deserves nothing but contempt.

This. They will "farm" aphids and mealybugs for the "honeydew" they poop out. They will take a non-mobile bug, such as mealybugs who PHYSICALLY CANNOT TRAVEL, and place them on plants closely spaced -- like our own farms, and even take them down during the day when their foods' predators are out.

They also have figured out they are more closely related to the ants the queen lays than their own grand kids, and enforces the hive structure in this way. Ant males are haploid and the females diploid, so when a regular female makes a male, it only transfers half of her genetic code-- which makes it half as related to the rest of the colony as the queen's males.

Also, they will enforce their culture by bullying and killing ants that try to stray from the structure they've created, much like bees.

Ants are smart AF, they're just hyper-specialized.

Fuck you, moron. You didn't give a single argument. If progress is obviously a good thing (and I emotionally think so), giving arguments wouldn't be such an effort, would it ?


Nice repost you dumb insect.

You don't deserve the time wasted to type out a proper response. You're an idiot, you dumb frog.

Do you think you worth the ressource you waste ? Who's the most idiotic, for fuck sake ? I can admit that the answer is me, if you're not to lazy to actually give arguments other than "idiot".

>farming will be impossible in a few decades

forgot to add
>with nuclear arsenal pointed at his country at any given moment

>I would much prefer to live in a cave with no nuclear arsenal pointed at me

The difference between having nuclear weapons pointed at your cointry and having the Roman Legion at your gates is that nuclear weapons won't necessarily kill you and everyone you know, effectively wiping your people and culture from the face of the earth

I can safely live in a wooden house while not having nuclear arsenal pointed at me
nice false cause though

Intensive farming. Because of sterilisation. There's a UN report about that. Google is your friend.
Who talked about the roman legion ? Who talked about a cave ? If the human progress stalled at the European 18th century (for example), there would be a limited growth, no industrialization and waste of ressources, and limited pollution. The world would be shitty, but wouldn't be as screwed up as it is today.

I'm sorry, what was your point in the other post?
You seemed to imply that while the comfort of modern life is nice, it comes hand in hand with nuclear warfare, and that would be a bad aspect of "progress".

Not all progress is a good thing, even you progressives would agree pollution and climate change is a bad thing

I was the one who talked about nuclear plants, and that they are kinda dangerous. But that's just an exemple of how we fuck up the planet. About nuclear warfare, I think we can exterminate each other with swords, so I don't think it fits well in this debate.

top zozzle

Nuclear Plants aren't fucking 'dangerous' and are the best energy solution we have. It's idiots who think they are 'SOOO DANGEROUS' that mean we'll never have true use of Nuclear Power and will continue to use coal and fossil fuels until we choke the planet to death and run out of dead dinosaurs to use.

Oh, I agree. But it means we produce these crappy nuclear wastes, and we expose ourselves to very serious issues (see Tchernobyl). Nuclear fusion will be pretty cool, I guess.

Chernobyl was caused by shitty planning and education caused by the degenerative state of the USSR at it's end.

I can only think of 3 Nuclear Power Plant incidents in history that were anything to be alarmed about, rare as shit in comparison to the amount we have.

And Nuclear Power's waste creation is way better than the amount of pollution caused by other power plants. Besides, we're not far from having different types of plants that produce less, easier to deal with types of waste.

But of course because no one wants to fund Nuclear Plants because MUH SCARY RADIATION, we're not going to get shit like new thorium reactors.

>we're not far from having different types of plants that produce less, easier to deal with types of waste.
Are you talking of deuterium/tritium fusion ?

we got antz in space but we got no brothas on the moon? buuwshit

The Ant Empire contributed and had accomplishments