Nice! Just sent 100k

Nice! Just sent 100k

Other urls found in this thread:

Well I guess that's 100k ETH burned then.

How do i do this do I need an Ethereum wallet?

You can create one at

then get some ETH.
Send it to the contract address.

Then you'll get YoshiCoins

And you can then add the YoshiCoin ticker to your wallet by clicking the add custom token

Put in the contract address
the symbol: YC
and decimals: 0

aaaa, my ethereum wallet is taking forever to sync, can I pay from my jaxx address and ask you to send the YoshiCoins to my real address? I think jaxx can't store ERC20 tokens. Though I'm not sure.

so this shit will never be added to exchanges since they won't create multiple hot wallets for one coin? nice.

Proud owner of 1 YoshiCoin
Thanks user

Are you honestly salty that Yoshi Coin, a novelty coin created in a biz thread, will not be on Bittrex?

You are welcome. :P

Thank you. lol

Okay, I solved it, nevermind

Getting it on EtherDelta soon.

OP, can I get into the team? I dont mind making the real website instead of wixishit

Is there a way I can contact you? And are you sure Yoshi or that art of the coin isn't trademarked?

This seems about as legit as this thing going on that reddit is all excited over..pass

Sure, go to the website and join the slack.
YoshiDev went to sleep, but he'll read your message when he gets up.
He's already stated that he doesn't do websites and would like some help.


Any free gibs?

50 coins gone already?

Slack workgroup and chat:


I kinda want a coin but I dont think I can be bothered setting up a myetherwallet knwoing i'lllose a fractionof ethererum through transfer fees

Here's the most recent fee for a single coin purchase.
Actual Tx Cost/Fee: 0.00325264 Ether ($0.95)
